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I'm going to post two busts of Tutankhamun that were found
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Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 64
I'm going to post two busts of Tutankhamun that were found in his tomb.

As you can see these busts obviously aim for accuracy. The shape of the nose, the arch of the brow, the detail of the ears, and so on, are all realistic and consistent.

My question is: why then doubt that the color of the skin isn't also meant to be accurate? Even the lips are given a different shade.
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didn't they already genetically link him to Mediterraneans/Greeks
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It's pretty hard to not be at least tan living in a desert.
Looks like a darker than average Middle Eastern Caucasoid. Like how most Egyptians are today.

The eyes don't look too accurate.
Egyptians (women and some men) wore eye-liner.
They made him look too handsome. In reality he was an inbred, bow legged, wide hipped, buck toothed Egyptian.
were their eyes 2x the size of a normal human's
I hope you're not suggesting this qualifies as "black". At least post someone from the Nubian Dynasty or learn to accept the multiethnic character of Egypt.
No but he clearly don't look like a modern Egyptian.
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Why not? Most of them just need to labor some more in the sun and change their fashion.
You do realize that Egyptians in Upper Egypt and Nubian's genetically are the same thing right?
Ok, egyptians confirmed to be red, your point?

You didn't know Tut was a weaboo?
look at this thing, blacks actually think people in the same region look alike
Majority of modern American blacks are about 30% European ancestry, but people still call them black.
That admixture is recent though, Egyptians were there own race. Different from all other people.
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Now fuck off

Drawings mean nothing
Naturalistic paintings do, not gaudy marble statues with an agenda.
>Drawing are evidence if they look pretty
I wouldn't call it realistic, there's a definite Egyptian style that's being adhered too, one that they have followed for thousands of years.

I mean for one, his eyes are gigantic.

The skin colour is probably accurate though, he was brown, most Egyptians were/are brown. I never understand why this is so difficult for people.
>The skin colour is probably accurate though

Didn't Egyptian nobility paint their skin or something?
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>meanwhile some simpletons will believe shit like this as accurate

european neoclassicalism is fucking garbage desu
The idea is that the Egpytians used skin color in their artwork symbolically and not accurately. From what I understand, red signified power. Which is why in this image Tutankhamen's skin is red. >>468782
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He was mixed.

Pic related, it's his grandmother.
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We're talking about a civilization that existed at the heart of Afro-Eurasia for thousands of years. These examples are no more likely an indicator of Tut's appearance as >>469674 is.
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Modern day egyptians.jpg
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>mad afrocentrist
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we wuz
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If you're trying to see Ancient Egypt through a racial lens, you've already failed. Egyptologists generally agree that race is an inaccurate and horrible way to class and understand the Ancient Egyptians, hell, humans in general. In terms of wanting to know how they looked, that's a never-ending discussion. I've seen arguments from all sides, but none we can call solid.
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>Shitting up the thread with we wuz kings shit
>Calling other people mad

I don't think I've ever seen an angry afrocentrist on /his/, but I see plenty of butthurt /pol/fags mad at the idea of them existing.
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what are you talking about?
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>bottom right
This. It's like trying to understand Chinese people as East Asian Mongoloids etc.
And by "Chinese people" I mean "the ancient Chinese".
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Talking about the "race relations" of ancient Egypt is fun, but it's a lightning rod for butthurt.
Why is this guy spamming images of Modern Egyptians? He does understand that Egypt has been invaded nigh endless times since the fall of the Old Kingdom, right? How they look today doesn't offer entire insight as to how they looked thousands of years ago. If it was, there would be no argument.
a mulatto
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Like Tut and Akhenaten?

>Statues are evidence if they look pretty.
>How they look today doesn't offer entire insight as to how they looked thousands of years ago.
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turns out she isnt.

also mulattos are much lighter and have a different hair texture 90% of the time.
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Didn't the Nubians rule Egypt during the Middle Kingdom?
What exactly are you proving?
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stfu anon, we're posting pureblooded Egyptian heroes ITT.

