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Who are closest descendants of Alexander the Great and his soldiers?
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File: It's 320 BC Come on!.jpg (371 KB, 936x1456) Image search: [Google]
It's 320 BC Come on!.jpg
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Who are closest descendants of Alexander the Great and his soldiers?
nobody because he was a fucking faggot that liked dicks and semen in his mouth.
Alexander was bisexual.
I bet you wouldn't say that to his face.
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He was bisexual and had wife. Bisexual > Homosexual.
Is that the current head of House Bonaparte cause it looks like him.
That's the current Prime Minister of Canada.
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>Three Pakistani populations residing in northern Pakistan Burusho, the Pathan, and the Kalash claim descent from Greek soldiers associated with Alexander's invasion of southwest Asia. A study by Qamar et al. (2002) found that even though "no support for a Greek origin of their Y chromosomes was found" in the Kalash, Greek Y-chromosome admixture could be as high as 20% to 40%

The main question is: even if they're lying and they aren't Alexander's army, why would they claim that they are?
See my instincts told me Trudeau but my spirit wanted it to be Bonaparte. Thanks anon.
Probably Macedonians. Also Alexander was a manlet unworthy of any respect who went on a rampage across Asia because he couldn't get any pussy, both female vagina and boipussies.
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>Probably Macedonians
Why did you delete the first post
>why would they claim that they are?
To brag of "royal" blood of course.
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Anyone who have the Macedonoid gene, the progenitor of the White race.

>say that to his face
Well, he'd have to stoop or else he would be talking over Alexander The Manlet's head
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Ancient Greeks didn't believe in being defined by one's sexual preference.

Although for different reasons, I'll say that >>845633 is right; he left no heir.

Moving on. Well for one, Egypt was a massive Greco-Roman orgy until the Arabs showed up, and still is in parts (hence Egyptians who are Coptic, not Islamic). Notwithstanding the Roman/Byzantine occupation, I'm sure a lot of Egyptians had direct blood of Alexander's guys.
Literally the only thing in common is the poses. Not sure if some sort of bait.
Citation needee, jackass. Pretty sure it was hetero as fuck for the most part.
>Citation needed regarding the subject of homosex being common in Ancient Greece

While you're at it, do you also want proof that the sky is blue?
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The guy who started "gender fluid" is also a projecting gay pedophile who use gay romance novel as source to prove that ancient greece was gay

and that's where they get that stuff
I see nothing Alexander and the Cucklord have in common other than similar haircut. Different brow shape, different nose shape, different chin, different mouth.
>The main question is: even if they're lying and they aren't Alexander's army, why would they claim that they are?
What else have they got to brag about? Being muslims in a country with no running water or toilets?
Okay, keep trying to pretend homos are "normal" by inserting them into history so it looks like we didn't always consider them degenerates and evolutionary leaps backwards.
And besides even the Romans made fun of Greeks for even having homos, why? Because it's degenerate and retarded.
The Kalash look like Slavs rather than Greeks, could be some descendants of Eastern European slaves the muslims brought there in ancient times.
Oh, you're a /pol/ autist. I see.
At this point I'd say everybody alive is probably descendant of 3-4 of Alexanders companion/diadochi
>Okay, keep trying to pretend homos are "normal"
It's funny because nobody was talking of homos, kek.
none of those populations ever claimed descent from alexander until the fucking anglo scum made up the whole thing. first the parasite tried to convince the pashtuns that they were descendants of greek armies from alexander's time. this is because many pashtuns in the high mountain valleys of hindukush have light hair and eyes. even though the greeks are not a people known to have such traits. this shows a firstly a complete lack of knowledge about greek phenotypes and secondly it shows that the anglo is a strange beast that cannot imagine that other things might have happened in this land in the last 2300 years since the supposed invasion of alexander. this is typical european mentality born of vanity. like christian fundamentalist that must measure history based on the bible, the euro thinks that because he has no knowledge of anything happening in the 2300 years since alexander, therefore, nothing must have happened. this is like a small child who, when playing hide and seek, covers his eyes and thinks no one else can see him. such mentality in adults is born of worship of the goddess of vanity.

the pashtuns were muslims and were too large in numbers and too martial and unyeilding for the anglo parasite to impose his version of history and identity upon them. the pashtuns denied this anglo claim so the anglo moved on the next logical population.

the kalash was the next pick of the wet dreams of the anglo race. the kalash were extremely small in number and not very martial. but most importantly the kalash were not muslims. so the anglo began writing tall tales about the kalash and sent them back to his homeland. where they became well known. over time, even some kalash began repeating anglo tales about descent from greeks. the thing about the kalash is that their rate of blondeness is no more than that of their surrounding muslim population. infact there are muslim pop further north of kalash that have much higher rate of blondeness than them. (cont)

i would like to see the Y-dna evidence that links them to the greeks. also, i do not think that the man in your picture is a kalash.

the only evidence of alexander invading this area is from greek texts. it is simply absent from local folklore or history written by the local of indus valley. is his invasion was such a monumental event, why is there no mention of it anywhere in the local texts.

the perfidy of the anglo is such that not only did he invent a lie about kalash ancestory, he attribute the lie to the kalash and then did his damn best to convince the few kalash in the world that they were greeks. all the while telling the world that they had found some greeks, just to satiate their vanity. the anglo is the true jew of this world. he is the mahabanya.
the kalash are not muslims faggot. and the pashtuns would rather piss on a european than pretend to be one.
and what muslims would those be. plenty of eastern euros and people of afghan-pak are descended from the same central asian horse riding, bow and arrow shooting population. and there have been many invasions of these people over the centuries.
eating pussy doesn't absolve you from sucking dicks, faggot.
This. Slavs have their origins in the assimilation of iranian tribes (scytian, sarmatians and alans) and finnic tribes in the north in a slavic cultural framework. Blonde and light skin people in Afghanistan and Pakistan come from the same iranian (not persian) stock, thus you have people in Pakistan that look straight outta Warsaw. The greeks described Scytians as being light skinned redheads as well.
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