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Did he ruin 3000 years of history?
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Did he ruin 3000 years of history?
Nah. Industrialized Western Intrusion meeting Stagnant Qing China did.

Chinks became critical of their traditional culture. Mao & the Reds just took it a step further.

Remember: Communism is Eurocentric.
We Wuz Qingz empire did. He ruined any chance of a restoration (however unlikely..) under a Nationalist govt tho.
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I'd say the Mongols fucked China so hard that they still haven't recovered. Same with Russia, except China was actually great (tm) before the Mongoling and probably would've been a technological powerhouse for centuries if not for Genghis Khan.

Mao, for all his fuckups, gave China the most stable government the Chinese have had for centuries.
Maoism rejected Euro-centric Marxist communism

You can't destroy history.
He did. It's funny, though, how most Western historians still love him after that.

It just proves that most historians do not actually love history. They love communism.
>You can't destroy history.
watch me

I want to live in your world.
I wouldn't
Uh, no. That'd be Sun Yat-Sen. Are you idiots really going to revise history to the extent that Mao was responsible for the 1911 Revolution?
What do you mean by this?
I didn't feel strongly about Mao in the past, but after taking an East Asia history course I fucking hate him. But what's even worse is how the modern world sucks China's dick for its modernization and economic boom, when there is really a great divide between the major cities that suck money out of the globalized economy and the hinterlands where things are barely advanced from the times of the Cultural Revolution.
Mao tried to kill the people that helped along whatever modernization and economic boom happened in the Deng era to begin with.

He's still an idiot though. Turns out life's not a shounen anime and being (ideologically) pure of heart doesn't automatically create functioning industry.
dude a smelter in every backyard lmao
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sun yat-sen wasn't trying to eradicate chinese culture with a cultural revolution
>trying to equate a nationalist savior with a communist whippersnapper


Cmon mang

Real talk, Sunyat should have won. If the US had gotten involved we could have had the strongest alliance against marxism ever: China and the US in unison as democracies? Fug
Mao is pretty much the reason I'm not proud of being Chinese.
Well considering China is in line to be the most powerful nation of earth. I would say no.
That wasn't the question, also
>le china wirr rure the worrd meme
25 years ago people feared Japan would become the most powerful nation of earth. They still haven't gotten there.
This is the problem with cuck chinks. If I were the Ming or any dynasty after horse niggers I would have made it my mission to kill every last one and populate the stepped with han chinks. If a baby even looked at a horse the mongol way I'd have them thrown down a well.
>Mao, for all his fuckups, gave China the most stable government the Chinese have had for centuries.
What? The Qing ruled 268 years, the Ming ruled 275, the Song ruled over 300. Even the Mongols/Yuan ruled for nearly a century.

The China Mao built has existed for 67 years. It seems to be holding together thus far, but there's still an awful lot of time before you can say that the current China is the most stable it's had.
>the qing """""""""""ruled""""""""""" 268 years

Oh come on, all dynasties have a period of decline, some longer than others. The song was in decline for about half the time they existed. Even assuming the rise of the QIng started with the end of Wu Sangui's rebellion and its decline started with the opium war we're still looking at over 150 years of relative stability.
I'm Chinese American and I'm proud regardless. Why not you?
>spooks and cuck morality
Nah. The end result ended with modern day China so its not too bad.

Really what fucked up China more was the Taiping rebellion due to that guy thinking he was Christ.
You mean modern china is a good thing?
You think last 100 years of Qing rule was good?

Thousand flee from shithole named Zhongguo, flooding Southeast Asia with yellow peril.
Ming was an agricultre-centric shithole.
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>not Yuan Shikai
Decades ago, no one would thought an isolationist country would be a hegemon.

Look at USA today.
He did destroy thousands of historical buildings in China. He bulldozed and tore down huge chunks of history because he claimed they represented a barrier to modernization.
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Yuan official riding a horse.jpg
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Its still Eurocentric.
>I'd say the Mongols fucked China so hard that they still haven't recovered
M8, the meme "The Mongols fucked X so hard they still haven't recovered," applies to the Middle East alone (and even then its false), because the Islamic Cunts who lived there fought the Mongs with suicidal fury.

China in comparison was less ravaged after their time fighting the Mongs than Muslims, if you can discount the destruction of the Jin. Heck, the Yuan invasion of Southern Song was basically a Mongol-led Chinese Army VS. another Chinese Army.

Once the Yuan Dynasty was in place, China was back running again as if nothing happened. There's a reason why in Chinese history, Genghiz Khan is the "Mad Barbarian who destroyed everything," while Kubilai was "Enlightened Barbarian who restored things to order, but was still a Mong."

Only problem the Yuan dynasty had really was that stupid race-based caste system that placed the Chinese at the bottom and the forcing of the two thrones: they want to be both Mongol Khan and Chinese Emperor. Had the Yuan followed the Qing route and ditched the Mongol act altogether they wouldve lasted longer. So the first bad emperor they had, poof, their legitimacy was gone.
If your argument is that countries nobody are expecting to become powerful become powerful, then China clearly isn't in the running anymore than Japan was.
Japan is basically a satellite of the US, why would you expect a country that can't manage affairs independently to become a great power?

Japan only waged really low level economic warfare against the US in the 80's (bite the hand that feeds you, great work LDP) and I suppose you could that anime has ruined a small subsection of Western youth.
>why would you expect a country that can't manage affairs independently to become a great power?
Because issues of dependence can change with time? A century ago China was also a barely-independent nation whose national affairs was often dictated by foreign powers.

Either way, the belief came on the basis of its economic success in the 1980s as the second largest economy up until the crash in the 90s. China's economic success also seems to be the reason why people are convinced China is in the running to be a great power. Funny how things have gone on the markets of the nation supposedly in line to be the most powerful nation of earth.
>So I told Yuan Shih Kai to crown himself as emperor
>he actually did it, the absolute madman
It's not only China's economic success, but their rising military power and their attempts to be on the top of academia, technology, etc.

Japan /was/ a great power that rose from almost nothing. And this might be fetishizing East Asian culture, but East Asian countries have the strongest cultural foundations after the West to establish nations that have the power and organization to compete with the West itself.
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