There were Nubian rulers at times, an even white ones. Egyptians generally considered their rulers as separate from their people, and didn't really mind rulers that didn't share their skin color or culture. There were times in Egyptian history when skin color wasn't even considered a defining part of Egyptian identity.
that you wuz kings an sheit
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>obviously aim for accuracy.
Their art aimed to reflect their view of the order of their world. They did not aim for accuracy or realism.
Statues are not people, King Tut never looked like his statues. Get over it.
It's a silly term, I am not Caucasoid and all Africans are not like that shilluk woman.
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why are you posting an egyptian slave?
Either way you want to put it. There were many black rulers in Ancient Egypt. I'm sure there were many black slaves as well. There's nothing to suggest that they saw race the way we do today.
>being this retarded
Just because obama is president of the united states doesn't mean black people founded USA
Nowhere did I claim that black people founded Kemet. My stance on the matter is that we don't know, otherwise we wouldn't be having this argument. Throwing random images at each other isn't science.
Where has anyone in this thread claimed that?

Don't get baited, anon.
Afrocentrism isn't science
Egypt was founded by Egyptians, an African population.

egypt was white and nordic, just like the arabs, the mongols
, and the greeks





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North africans are arabs, they're not black.
how am i trolling? I've posted links for each of my claims.
>North africans are arabs
Nope. A mix of Berber and a bunch of other ethnicities. Not Arab at all, but not black either.
I always find it funny how afrocentrists think white people must always be this stereotypical "tall, blond blue eyed" people. They can't fathom the fact that the european race is very diverse. That's probably because for them we all look the same? just like we think asian people look all the same? That's probably why they think that egyptians were black, just because they look tanned.
are you okay? what are you talking about pal?
No, north africans are north africans with their oldest component being L mtdna
see >>470203
I don't care about cherry picked photos, I care only about hard science, history and archeology.
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>cherry picked
Yes because the socioeconomic background and thus often color/ethnicity of a politician goes hand in hand with the formation of a nation.
The average Native Americans today don't look much like their ancestors. They're a lot lighter thanks to mixture with European settlers. Egypt has been invaded by many Arab nations in the past two-thousand years.
>egyptian people chose their political leaders based on their ethnic background
>source: my ass
>by many Arab nations in the past two-thousand years
Just once. The invasions, in order were
In almost every case, however, the new rulers just replaced the ruling class without changing demographics very much.
Class and color/race/ethnic group goes hand in hand in many parts of Africa. To imply a politician represents an average citizen in background is silly, especially in the third World
It's the fault of the ebil white man that black people can't present themselves to elections in egypt of course!
Am I the only one that thinks finding some sense of pride in the actions of others simply because they may or may not have shared a skin tone similar to yours is idiotic? This goes to all parties involved.
what the hell are you on about? Ruling classes are a thing everywhere, even in democratic countries.
>even in democratic countries
Sure. Look at the current american president.
There's really no reason to believe that they looked any different from modern egyptians. Other than racism from afrocentrists and /pol/faggots, ofcourse.
Egyptians where mongols.

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king tut negro.jpg
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my ancestors speak to me whiteboi
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looks Eritrean to me
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>all africans are black
>Northern Africans aren't black
>Southern Europeans are
How did this situation arise?
t. Alberto Barbosa
> all but one have been 'white'
> all but two have been protestant
> all but one have Germanic descent

He has a point, you know
She looks like a chink kek
Armies and migratory nomadic tribes leaving a significant mark and replacing the native settled population is a very rare event in history.
>calling a people who existed before Old English had even differentiated "black"
>ascribing contemporary ethnonyms to ancient populations

fucking retards I swear to god
In Egypt there was never an event like the plagues that crushed the american continent, bringing North America into a nearly post-apolcalyptic scenario.
hatshepsut was a woman
Never will I see so many egyptian faces like in this thread.
Neanderthals are older than that and roaming around North Africa, we know that North Africans have Neanderthal DNA, so when you oldest genetic component, you're talking out of your arse.
The two symbols of Egyptian royalty come from outside of Africa.
He definitely looks part black there. I'm not sure why people on either side refuse to acknowledge that he may have been mixed.
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Tutankhamun looked like pic related.

Inbred and deformed.

