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Was he the noblest Roman of them all?
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File: brutus.jpg (4 KB, 183x276) Image search: [Google]
4 KB, 183x276
Was he the noblest Roman of them all?
Brutus was a loan shark who charged 40+% interest rate on his loans
An old Roman custom.

now thats an emperor I can get behind
That's not Sulla!
A raving degenerate who made the streets of Rome flow with noble Roman blood and burned Athens, destroying much of its art
Sure anon what a great guy
That's not Scipio Africanus!

Just check people who carried the cogname Nobilior.
Just like
Whose sons also carried the same cognonem.
that's not commodus
That's not Julius
>flow with noble Roman blood
That would be Marius & Co. Sulla butchered Italians and traitors, Marius killed off half a generation of talented nobles.
>burned Athens
You mean the city that supported a man who killed about 100,000 Romans and Italians? Deserved punishment. And he wasn't stupid to destroy the artwork, of course he sold it. The treasury was flat.
That's not Marius!
The idea of any person in a position of power being 'noble' doesn't mesh.
File: Tarquinius-Superbus.jpg (84 KB, 397x389) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 397x389
>implying pic related wasn't the last noble Roman



Literal meme form of government desu
>Latins are still mad
I would say Cato the younger,
That's not Cicero

Flavius Aetius.
Perhaps the last noble, but not the most.
still but hurt about being kicked out for being a non indo savage
File: lucius quinctius cincinnatus.jpg (47 KB, 341x450) Image search: [Google]
lucius quinctius cincinnatus.jpg
47 KB, 341x450
That's not Germanicus
Thread replies: 26
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