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>God Who began this meme
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Who began this meme
Monotheistic God?
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>There is a god
Some sandnigger named Moses
Any of it
No, I mean Zoroastrians started it.
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to be fair everyone was born with a fedora
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buthurt Chirstain
sorry that they let gays marry mate, but I think you'll be alright
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlnnWbkMlbg

He goes over the history of how the Old Testament was written in relation to God. Basically, from wiki:

>In the oldest biblical literature, Yahweh is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[6] he later became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[7] and over time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[8][9] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[9]
The Gods, probably.
>jews invented God

This whole thread needs to go back to reddit
We can tell He exists because He's a meme. You can't just dream up a meme.
Cool video, well thought out.

As long as man has had ambition and imaginatiom, there have been gods
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people with no answer to give to their kids or leaders with no answers to give to their subjects.
if you don't know the answer, then the answer must be god.
one size fits all that it solves everything
Who created God? Well God has always existed, of course.
The third part goes into a weird place.

Some things really are self-evident and relate to innate mechanism or a priori faculties, as you prefer: the precepts of identity, causality, time, space, etc.
But they worshipped El until the Levites came back and then they decided Yahweh and El were the same god by a different name.
>every biogenetically predisposed person toward materialism was born with a fedora

I fixed that for you!
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This is false. Everyone is born knowing submission to Allah is right. Sometimes they get indoctrinated into false beliefs by their societies and parents.
Did you even read the post you're replying to?
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Yes. I profoundly disagree that anyone is born biogenetically predisposed to not worshipping Allah.
First, biogenetically isn't a word, second, claiming that everyone was born programmed to worship your god is fucking retarded.
>First, biogenetically isn't a word...

Did you know that you are an idiot?
Ah, so it is a word. I'm not sure you're using ti right, but it's a word. My second point still stands.
You realise hes trolling right?
Fuck I fell for it
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>I'm not sure you're using ti [sic] right

Well, you can rest assured because I am; you just need to know what it means.

>My second point still stands.

Yes. I'm not the other poster though.
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People aren't computers, everyone is born knowing that submission to the will of God is right.

>Hinduism don't real

Go back to /pol/
Fair enough, I thought you were the other guy. Though the >ti [sic] was kinda petty. I slipped up on the keyboard, it happens.
The simple science of how to return Home.

God has a big plan. His plan is to somehow or other bring all His fallen sons and daughters back home, back to Godhead. We are suffering here in the material world due to our rebellious attitude. We want to enjoy separately from God. But God is so merciful that He comes Himself and sends His representatives also to help us. God is willing to help anyone come to Him if that living entity desires it. He, however, has given us a certain amount of free will.

The Holy Spirit sits in the Heart, and also reveals itself through objects and interactions and, of course, through the soul.

All beings dumbed down by material nature believe the impermanent physical world to be the absolute. This is the present day of deception in a world that attempts to seperate itself from God to embrace their other motives.
Your god doesn't exist.
He is in the heart of all beings.
Explains why so many Americans need heart bypass surgery.
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He has always existed.
fuck off rei
I'm going to guess that the picture is arguing that Abraham was a Muslim, but how does it explain polytheistic pagan religions and Hinduism?
It was your ancestors way of rationalizing the world. To them, it made sense and was real as anything else around them.
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Adam was a Muslim.

>how does it explain polytheistic pagan religions and Hinduism?

People that stopped worshipping God, they will drink molten metal in hell while I enjoy my houri and pearly young boys.
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When a Muslim says "Allah" they want to serve the Highest God they can know

When a Hindu says "Krsna" they want to serve the Highest God they know

When a Christian says "Christ" they want to serve the Highest God they know

This is Parabrahman, the Original Creator. Whether God made man, or God didn't make man (Demiurge and gnostic creation)

We all want to serve the Highest God beyond our senses. Without Him we are suffering.
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Le NT.jpg
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God did.
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Damn... How did I not know this?
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