On his sandals, you can find the faces of Nubians, which is an insult, he tramples on their faces at all times.
Because we know what he looks like from his mummy.

Both of these men would be black in America tho
wow the face on his carcophagus really does look like a black person's face.

too bad he was an ugly mangled little fucker in real life.
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Neanderthals never lived in North Africa, the Neanderthal DNA that they have either came to them via Mediterranean DNA, or through the "Back to Africa" movement.

Hey look, different Egyptian people! Wow, all of them are of different ethnic groups and races too!
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The skulls found at Amarna all have black to light brown hair. Tutankhamun comes from Amarna.

See pic related, it is one of the skulls found there.

This skull is from a burial, not a mummification, you can clearly see they were Caucasoid with fair to dark hair.
>both black and white people want to claim this uggo

Aren't there people today with "Caucasoid" skulls, while being genetically another race? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just wanted to point that out.
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Neanderthals did live in North Africa, their tools are found all over the Sahara, see pic related.
Into ancient times that type of skin was called "Red Skin" and maybe "Red Race".
Only shitty out-of-work european nobles of 17 century invent puff himself with white mel, and did ad "white skin". White not healthy color often anaemia et cetera.
>The skulls found at Amarna all have black to light brown hair. Tutankhamun comes from Amarna.

and is this supposed to be prove something?
>and is this supposed to be prove something?
That you're a massive cocksucker, who even surpasses OP at being a faggot?
>The skulls found at Amarna all have black to light brown hair. Tutankhamun comes from Amarna.


>hair extensions
>Out of 100 skulls analysed, 28 still had hair. The type of hair ranged from curly black to light brown and curly, suggesting some ethnic diversity in the region.
Yes, a skull was found with hair extensions, the one I posted was not that skull you stupid retard, does that skull look like it had 70 hair extensions?

You're such a stupid faggot.

The skull in the picture is not the one with the hair extensions.

I don't think anybody is saying "every Egyptian was 100% African"

That woman on the left looks West African, too. Not East African.
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Nope, those are most likely the tools of Homo sapiens idaltu, a subspecies/true race of Homo sapiens that had Neanderthal-tier technology.
>does that skull look like it had 70 hair extensions?

kinda, just al itte more cleaned up
That's actually an East African woman. Not all East Africans look like Ethiopians, the majority of them are relatively unmixed. At least, not visibly.

And yeah, Egypt was never 100% anything.

Forgot to mention: If Neanderthals did live in the Sahara, Africans would have a lot more than the very small amount of Neanderthal (on average that is, the Maasai have 2%) DNA then they have now.
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They are from a very late period of Egypt and may not represent 'classical' Egyptians.

That is a bad rendering. It's like PS2 level graphics and the body is questionable.

This is a better rendering but what's funny about both is the skin color. The people that did this intentionally went with an 'average' skin color on the basis that we don't know what his skin color was.

I don't get why they couldn't just make it copper colored like the busts. Why deny that evidence?
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Mind showing me where you got that link from?
Craniometrics is brutally unreliable. But we have DNA evidence (and a wealth of other evidence) that's totally conclusive on this issue.
we wuz kangs and shiet bro
>Forgot to mention: If Neanderthals did live in the Sahara, Africans would have a lot more than the very small amount of Neanderthal (on average that is, the Maasai have 2%) DNA then they have now.

This is so boring.

> http://dienekes.blogspot.ie/2012/10/let-me-enter-following-points-which.html
> Therefore, the detected ancient admixture is not due to recent Near Eastern or European migrations. Sub-Saharan populations are the only ones not affected by the admixture event with Neanderthals.

> Sub-Saharan populations are the only ones not affected by the admixture event with Neanderthals.

The mummies are covered in Natron and Resin after they die. This process dries out the skin and affects what it looks like.

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natron

Resin from Lebanon
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resin
Yes I do you lazy bastard. Go research it yourself you cunt.
Mind showing me where you got that from?
>Most Egyptians look like models
sure thing achmed
The author is literally wrote on the image you stupid moron.

Ha, you're late m8



> We find that, consistent with the recent finding of Meyer et al. (2012), Neanderthals contributed more DNA to modern East Asians than to modern Europeans. Furthermore we find that the Maasai of East Africa have a small but significant fraction of Neanderthal DNA.

