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Daily reminder that if you haven't read The Bible, Koran,
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Daily reminder that if you haven't read The Bible, Koran, The Republic, and Dhammapadda, you can't call yourself spiritually educated.
The bible and that's it's the others are for goat fuckers
>reading The Holy Bible without reading the Koran
What is another four hundred, much smaller pages? A great recap of The Bible as well.
Daily reminder if you haven't listened to Love, Angel, Music, Baby by Gwen Stefani you can't call yourself spiritually educated.
>spiritually educated

I'll stick to reality, thanks
apart from the bible the rest are wastes of time
It's a shit fucking remake with the author being butt hurt and leaving out half of it
It's also the word of God

The republic is a foundation of western philosophy

it's very interphetiive, as fascists can see from the republic a perfect government, communists, etc.
>Reading the Quran

It's beautiful, but Islamic Law is codified in the Ijma, The Quran says to pray three times a day, but we pray five times.
>spiritually educated
Just study anthropology, it encompasses all human effort including religions.
>spiritually educated
>The Republic

Are you retarded anon?
The message is the Koran.

The Muslim doctrine so codified is based upon that foundation anyway, wouldn't you agree?
I can live with that.
The Bible is to the Quran as Gray's Anatomy is to a book on Humourism. You might as well say you need to read both to be medically educated.
Read primary sources to become educated in said primary sources.

I'm a little confused as to why you would need to read interpretations of scripture to define your religious views for you.
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Such arrogance is to be expected from men who speak of wisdom with no clue what respect is.

Enjoy life stumbling about like a man with no eyes, you poor fool.

And how much do you respect people who disagree with your worldview?
>If you don't meet a bunch of arbitrary requirements I have set up because I like them you can't be educated in the field I'm talking about
Epic!! Where do I follow you on twitter XD
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>being this autistic
Spirituality is stupid.
>Such arrogance is to be expected from men who speak of wisdom with no clue what respect is

Stop quoting ERB, that's embarrassing
Enjoy your depression and meaninglessness. One day you *will* kill yourselves

>RIP Anon: He was a rational person and didn't believe in no superstitions
Pretty sad you think life is meaningless without "spirituality".
Without living your life oriented towards what is more than life you're just an animal, hopping from one sense pleasure to another
Everything you create will be lost. All joy that you make others feel sill vanish.
Therefore you can never really create your own meaning, because everything you do is, in the end, meaningless.

That is unless you believe. If there is a God or not doesn't really matter
Difference is that the bible has some great quotes as well as interesting/good allegories and stories, while the Quran is mostly boring
you're just an animal, hopping from one sense pleasure to another
Who said it was only about pleasure? For being so spiritually fulfilled, the religious sure have a 1 dimensional, cynical, childlike perception of life.
Does this speak more for those who don't believe, or the desperation that your beliefs only exist in your faith?
>Everything you create will be lost. All joy that you make others feel sill vanish.
As will my life and the life of my loved ones.
So what?

>Therefore you can never really create your own meaning
Who said meaning had to be eternal? I live day by day with goals to strive for and new things to experience. I choose to continue the adventure.

>. If there is a God or not doesn't really matter
Oh but it does. I'm not living life by the feeble hope of something being true.
So what?
Why would anyone read anything other then The Republic from that list? Are you aware its the current year?
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>I am the authority on spirituality

How about;

>if you haven't read the evolution of species you can't call yourself a human

OP can go fuck his dick-hole with a cactus
>regular show
>bringing up evolution
>le go fuck ur dickhole with a cactus epeck meme!!! XD

Literally reddit: the post
>spiritual education
Why would I possibly waste my time with that?
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Great ad hominem, the funny thing is, quite often someone will say the "go back to reddit" meme and I couldn't even tell you what reddit looks like.

Every picture I use, I collected from 4chan.
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>op has read 4 books: the post
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>spiritually educated
People can not view even an your grandma ghost, but you did attempt talking about spirits while reading overrated old fiction books. Not all people so stupid as you.
Also old Semites was retards of morale and philosophy. Monotheistic idea of Semites is product of fascist idea: "One tribe, one god, one religion, one truncated cock, one language, one currency, one wife, one eye, one leg, one donkey, and religions all other tribes are religions of satans".
and there in the Earth still is some extremely retarded Semites consider Earth flat as Obama plate.
I have read many books. Those four are the most important theological works developmentally and culturally.

You could also add the Tao Te Ching if you want.
>not sutta pitakas

Stay pleb
bet you haven't even read the vinaya pitaka lol

So why not the pyramid text of ancient Egypt. If not for the Egyptians and Babylonians you wouldn't have Greek theology. If not for the Vedas you wouldn't have the Dhammapadda.

