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>expecting the government to help you out with welfare >not
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>expecting the government to help you out with welfare
>not realising that for most of 6000 years of human history our social and economic dynamics have been primarily based upon social darwinism
Darwinism is a myth.
>all things should stay the same and never change because i say so

People back then had extended family networks they could rely on. Divorce, debt, and media-approved selfishness have destroyed extended family networks.
"[The Bourgeois Darwinists] claimed that only the extermination of all the weak is in accordance with nature and that it is necessary to prevent the deterioration of the race, while protection of the weak is unnatural and leads to degeneration. But what do we see? In nature itself, in the animal world, we find that the weak are protected, that they don't need to persist by their individual strength, and that they are not exterminated due to their individual weakness. And this arrangement does not weaken a group in which it is the rule, but strengthens it. The animal groups in which mutual aid is best developed maintain themselves best in the struggle for existence."
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