>In North Africa and the Near East, Mouseterian tools were also produced by anatomically modern humans. In the Levant, for example, assemblages produced by Neanderthals are indistinguishable from those made by Qafzeh type modern humans.[9] It may be an example of acculturation of modern humans by Neanderthals because the culture after 130,000 years reached the Levant from Europe (the first Mousterian industry appears there 200,000 BP) and the modern Qafzeh type humans appear in the Levant another 100,000 years later.

I knew it, it was Homo sapiens. The article even says predominantly. Why are you so mad Anon?
>They are from a very late period of Egypt and may not represent 'classical' Egyptians.
It definitely rules out the "Arab conquest" bullshit though.

Now you'll have to find excuses regarding Greeks and Romans.
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I'm late? You're late you stupid cunt.

> Ancient Ethiopian genome reveals extensive Eurasian admixture throughout the African continent.
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26449472
> Here, we present a 12.5x coverage ancient genome of an Ethiopian male ('Mota') who lived approximately 4,500 years ago. We use this genome to demonstrate that the Eurasian backflow into Africa came from a population closely related to Early Neolithic farmers, who had colonized Europe 4,000 years earlier. The extent of this backflow was much greater than previously reported, reaching all the way to Central, West and Southern Africa, affecting even populations such as Yoruba and Mbuti, previously thought to be relatively unadmixed, who harbor 6-7% Eurasian ancestry.

> Ancient west Eurasian ancestry in southern and eastern Africa.
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24550290
> we also find evidence for two admixture events in the history of Kenyan, Tanzanian, and Ethiopian populations, the earlier of which involved populations related to west Eurasians and which we date to ~2,700-3,300 y ago. We reconstruct the allele frequencies of the putative west Eurasian population in eastern Africa and show that this population is a good proxy for the west Eurasian ancestry in southern Africa. The most parsimonious explanation for these findings is that west Eurasian ancestry entered southern Africa indirectly through eastern Africa.

Moors replaced the white northern africans living in southern europe
Look at the image, they created them side by side.

> were also produced
> also produced
> also

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Both of them have Eurasian admixture, there is no such thing as a pure blooded African anymore. And yes, I already know that Masaai have Eurasian ancestry, but it's not to the point of the Ethiopians or Somali.

Truth be told, the guy on the left's facial features can be found all over Sub-Saharan Africa, even among less mixed populations.
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they're both sub saharan, and please for the love of god stop your fucking cherry picking


>Ancient Ethiopian genome reveals extensive Eurasian admixture throughout the African continent.
> throughout the African continent.
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By a recent admixture you stupid cunt, you people genuinely deserve to die.
I was saying that the ones in North Africa belong to Homo sapiens. I am not referring to the ones in Eurasia, even though there are Homo sapiens people making them in the Middle East as well.

Now keep in mind: I'm not ruling out that Neanderthal culture didn't spread to Homo sapiens from Europe to the Levant and finally into North Africa, I'm just saying that the ones in North Africa at the very least were Homo sapiens. There are NO Neanderthal skeletal remains in North Africa. It was assumed at one point there was, but that theory was thrown out the window. And once again, I have to ask: Why are you so upset?
and what does that have to do with
>throughout the African continent.
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Yes, recent THROUGHOUT THE FUCKING CONTINENT. Even West Africans and Central Africans have it, which explains why the Fulani ethnic group has slender noses compared to their West African cousins.
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* * * * * *

Next to the red dots which symbolize the Neanderthal.

It was a recent admixture they discuss in that article.