What makes them the creme de la creme of spirituality?
what a shitty thread
They are foundational and influential texts, but nowhere near as profound or beautiful spiritual literature can get
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What about Homer's Iliad and odyssey? They piss all over the bible for beauty.

This whole thread is opinion.

Being the authority on "spirituality," please explain what it is.
I wouldn't say piss, book of job and Ecclesiastes are great. Gods admonition of Job at the end is fucking gorgeous
>counting the Holy Bible with that shit-tier list
>reading the Koran or Hindu shit, ever
>taking Playdough seriously
Playdough is right next to Rand with the title of, "My First Philosophical System".

People read Playdough and Nich and think they're "spiritually educated" and wise but they have no real clue about what any of it means. Playdough was such a pleb that he constantly got trolled by a quasi-Stoic who lived in an urn.

Instead of stopping at the edge of the rabbit hole, peering down, and telling people you're smart for what you see, how about you hop in and investigate it yourself. Sure, nobody will understand or care what you're talking about (especially since they still listen to empiricists like Bowtieman and BlackScienceGuy) but it's the difference between knowing the cave is fake and leaving it.

Once you accept the inherent illogical nature of most of reality - that most of what is real is beyond our ability to perceive and outside of the rules we have created by the observation of our visible universe, then you can go deeper. It requires an acceptance of God and allowing Him to have a personal relationship with you. Come back once you learn these truths, read Captian Kirk and become a knight of faith.
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>Once you accept the inherent illogical nature of most of reality - that most of what is real is beyond our ability to perceive and outside of the rules we have created by the observation of our visible universe,

So far. You forget that observation is an on-going process. So all of what we can't perceive now is not the same as we can't perceive it. Ever!

>It requires an acceptance of God...

Stopped reading there.
>a pleb

+1 for Kierkegaard though
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You didn't explain spirituality!
>Having read the first paragraph of Thomas Aquinas' Wikipedia article, I am more suited to philosophy than yourself.
Stale meme m8, don't you know the rage is Orthodoxy, not Catholicism? Get with the times.
i suppose youve read the quran and the bible then if you can say that the quran is boring compared to the bible. also its a nice allegory to stone your daughter at your doorstep if shes still a virgin after wedding night.
>redditor doesn't know the meaning of ad hominem
That wasn't an ad hominem because he wasn't making an argument, he just insulted you, idiot
I never purported to be an authority. But spiritually is whatever cultivates a cosmic perspective and deep appreciation for life and reality. In that sense, anything can be spiritual, from Buddhist scriptures to a Weeknd song
I can't think of anyone that thinks that the quran is better or more beautiful than the bible, mostly because it was written in a short period of time while the bible was written by many writers over a millenium
>desert shit
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Except I was, and rather than defending his point he attacked. That's fairly ad hominem if you ask me.

But please keep accusing me of being a redditor/redditer.
How do you know he's the same guy as OP?
Unlike your home website reddit, most users don't have usernames here
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>I never purported to be an authority.

>Daily reminder that if you haven't read... you can't call yourself spiritually educated.

That sounds like an authoritative statement to me. You literally say "you can't call yourself spiritually educated."
I'm not OP dude. Qur'an is shit-tier, except for some admittedly beautiful lines here and there.

I mean Cmon, if we're gonna go that route
>not even mentioning the sufis
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You're so funny, epic lol. Penguin of doom

God, you little brats think 4chan is this secret club. Most of the oldfags have gone to other sites. I'm only here because I'm tech-illiterate.

I have never browsed reddit/twitter/tumblr/the photo one.

I was shown 4chan almost 9 years ago, and I'm too lazy to leave.
ITT: people overusing the word beautiful
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Well fuck
I'm an atheist and my friend is a Christian. Talking to him one day, we were both mulling over our experience reading the Quran. His summary of it was something along the lines of "Fuck it, you've already read the Bible, here's a bunch of retcons and shit about cows."
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Humans are animals.
We happen to be the dominant species and have the most sophisticated intelligence of all vertebrate land creatures. So much so that we like to play around with it and develop extensive pattern recognition, such as inventing religion or appreciation for art and other subjective sublime qualities.
While I agree with you that it's more "noble" or "uplifting" to focus on esoteric concepts, I think that going full into practicing a religion is a little overboard, especially if that religion starts making false claims about the world, souls, ethics, etc.
I never mentioned Aquinas and I'm not Catholic. Nice try, though.
You're an animal either way.

Mysticism is for fags. Get a fucking job.

