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ITT: Michael Sanford
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You are currently reading a thread in /hm/ - Handsome Men

Thread replies: 41
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This hot hunk of meat just tried to assassinate Trump but failed. Can anyone track down more pics of him?
Poor baby. He looks kinda qt too. Hopefully Hillary pardons him after she takes office and gives him a medal for trying.
That's not how the world works sweety
No one said it was hunni-dumplin'.
He should have went after Hillary
Why the fuck would a president give a pardon to someone who tries to assassinate a presidential candidate?
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nice try kiddo.
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As a Trumpite, I can't help but notice all his would be assasins like that bomb-boy are all scrawny pretty boys.

As such, being a fervernt supporter who will earn his place in the Trumpire, I will work with the executive branch and become the Obertrumpenhauptführer of the Dissident Homo Purge Agency, and shall see to it that the new Trumpensraum is free from such twinkie subversives and send them to the
Südausland, where the trial, conviction and execution of sentence will take place by the swarthy hoards of Mexican narco detainees kept in the pit.

Of course the convicted will first be placed in a red skirt with pink panties, mascara and lipstick before being dropped in the pit with the inmates. Then the Trump Network will broadcast the execution of sentence on Pay-Per-View.
If anyone should get a pardon like that, it's sweet Dzhokhar. They're going to let that little angel whither away in prison before finally butchering him. It's a waste, not only of state resources, but also of his youth. His sentence ought to be suspended and he should serve his time under house arrest. I'd volunteer my own residence and serve as guard, all free of charge. I'd see to it that he'd receive daily (non-lethal) injections and hot meals (force-fed, if necessary...and sometimes when not necessary). I'd be firm, but fair. <3
Hopefully he gets raped by some big black guys or a gang of mexicans, maybe he will wake up from his socialist baby dream
hell yeah yet another non-porn related fucking discussion thread on a porn board. go back to redit youshits
This kid knows the truth !!

Why not post sexy pictures of Trump and his sons instead. Sorry I don't have any.
There is no such thing as sexy pictures of the trumps.
>Sorry I don't have any.
Hot hunk? The guy's been living in his car for the last year.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/06/21/michael-steven-sandford-a-british-immigrant-allegedly-confessed-that-he-tried-to-kill-trump.html yw
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Instead of gawking at that failure twink, let's admire that beefcake that's man-handling him. Check out dat ass.
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sigh. so close. better luck next time i guess.
>after she takes office
Keep dreaming, kiddo.
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Nah. people like that really are that retarded. This is the first election they've ever paid any attention to, and they think Trump will literally bring about the apocalypse. Basically, take the feelings your average Trump supporter has toward HIllary, then take away the smug confidence he'll sweep the floor with her, and take away the old, fat, and laziness, and that's how you get people like this guy.

This is going to be one hell of an election season, and fuck if I care who wins. I'm going to enjoy the ride.
thats how MY WORLD works you filthy whore!
so apparently he was armed with a bushmaster AR-15 variant, 15 loaded 30 rd magazines a 12 guage shotgun and 4 hi capacity pistols
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>This is going to be one hell of an election season, and fuck if I care who wins. I'm going to enjoy the ride.

I can't wait.
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fuck that excessive bodyhaired muslim shitsmear
Ugh, he's SO hot, one of the hottest convicts I've ever seen, it's sad that he's serving a life sentence in prison, he's too hot and too intelligent for it.
you could get yourself convicted of something and hopefully be incarcerated with him, or you may end up with Bubba...
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a scrawny little shit that was seen walking away from innocent people he had murdered smiling.

There are plenty of men in the world. If you have to settle for pictures of whacko low lifes in media that think its funny to kill people trying to have fun, you truly are pathetic and should excuse yourself from the living. Not because of the murderers values, but because you would settle for it.
if youre all serious, why not find his prison address and send him photos/be a penpal
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Wow, that's the best picture I've ever seen of that kid. Most others he looks like a greasy little slime-ball, i.e. exactly how you'd imagine Trump's kid would look.
By the end of Trump's second term he'll be a qt3.14
>Screencap this
if you think trump will win you need antipsychotics desu
Good thing your opinion means shit :3
why does it always have to be some scrawny white cuck. latinos dont do this stupid shit. fuck all yall
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But that's what's so great anon.
She's winning in my dreams AND irl.
Thread replies: 41
Thread images: 14

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