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Australian history general? What's a good history of Australia?
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Australian history general?

What's a good history of Australia?
bunch of convicts get dropped off on a island, wage war against the emu overlords, need abos to help, win war, tell abos to fuck off..and here we are
Any of you lads read Manning Clarke?
Connell & Irving, Class Structure in Australian History.
Don't for fucks sake. Read some Scates. Or Noel Butlin.
Notable things invented by Australians:
Underwater torpedoes
Electric drills
Froth flotation
Zinc cream
Rotary clothes lines
Black boxes
Power board
Bionic ears
Gene shears
Flu medication
Blast glass

Note how he said "by Australians" and not "in Australia"
The Tyranny of Distance
The most important thing there was made in Australia by Australians for Australians.
And so what if some other country had more money to blow on the inventions?
The Dutch think Western Australia would be a good place to settle.

The British think Eastern Australia would be a good place to dumb prisoners.

(Ooo that juxtaposition)

basically a mostly uninhabited BIG rock became inhabited because the british wanted to scare its prisoner overflow with spiders.

And then they needed to make a place of origin for the Tasmanian Devil cartoon, so they invented Tasmania, which is such a joke of a place it looks like a prolapsed anus.
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You fuckin know it m8
Nobody said "by Australians".
>Notable things invented by Australians
Abbos, then convicts, then migrants.

Also Abbos being classified as wildlife is a myth. They were simply not counted towards the national population. While Europeans could be super brutal against them they ever tried something that silly.
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This should go through most of them

Haven't read it, but Geoffrey Blainey is one of Australias best historians
Australia is actually a reality show. It has been since the very beginning. The abos weren't pulling in the ratings so convicts were dropped off to mix things up.
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If you're an aussie and don't know what is happening in this image, or where it was in the country, you should be shipped to Christmas Island.
was that when boony necked the 52 beers?
oi oi oi
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Seriously though, Australia is a very interesting case study of a young western nation in the so called Washminster system.
fucking idiot
>tfw uluru used to be ayer's rock
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