Only the weak settle for their animal condition. And we were all children once but that doesn't mean we will be children forever

Oh and by the way, giving me the pop sci 101 spiel isn't an argument for anything
Sounds like the Koran has less authority than Islamic law then.
>And we were all children once but that doesn't mean we will be children forever

And how do you know that you surpassed the level of a child? You have yet to show anything that demonstrates this
Don't be facetious. Like I gotta prove the sky is blue to you clowns
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>people are actually religious
>Only the weak settle for their animal condition.
Why is it so bad to be "weak"? That's part of being a single life form on this vast planet for the brief moment of your life. Maybe you are some kind of transhumanist?
OP here... Kierkegaard is absolutely amazing however it is an interpretation of scripture technically. This thread is for primary religious texts.

You know, namecalling isn't actually very mature. If anything, you debunk your own point with your own behavior
Do me the favor of leveling with me instead of posting dribble like "and how do we know you're not still a child lmfao" as if the original point was my spiritual maturity and not just drawing attention to the fact that just because we are composed of a certain thing does not make us JUST that thing. It would be like saying a cathedral is just stone, glass, and mortar, when it is obviously not JUST its material but the end to which the material is only a vehicle of expression.

>why is it so bad to be weak?

If you have to ask, weakness is not a reality to you but just a fuzzy abstraction and therefore any discussion of it would be meaningless to you
You don't get it and he doesn't too. Don't ask me to explain cause i can't, just go read books
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Thanks OP

There isn't anything like "scholars" analyzing spiritual informations and denying these books have any credibility because they "don't line up" according to their standards.
You don't understand anything really complex. It isn't about spirits or sky wizards

Hi Evolakid, still don't know how to spell 'drivel', huh?
I do. Example sentence: your argument was drivel
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>if you haven't read the communist manifesto you can't be an macroeconomist
>if you haven't watched slapshot and the miracle, you can't be a hockey player
>If you have to ask, weakness is not a reality to you but just a fuzzy abstraction and therefore any discussion of it would be meaningless to you
That's just a cop out stunt. I was curious how you would even explain it but I guess you have to keep ducking otherwise your structure would fall apart.
Here I'll prompt you: "Spirituality is defined as ______ and becoming 'spiritually educated' helps the individual by _______."
Fair enough?
I already said this: spirituality is what cultivates a cosmic perspective, a deeper appreciation of life and it's highest principles, and a recognition of its fundamental mystery. A good spiritual education is what deconditions negative patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion that obscure the spiritual reality.
>spirituality is what cultivates a cosmic perspective, a deeper appreciation of life and it's highest principles, and a recognition of its fundamental mystery. A good spiritual education is what deconditions negative patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion that obscure the spiritual reality.

And how do you know this? Just because this is valid for you doesn't mean it's some universal law that cannot be broken. You simply turned your opinion into an undeniable fact,m with little to no justification
How do I know what? That's literally what spirituality means, going beyond the purely animal, purely human, into the spirit. What are you talking about? Do you expect me to logic you into a whole new of seeing things? That's impossible, what I'm describing can only be experienced. Because I've experienced it for myself

>How do I know what?

That your flavor of spirituality is the only thing that leads to a cosmic perspective, a deeper appreciation for life, etc., etc. I have all those things, and never needed anything spiritual for it. Just because it works like that for you doesn't mean it works like that for the entire human race, that's ironically a pretty self-centered way of looking at humanity
I'm on board with "cosmic perspective, a deeper appreciation of life".
However I would like some clarification of "highest principles". Which principals, and by what metric are they "higher" than others?
Also, relating to a "recognition of fundamental mystery", that can be "obscured", you can see how this loses power to convince me because it seems like it's taken for granted and can always be pushed further into your pocket of "deep" thought.
I never prescribed a system or sure-fire way of attaining the states described. In order for anything overtly spiritual to work its magic, you need to have an inherent disposition towards it, or developed one. There is no house without a foundation.

Anything can be spiritual. I've had experiences I'd call spiritual listening to fucking Lana Del Rey or drake of all things. It's not what is brought to you, but the mind-set you bring to it.


That there are some things in your control and rest are not. God is found in the acceptance and resignation to this very simple fact.

That the universe is you, and you are it

That the external can never fulfill you indefinitely. True peace and validation can only come from inside.

That you are not your thoughts, but the consciousness that perceives and is above those thoughts.

