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Someone on /int/ told me to post this on /his/. My grandfather
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Someone on /int/ told me to post this on /his/. My grandfather died. When I cleared out his apartment, I found a trunk of old newspapers he saved. I took pictures of all of them. Here is what a man born in 1916 thought were important historical moments.
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Pretty awesome stuff OP. Make sure you preserve them well.
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This is the last one. Hope people enjoy this.
I mostly just left them in the trunk he stored them in. I think the trunk is from like 1940, it looks insanely old.
The trunk is pretty ok, mostly you want to keep them out of the light. Newsprint yellows very quickly. They're in great shape though. Hold onto them because somebody in your family down the line will cherish them.
Awesome stuff, OP.
This is incredible OP. Nice work.
Any 6 million figures?
This was before the full extent of the Holocaust was really known.
I'm so envious of you OP. I mean, losing a grandfather sucks but these newspaper are great.
I've saved two newspapers in my life. Obama's first victory and when my team won the Owl. I should save more.
Funny how the headline is about the japanese surrender, and the A-bomb is only hinted to, from the Hirohito quote. Probably the americans didn't even know about the bomb at that point.
What's the deal with the italian one? You italo-american or was grandpa on vacation?
No. My family is Jewish. I don't know why he kept it.
> insanely old
> 1940

thanks for sharing o pee
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In the context of the massive allied bombing campaigns in Europe and the Pacific, the A-bombs were not a big fucking deal at the time. They only gained a lot of cultural relevance later on with the nuclear fears of the Cold War.
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