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Who was the first known atheist?
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Who was the first known atheist?
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man now they know if God exists or not
They don't know anything since they don't exist anymore.
ok i phrased it wrong

if a god exists, they now know about him
Well, atheism is the lack of belief in a deity. Every baby is an atheist.
>every animal is an atheist
>every tree is an atheist
>every rock is an atheist
>even God is one
I thought Atheism was defined as the belief that there is no deity.
Babies don't believe in a deity but they don't believe there isn't one either, the concept of a deity is something that's simply occurred to them.
Fuck let me try that again.
The concept of a deity is something that's simply NEVER occurred to them.
Babies are not born with the ability to say they believe in God. There for all babies are atheists.

Babies are not born with the ability to say they beleive in Republican policies. There for all babies are Democrates.
>God doesn't believe in himself
Bad argument.

>every babby is an impressionist painter

no, babbies are just babbies. They aren't atheists or communists, etc

This meme is awful
Low self-steem
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