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Musicians/Musical Related
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Thread replies: 84
Thread images: 64
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This thread will ROCK \m/
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Sex Pistols
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Jean Lemon
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My boy Pete
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Robert Johnson
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DIIIIIIIIOOOOOOO [how he spoke irl]
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Guitar Wizard. That all I'm posting at the moment. Reach deep into your files and give what you can, anon. There are musically starved people in totalitarian countries that restrict this kind of music.
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Brian May (2).jpg
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Schenker signing autographs after a show a couple years ago.
So... Did the devil nab him?
Do you know what kind of guitar that is to the left of him?
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Guthrie bumming a smoke after a show.
When you make a deal with the devil, the devil collects... I would say it was worth it
Its a Fender of some sort. More likely than not it s Stratocaster.
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James Dean had rock and roll attitude before anyone knew what that was. I would categorize him as a rock icon.
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My top 5 bands:
5. White Stripes
4. Rancid
2. Led Zeppelin
1. Beatles

Just thought I would share
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The Beatles suck.

OK they don't suck, but as soon as you hear a single bar you know the entire song.

I guess simple was the word I was looking for.

Just thought I'd share.
>2.Led Zeppelin
>muh sex
>muh drugs and political bullshit
only the two most overrated bands in existence. Your father should have called you a faggot to your face hourly.
3. Led Zeppelin
2. Queen
1. Pink Floyd
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David Bowie.jpg
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oxygen is precious, your body cannot live without it for long. If i were you I wouldn't waste it telling people what bands you thought were overrated
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you may not be gay, you may not have a bad music taste, but you will die alone and be forgotten and no one will care who you thought was underrated or if you knew about animal collective since strawberry jam.
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fuck you and your madvilliany physical copy there is a beautiful sky above the ground
everyone dies alone and if youre projecting that the only reason you listen to these bands is because people will remember you in regards to that fact then you should literally kill yourself.

furthermore, if this wasnt purely a dad rock bait thread, I dont know what is.
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Your humble anon at Morrison's grave in Paris. Pere Lachaise is a really creepy cemetery, highly recommended.
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Yes, I'm an ancient fag and my print got all fucked up.

ARMS concert, Cow Palace SF Dec 1983.

Page sounded like shit, Clapton played boring music well and Beck kicked ass. Page still far and away the best musician.
Not exactly rock, but Dirty Diana had el-guitars :D


Michael rocked nontheless.
Why are the graves all so close to each other? Why ais there slabs of rock next to Morrisons grave?
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Pere Lachaise is really old and crowded. Those "slabs" are the walls of pre-existing tombs.

I would demur with anon's opinion that it's creepy; when I visited it was overrun with tourists. There are nicer cemeteries in Paris worth visiting; Montparnasse for example.
You are only cementing the stereotype that Millennials are horrible people with posts like these.
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OP here, just thought I would add I'm 23, studied history in college and have played guitar for 7 years. I think Beatles and Zep are the best for their creativity, influence, and historic significance. Western music would be so different if it wasn't for them.
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Zep live at Royal Albert Hall 1970: Page's Birthday. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiEZ9LQoMtiWgd2LukE9vR6zXvcGLDE5h
I was born in '73, you cunt. I've lived through their era and only in the early 80s did music run away from the silly horseshit that is 60-70s drugwave. Im no anti drugfag, but Led Zeppelin and The Beatles are the equivalent of Judd Apatow and Seth Rogan films.
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my husbando
A Jeff beck strat
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Here's anon hanging out the window of room 32 at the Alta Cienaga Motel, where Jimmy lived for a couple years.
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>Shit tier music thread
show me something then, Skrillex
>having wrong opinions

You might say that, but you haven't spent the past eight decades in a pit of burning sulfur having pineapples rammed up your bottom.
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>no Gilbert
shame on all of you

listen to Fuzz Universe right now
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>who's this guitar-playing sonsa bitch? ", is a question common asked.
>On his head a bucket of chicken bones, on his face a plastic mask.
>He's the bastard son of a preacher man, on the town he left a stain.
>They made him live in a chicken house to try to and hide the shame.

>He was born in a coop, raised in a cage. children fear him, and critics rage.
>He's half alive, he's half dead. folks just call him buckethead.
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the man with his Deltones
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get you soma' dat Frankenstein Brothers - Bolt On Neck, too
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>that feel when in this thread
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>This thread will ROCK
no Rock sucks
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>yo mane, I got an idea
>lets do a shit ton of blow and listen to horns and shitty drums for hours on end
>and when the joint closes, we open up da white women
wew, Train, the mane with the pain in his vein the size of a cane, you sho is sophisticated an shit!
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I like both rock and jazz but this made me laugh
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Jeff Buckley
Thread replies: 84
Thread images: 64

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