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Why did the west aid the Qing empire against the Christian Taiping
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Why did the west aid the Qing empire against the Christian Taiping heavenly kingdom?

Because the Qing was mostly at least amenable to Western merchant presence in China, whereas the Taiping wanted to throw out all the foreign devils?

Just a guess.
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I was just going to start a thread about this absolute mad man.
They were paid to do so

The Heavenly Kingdom WAS kind of a dangerous super-cult that just so happened to align by Christianity as a backdrop for the leader worship they had.

They also seriously endangered trading interests. The Heavenly Kingdom would be very stern and strong against foreign interference, meanwhile the Qing were licking Opium off of Western boots.
That's the boxer's rebellion IIRC
Because they were fucking ISIS? Hong Xiuquan was strict and zealous, abolishing private property, and strict seapration between the sexes. They also banned opium, gambling, tobacco, alcohol and fun in general, all punishable by death. Compared to the weak and pliable Qing, the Taiping were absolute madmen.

Not to mention it was probably very insulting to western Christians that somehow some NEET who fucked up his civil service exams is the older brother of Jesus Christ.
dude im jesus brother lmao
War is bad for business.
The Heavenly Kingdom threatened foreign markets with protectionist policies:
>The rebels announced social reforms, including strict separation of the sexes, abolition of foot binding, land socialisation, and "suppression" of private trade.
Basically, if the Taiping won, the west would have to completely redo all the favorable trade agreements they had with the Qing.
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The Christianity of the Taiping is by and large just an excuse: most everyone who joined up did so to get back at the Qing Dynasty.

This also meant "Getting back at those white barbarians who are supporting that failure of a Dynasty." Meaning they don't have any feeling of kinship with Whites even if they were Christian. You're talking about men who killed captured white officers.

They were also disciplined as fuck and had a real shot at the Dragon Throne had westerners not intervened.
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>these two niggas making smalltalk midcharge
>Taiping rebellion
>Boxer rebellion
>Japanese invasions
>Warlord period
>Cultural revolution
All within less than 200 years

Jesus, no wonder China is just now getting its shit together. They've just now caught a break from near constant conflict.
They call it the century of humiliation. To their credit, they have made it a cultural value not to dwell on it nor to play the victim in an attempt to score political points against other countries in the present. Basically the exact opposite of the oppression-olympics fad in pretty much the rest of the world. Combined with what they describe as 70 years of relative peace following the cultural revolution. They also see the cost and dangers of invasive military foreign policies. Basically, they've been doing everything right for almost the same about of time since the west started to do everything wrong.
>failed to get into the university
>start a revolution that killed 70 millions of people

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>tfw my distant relative was the baptist preacher who converted Hong Xiuquan

yeah sorry about that

It's civil service exam actually.


What's funny is that they separate the sexes, yet Hong Xiuquan and the other heavenly kings has a bunch of concubines.

Because Hong Xiuquan was fucking insane and had no idea what he was talking about or doing.
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>>failed to get into the university
>>start a revolution that killed 70 millions of people
Huh that sounds familiar
>To their credit, they have made it a cultural value not to dwell on it nor to play the victim in an attempt to score political points against other countries in the present.

This may be the stupidest thing I have ever read. Please go speak to some folks from the PRC before you your post on this topic here again. The government constantly crams "century of humiliation" propaganda down their throats from elementary school to college.

Source: fluent in Chinese and used to live there, directly enrolled in a chinese university for a time
Issachar Roberts? He taught Hong about Christianity but Hong had his famous dream visions years before that.

I wonder if the unknown preacher who gave Hong the tracts at the examination site ever worked out what he had done, but realistically he wouldn't have made the connection.

I mostly agree with you on that matter (I'm not the previous poster). The ultra-nationalism they instill in people now really has them blaming Japan or the West or whatever they can for all of their woes. I do think there are still cultural values prevalent today regarding the whole "don't dwell on the past, make your own future" etc. kind of thing. I guess it depends on where you're from in China and where you grew up.
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