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Pictures of famous people while they were young. >No modern
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You are currently reading a thread in /his/ - History & Humanities

Thread replies: 69
Thread images: 34
File: guess who.jpg (65 KB, 352x480) Image search: [Google]
guess who.jpg
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Pictures of famous people while they were young.

>No modern celebrities. The person must be currently dead.

>Yes, paintings count, too. In fact I encourage it.
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almost there.jpg
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all these Hitlerites around me. feels good man
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>all 3 replies are hitler
we /pol/ now
Hitler-mon, digivolve toooo!!!!!

>/his/ is /pol/
What did you expect?
what's the point of your image, exactly?
Hitler almost as important as Muhammad.

thats stupid
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It's really not that bad, I don't get what people (like /qa/) are going on about. Post quality is very good and there isn't as much nazi stuff going on as people kept complaining would happen. I personally like this state of /his/.
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stalin at 21.jpg
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Stalin: the original leftist hipster
damn stalin was hawt
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early stalin.jpg
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fucking handsome AF desu senpai
Effay as fuck
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hitler 1921-22.jpg
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Hitler wins and lives.jpg
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just cause you feel it

doesn't mean its there
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took me 5 hours
>spurdo is /s4s/ instead of /int/
This will never stop upsetting me.
Switzerland would be /out/
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what should i put in this shitty map?
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Trifecta achieved. Anybody got Churchill or Hirohito?
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are you guys trying to make yourselves look bad on purpose or something?
they look like /b/tards
the point of that is that we need to avoid the /pol/ echochamber over here
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so you guys made yourselves into the literal worst country ever? map had you guys in a good position as Bulgaria, but instead you guys made yourselves into those fucking commies? TOP FUCKING kEK
if anything you've left an echochamber and don't like encountering notable contrary thought.
/pol/ is in a country who got destroyed and humilliated so hard
File: Michi-no-miya_Hirohito_1902.jpg (398 KB, 1179x1528) Image search: [Google]
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He was a lot cuter as a baby.
i just wanna see a neutral board, how hard is it?
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Georgy Zhukov.jpg
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cadet george patton.jpg
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Isn't that how we all are these days anon?
This one is better desu senpai.
/his/ is pretty nice right now, we have a very good balance of /pol/acks and other boards which is leading to some great discussion. Although the occasional hitler thread may appear it's nothing board breaking.
Not to mention that having Bulgaria as /his/ is very firing given their long history.
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>Russia and Bulgaria
honestly when you make a board that attracts interest from boards with such massive contrast in userbase on account of board culture this is going to happen.

we'll see how things go a few weeks from now, but i have a feeling that so long as political discussion is a part of /his/ it'll be a big battlefield.

anyways here's memeshach, i meant to post him earlier
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Success breeds jealousy.
i fixed that here
>u kno u wantu crash thos pranes
well the map is about ww2.
/pol/ is succeding in bringing their cancer in other boards, but they will get crushed by /his/ in the future
Oh shut up, you absolute fuckwit.
File: Emperor_Taisho's_sons_1921.jpg (3 MB, 1971x2086) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1971x2086
I'm pretty sure that's the only photograph of him that doesn't make Hirohito look like a depressing manlet.
>Even back then he's trying as hard as possible to be portrayed from a low angle
Will they ever learn?
>Desperately trying to grow a mustache
>so long as political discussion is a part of /his/ it'll be a big battlefield.
So forever? Even irl history i nothing but academics of different political bents shitting on each other

neutral does not equal peaceful
>6 gorillion
>we wuz kings
>good post quality
We all need some designated shitting streets in our lives, do you get what I mean?
>mfw all these manlet worshipers

Looks like Keanu Reeves desu.
Thats just 4chan, if you were expecting 100% pure, professional academic discussion you might be looking at the wrong site.
File: stalin qtie.png (453 KB, 927x602) Image search: [Google]
stalin qtie.png
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Stalin wasn't that qt. Those are edited pictures.
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modern stalin.jpg
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>stalin was insecure enough to edit out his smallpox scars from his teenage photos
>Capitalist shills so insecure they edit pictures of stalin to include acne

Back to /cap/ where you belong.
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>gommie cultists continue to deny reality when historical fact challenge their fantasies
How are you faggots not classified as a religion again? In b4 MUH ATHEISM
Thread replies: 69
Thread images: 34

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