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Historical War Photos
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Thread replies: 10
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File: IMG_20160312_0002a.jpg (2 MB, 2920x2292) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2920x2292
Hello, /his/. I recently came across an old photo album in storage and thought I'd share it. Anyone who has an interest in historical photos from WW2 and the Korean War are getting 100% OC out of this.

I can't post them here because the files are over 4MB each. I don't want to resize the scans since it would remove a lot of the little details in the backgrounds like on the planes, and some of the photos are nsfw anyway. I posted them on a file hosting site just for personal ease of batch uploading. If you are interested by all means have a look before they expire.

The man who took these photos never saw the digital age, but I'm sure he'd have been delighted to share them with you all. The photos were property of M.Sgt. David T. (Mutzy) Mutzabaugh Sr., 23rd Aviation Depot Squadron.

Photos: https://
My father's dying wish was for his old war photos to never again see the light of day.
Why was that?
That's not the OP. He's making a joke as if to say the soldier's son was told to never show anyone the photos.
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i'll contribute
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this is now a vietnam thread
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File: bomb-exploding-in-moat-P.jpg (506 KB, 1038x539) Image search: [Google]
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Thread replies: 10
Thread images: 7

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