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How can one man be so based?
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How can one man be so based?
His philosophy is based on fucking spooks.

You can delete this thread now hun.
>le spooks

How do we solve the Stirner problem?
I don't know man. They're on the same level of /b/tards.
>you cant disprove neoplatonism
Stirner is a babby-tier "philosopher". You can solve the problem by reading some more books, you dumbass.
>All aspires towards the Good

Stirner is not a problem. His thought is the future, it is everything else in philosophy that is the problem.
Let's hear it then.
>tfw Christianity is like 2/3 neoplatonism thanks to Augustine
What exactly did his philosophy entail?
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Man should strive for the transcendent with all his body and soul
*Stirner Question
>even neoplatonism gets derailed by le epin spooky drawn man

I hate this shit board
Leave. That's what I'm doing. This place is just bait and trolls and idiots.
Where shall we go friends?
A place with quality, insightful philosophy posting with the humor of /his/ does not exist. I wish I was wrong
Why is every Plotinus thread always the same picture of his bust with absolutely no content? No questions, quotes, commentaries, reading recomendations... How can you be so autistic?

Explain what is plotinian about christianity
Because nothing kills a /his/ thread faster than posting dense but based philosophy memekiddies actually have to read and understand. Trust me I've tried
Well that told me sweet fuck all.

Because the people that start Plotinus threads do so to stroke their dicks.
Plotinus imagines reality as a diffusion/emanation of an absolutely transcendent and indescribable unity into progressively imperfect multiplicity.

Each grade or "rung" of existence naturally aspires to emulate the Good, the Authentic Being, of the grade above it, but the lower down the scale, the more this "Being-ness" is expended, and the more it is subject to the blind, determinative nature of Matter, which is Non-Being itself.

All existence yearns for the perfection it once had, always aiming for the higher. Beauty is a signature of the divine. Man must not worship the Good as some external entity but actualize it in himself, become divine himself in body, mind, and soul.
Interesting idea, but what reason is there to believe it?
The organisms and phenomena of reality are infinite permutations of the same substance, which we'll call Being. The principle of Being, of manifestation, cannot be manifest itself, therefore it is transcendent.

What is responsible for the fact of quality and determinations cannot be determinate itself. It is beyond it.

As for the Good, what is Good is that which has "plenitude in its own being", which is an emulation of the original divine fullness. In other words, what is authentic to itself, self-possessed, self-determined, as opposed to being determined by external influences, which is the principle of evil and non-being. The Good is authentic Being. Life experience is all you need to confirm this
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