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You are currently reading a thread in /hm/ - Handsome Men

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File: gay-spanking-blog.jpg (193 KB, 720x405) Image search: [Google]
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Anyone into spanking? I just love seeing a boi's ass all red and helpless. Extra points if it's a straight boy being spanked.
File: hxl_scene31_6.jpg (108 KB, 1100x733) Image search: [Google]
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More pics to get it started
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Another hot pic
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File: 5003 (519).jpg (47 KB, 330x254) Image search: [Google]
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>No big strong bear bf to spank me, when I don't finish cleaning our house before he gets home from work.
Why live
One of my favorites

Same though :'(
Anyone got Nick from Tropixxx?
He was my absolute fave.

A beautiful ass

Some of the models at spankingstraightboys are pretty nice looking, but I haven't found anything online. Anyone have anything for Bryce or Chris?

There are like eight public videos of Nick at http://www.myvidster.com/profile/mdass . Just search for Nick and go through the related videos because some of them don't have his name in the title.
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