There is no intrinsic self but a continuum of self-states. If you can observe the influence of externals on your mind, you can, with practice, eradicate that influence and become more than a simplistic input-output biological machine. The greatest power is self-mastery

That the appetites of the body are self-propagating biochemical complexes that lead to spiritual emptiness and dead-ends: trying to 'fulfill' lust with a three-way or whatever is as futile as hoping you'll never go hungry again after eating a particularly rich meal. You are feeding dead things, mechanicities that exist only to continually to exist. Feeding them to an extreme, and they become something akin to parasites, demons in every sense of the word

That all reality originates from a state, or being, or realm, or what have you, that makes it what it is.

That there is no personal God who is your special friend, that reality is both beautiful and tragic, and the only thing you own and the only thing you are is the fact of your being. Affirm it
Good thing there is a God who is our personal friend even though we are our own being He is able to reside inside and outside everywhrte
Affirm it.
Very well said. I can grasp this philosophy.
However I'm still not getting where the "God" label comes from to describe that relationship. Why call it God? It's a existential and temporal relationship / situation, why borrow such a loaded term?
I only use God to denote what is supreme and transcendent, the ground state of reality and consciousness. But it doesn't matter what you call it
Already have and already do. My family raised me in hopes of becoming a monk, believe or not. I got the whole nine yards of indoctrination, and I simply found atheistic arguments more convincing. It hasn't been an easy life for me, but there's nothing that leaves me in want of something like religion.
Fair enough.
I also personally support this attitude insofar as it makes life better and more hopeful.
I just think that the word "God" carries too much baggage.
I have read them (the english translations of course) and can safely say that religion is still for goat fuckers while being "spiritually educated". Religious texts are fucking drole.

The Republic is the only worthwhile work listed
>I'm too dumb for texts that have lasted thousands of years to make an impact on me
>heh goatfuckers heh

Stick to anime bud
The Quran is supposed to be poetic though. Suppose you'd need to learn Arabic.
>it's old so its deep
No, it is still goatfucker desert shit, get over it.
As someone who's read all of them, in English and in their original languages:

In terms of quality of writing, style, and literature:

Dhammapada > Koran > The Republic > Bible

In terms of ideas and philosophies discussed:

The Republic = Dhammapada >>>>> Koran = Bible
Like I said, anime
The translation of arabic to english is not better, but the poetry of the quaran is in it's rythm and verse; I've read it in arabic and even though I don't believe a word of it, it's certainly resonant as a piece of writing in a way that can't be fully appreciated in translation.
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Here's the thing about spirituality that materialist atheists don't get - it's actually real, and human consciousness isn't just the accidental result of chemical processes in the brain.

I used to be a fedora too, until I had some spiritual experiences (non-drug induced, too) in my early 20s that completely shook the foundations of reality and everything I thought was true. Since then, it's literally impossible not to believe in a higher power, because I just know for a fact that it's out there (and no, I don't mean the Christian God either. Just a higher reality to life that most people can't perceive.)

I hope all of you someday awaken to the true nature of this world.

>Here's the thing about spirituality that materialist atheists don't get - it's actually real,

Citations needed

>and human consciousness isn't just the accidental result of chemical processes in the brain.

Citations needed

>I used to be a fedora too,

you still are

>until I had some spiritual experiences (non-drug induced, too) in my early 20s that completely shook the foundations of reality and everything I thought was true.

you experienced emotion, congrats on that

>Since then, it's literally impossible not to believe in a higher power, because I just know for a fact that it's out there

Citations needed

>(and no, I don't mean the Christian God either. Just a higher reality to life that most people can't perceive.)

>I'm smarter than you
I wouldn't expect you to understand. It's not something that can be transcribed through words or intellect alone, it's something that literally can only be experienced to be believed. Just remember this - scientific materialism is as much a belief system as any other method of explaining the world.
you dont need drugs to have spritual experences. buddhist monks can induce them with meditation, back when I was young I experimented with lucid dreaming and for years later I would occasionally see ghosts or other things when I was in bed.

there is nothing unexplainable about any of this, the mind is just prone to such states
Cool. What about all the people who "know" the exact opposite to what you "know"?

The filthy schizophrenic dragging himself out of the desert 2,000 years ago ranting about wheels in the sky and seven-headed dragons "knew" the truth too.

>I wouldn't expect you to understand. It's not something that can be transcribed through words or intellect alone, it's something that literally can only be experienced to be believed.

Again, you experienced emotion, congrats.

>Just remember this - scientific materialism is as much a belief system as any other method of explaining the world.

No it's not. Science bases it's hypothesis on evidence
>I just know for a fact that it's out there
Oh ok, that doesn't have any convincing power for me though.
Best post I've seen in a really good thread in a while.
>i hallucinated so its real
>if believe there's something more to life than atoms and void you're mentally ill or a hippie

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