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ITT: Figures that remind you of yourself For me it's Markus
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File: marcus_aurelius.jpg (76 KB, 556x743) Image search: [Google]
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ITT: Figures that remind you of yourself

For me it's Markus Aurelius - intelligent, stoic and with a wicked sense of humor.
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Pyrrhus of Epirus.jpg
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I'd go with Pyrrhus of Epirus
Smart, cynical, with some mean jokes.

A drunk, wicked, angry cunt who died too early
ITT we stroke our egos and compare ourselves to great men who achieved, while we sit on 4chan.
And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Wicked Sense of Humor
Which great philosopher had a cynical sense of humor and understood the meaningless of social conventions and how all of it is a joke? Someone with an igualitarian sensibility who was way ahead of his time?

What the fuck.
C is a hard c anyway, doesn't really matter.
Yes it matters, the Romans almost never used the letter K.
Who the fuck cares Romans are dead now
how's high school going?
What does it cost you to not completely fuck up his name? Can't you humor a fellow historian's autism? Using K makes it look Greek or something, the Vietnamese of European languages.
Gaius Mucius
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>One of the greatest kings of Greece
>Feels like a badass
>Looks like a badass
>Tries to be a badass
>Rome happens
>Actually not a badass at all, gets his shit kicked in even in victory
>Aeacid bully not so tough after being raped
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I'm lonely and I love femboys
Ah, so that's where the Pyrrhic victory term came from.
Yeah. Pyrrhus managed to hold back the Roman Legion, but his army and coffers were devastated in the process. The Romans meanwhile had ample means to reinforce and plenty of resources, so the effects of the losses were barely felt.
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If you love farmland so much, why don't you conquer the barbarian savages for it?
me too cuz i like kewl hats
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Wicked sense of humor
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Wilhelm II.
>Cousins have achieved great things
>Personally not that good at anything
>In no way deserving of what I have in life
>slightly autistic
>That hat
I bet this guy loved playing Golf
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Intelligent, good administrator and with a wicked sense of humor.
I'd have to go with Wilhelm II
Like him, one of my hands is smaller than the other.
>The Vietnamese of European Languages
what a bizarre statement
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>Maximilien Robespierre
underrated puzzle
The Vietnamese didn't provide any culture to Asia though. I'd say Tibetan (the people and language of secret Buddhism) is a stand in for Greek.
Underage, leave. Faggot.
>hand on hips

Did they really bang?
General Custer.
childish humor
sophisticated upbringing
affinity for music and the divine
crushes puss
Isn't he the one who got pissed on?
>whole thread without DIOGENES

No, it's just that English isn't my first language.
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>dumbass who destroyed the great career path he had
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I smoke and am also 5'4"
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Kanye and Mr Skeltal fugged?
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Annex - Garbo, Greta (Love)_04.jpg
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Greta Garbo
>rejected the classical female gender role
its a meme you dip
>wicked sense of humor.
Where does this meme come from anyway?
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SJW get off my board
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Genghis Khan

Didn't go to school
Practiced archery
Nietzsche - Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
I am a modern version of Mao Zedong

>high iq
>wicked sense of humour
Not really, have you heard how ugly they both are?
When will they learn?
What's your response to the thread: what figure reminds you of yourself?
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You'd prefer a pre-war movie reference but anyway:
>good instincts despite early pessimism
>prodigy (at least by our standards) in a field I respect but found too specialist and stressful to continue
>always well-liked by everyone in a tepid way but find it hard to relate, end up preferring loneliness and hermit life
>chronic reader, albeit not to blindness-inducing levels
>live a simple but cosy life through inheritance
>tend towards synthesizing, devil's advocate, variation
>love music, classicism, healthy activities
If you've got the mustache too; let's do this
Do you make internet friends?
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Not really, but it's nice to know another anon can appreciate Garbo (especially in the mixture of liking Garbo AND philosophy). You seem like a great person.
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Self-absorbed fourteen year olds
Also autistic
>this is my first day on 4chan and I can't recognize memes
But there are no other girls on here and any boys I've tried to be friends with just get angry with me and delete me for some reason ,_,

also Bara is better.
>Bara, also known by the wasei-eigo construction "Men's Love", is a Japanese technical term for a genre of art and fictional media that focuses on male same-sex love usually created by gay men for a gay audience.

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>wicked sense of humor.
Tits or gtfo
Sex? My dick is like Afrika Korps. Ain't big but lead by a genius.
Marcus Aurelius for me too

>No real passion for my work
>Does it anyway because I think I'm obligated to
>Obviously depressed, but cover it up with philosophy
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my vagina.jpg
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It's Africa. It won't visit anything moist for quite some time, buddy.
Theda Bara is a pre-war actress also.


>sense of humor
maybe unintentional
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Donald Trump

>dashingly handsome
>wicked sense of humour
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Women don't exist on the Internet.
Women have no use in life but subservience to men and to provide biological continuation.
For me, hit biþ Ælfræd cyning - wis, stearc, ond mid þæm egefulum witte
15 yo american high school student who's 1/16th norweigan detected
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I'm surprised no one else has posted this yet
Jesus Christ
>dashing good looks
>gorgeous flowing hair
>literally God
>objectively the best human in the world
>all should bow down and follow me
>did nothing between 13 and 30 of any note
>implying that bara isn't also good

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>had a wicked sense of the humors
You're a hobo who masturbates in public and makes Plato shit himself in rage?
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Thread replies: 84
Thread images: 29

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