Not even related to pic related
So being a fuccboi is an African tradition.
light skinned girls be mo white than black

That study has a lot of holes in it, I always prefer this is that explains why recent admixture models are actually rather wrong

>Numerous genetic studies over the last decades have identified substantial non-African ancestry in populations in this region. Because there is archaeological, historical, and linguistic evidence for contact with non-African populations beginning about 3,000 years ago, it has often been assumed that the non-African ancestry in HOA populations dates to this time. In this work, we find that the genetic composition of non-African ancestry in the HOA is distinct from the genetic composition of current populations in North Africa and the Middle East. With these data, we demonstrate that most non-African ancestry in the HOA cannot be the result of admixture within the last few thousand years, and that the majority of admixture probably occurred prior to the advent of agriculture. These results contribute to a growing body of work showing that prehistoric hunter-gatherer populations were much more dynamic than usually assumed.
Neanderthal DNA has never left a haplogroup and secondly that admixture was likely present in the first population I mentioned.
So you're saying that it's (relatively) ancient admixture instead?
No, it's an ancient backcrossing. Before the peopling of Europe even occurred.
*northern europe
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They know it was recent because the have mapped the most ancient African and can see when the admixture event happened
> http://news.sciencemag.org/evolution/2015/10/first-dna-extracted-ancient-african-skeleton-shows-widespread-mixing-eurasians

Also pic related.
No he wouldn't. If anything people would call him a jew or mexican
Just like my chinese cartoons.
>Mexicans looking like that

Unless they have some black in them, hell no

>that dark in America

He would look more Caribbean Hispanic or South American Hispanic to me: having some black ancestry but being mostly white.
That picture of agriculture has been disproven, African Agriculture is independent.

Secondly the Mota data falls done the same process my study has rebuked.
Sure thing buddy.
You can post all the /pol/ made graphics you like but the recent admixture model has been disproven :-)

It's nice to see people dedicated to old models, it's like seeing people from the flat earth society.
>that dark in America
Maybe if he was called Garcia.
Old, that study was made only a couple of months ago, faggot.
It continues to use the old model as I stated before. You can continue to make new studies every day using old models that have been thoroughly shown to be incorrect and it still be old.
Nobody in the genetic anthropology world disputes this.

> http://eurogenes.blogspot.ie/2015/10/ancient-ethiopian-genome-reveals-most.html
Nefertiti was born in Syria or somewhere around, she's not a native Egyptian
Obviously they do for good reason

Also the "mother" of genetic anthropology

>The most distinct separation is between African and non-African populations. The northeastern-African — that is, the Ethiopian and Somali — populations are located centrally between sub-Saharan African and non-African populations.


The fact that the Ethiopians and Somalis have a subset of the sub-Saharan African haplotype diversity — and that the non-African populations have a subset of the diversity present in Ethiopians and Somalis — makes simple-admixture models less likely; rather, these observations support the hypothesis proposed by other nuclear-genetic studies (Tishkoff et al. 1996a, 1998a, 1998b; Kidd et al. 1998) — that populations in northeastern Africa may have diverged from those in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa early in the history of modern African populations and that a subset of this northeastern-African population migrated out of Africa and populated the rest of the globe.
No, he would be called a Middle Easterner/Norther African, because he was one. Stop trying to force this cancerous meme that anyone with dark skin=black. No one would call a person who looked like the statue in OP's pic black either, they would accurately assess him as someone from the Near Eastern/Mediterranean region.
>most Egyptians were/are brown. I never understand why this is so difficult for people.
Seriously. If you've been to Egypt it's pretty obvious. If anything, there are lighter shades that exist on the spectrum now, thanks to Greco-Roman and Ottoman gene flows. You will see pretty dark-brown people too, but less commonly.

They were most certainly not black African either. Some 'Nubian' black Africans lived among them and had a dynasty or two in southern parts, but on the whole were not very influential in Egypt, ancient or modern.
kek, his flag is upside down.
>implying Egypt isn't heavily Arabized.
Even before the Islamic period, they were already a little blanda upp.
Egypt, not Morocco or Algeria, bud.
>that pic
You leave Sun Ra and the Astro Infinity Arkestra out of this.
You're like a relic someone pulled out from under the cupboard.
People cant even comprehend the concept of inbetween races like semites or ancient ethiopians who werent completely black nor white
DNA tests show that Arabs did rape Egyptians but its only 15% of thier dna
Well, his grandmother was a Black African, if her statue is accurate.

Also, his mother was not black, so that would make him at least 1/4 black.
>no nefertiti gf
>Posting a portrait of a rich greek guy who petitioned to have his sarcophagus done
>This is what Egyptians looked like guys

By posting a faiyum portrait dated past the integration of hellenic culture into Egypt, and especially because these portraits are representative of a class which was upper class, which was largely greek, there's way too much ambiguity and way too many red flags to put this up as evidence of Greek Egyptians. I'm going to flat out say you don't know what you're talking about. There are other faiyum portraits. The style of art is Greek itself, not Egyptian.

Not to mention much of Egyptian culture was adapted to Greek and eventually Roman culture and sold to the higher classes, which I would wager these portraits were meant to appeal to. The demographic of the subjects of these portraits is most likely that of higher class people of Greek ethnicity, and not native Egyptians, these are in no way conclusive. It's best to look at Egypt in pre-Hellenic times if you're wanting to try and find good evidence on this topic
Don't be butthurt that he schooled you
see >>470192 and >>470177 and >>470161
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>It's best to look at Egypt in pre-Hellenic times
blacks were slaves there too

pic related
I see only soldiers in your pic
blacks against ethnic ancient egyptians you mean
actually researchers determined that the closest living ancestors of ancient egyptians is modern egyptians, who have changed very insignificantly.
he was irish m8
ITT: butthurt lebanese trying to convince people that egyptians are niggers

nice try, george
What point does that make? Slaves were largely taken via war and conquest, Asiatics and Libyans could be slaves as well. People of native Egyptian were taken as slaves in instances were individual nomes rebelled against the pharaoh and soldiers defeated in the process were usually made slaves.

It was partially institutional, pharaoh certainly took slaves for himself but many slaves were taken via Soldier A captures a woman and a man in the process of the battle and his commander awards them to him as slaves for bravery in the battle.

With slaves you'll usually have a mixing pot of ethnicities and types of people anyway as a result of this, though that is to say that native Egyptians would be more rare and circumstantial depending on how they were obtained.
Fell asleep after I made the first post,

The first picture isn't even real, you can tell by just looking at it that it's not ancient Egyptian,

The second: That's a good place to start, Nefertiti's ethnicity is unknown it could be pretty easily assumed that she would be the "standard" for the 18th dynasty, which Akhenaten(her husband) was a part of. Keeping the bloodline pure was very important, and so she was of the same ethnicity as the other people of the people in the 18th dynasty family tree.

Not a fan of the third because there's not actually much correlation as far as evidence and I'm not trying to be pedantic, that sarcophagus on the left could be a woman. If you or anybody else can find exactly who that was made for, that would be a big help, because then you could look at accounts of their life (If they go into much detail) or their surroundings to make a better guess. I feel like it's pretty obvious that image really doesn't prove much.

and I'm not on on side of the debate or whatever, I just know whenever this discussion come up people get lazy and post a lot of really dumb stuff. If you want to know my opinion, I think "Egyptians" were more not white or greek or anything of that sort but were something similar to standard north african or arab ethnicity if you wanted a true average, but there's a lot of variation depending on the time period, slaves came in from places all over the areas outside Egypt and it happened that people had children with their concubines and slaves. Nubia, Libya, The Levant(Even past the Euphrates) were all areas that all interacted with Egypt in a number of ways, so people do vary in their race and ethnicity depending on where you go and what class of people you're looking at. And of course by nature of a dynastic ruling system, the ethnic background of the ruling class could change every time, and keep in mind there were around 30 dynasties throughout its history.

In 1800 the population of Egypt was 4 million, now it is nearly 90 million.

> 4 million
> 90 million
Apparently 86 million people from 1800 is insignificant, seeing that you think a population from 5000 years ago is insignificant.
Caucasian with straight Caucasoid hair.
In 200 years the world population has went from 1 billion to >7 billion.
That's a Copt Egyptian created during the Roman era -- however it's interesting cause modern Cops still look the same.

No, he wouldn't. Most would assume he's probably Puerto Rican or Arab.

That picture was created in the 19th century.
The person in that painting looks like Wojack.
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I'm just gonna leave this here.
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And? This wasn't.
>Adrien Brody

I-Is that nose shopped? I know some white people have huge noses, but hot damn.
Ramses II was from Libya, which was pretty pale skinned/white back in the day. That explains his red hair.
They were not Greek
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