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What was his problem?
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What was his problem?
One man can only be so right.
Sounds like a sensitive guy and thoughtful guy who paid for it in his developmental years. I don't mean sensitive in a bad light, either.
I'm pretty sure he was molested in his childhood in some way.
I don't see the problem here. Go away Kant, you're an idiot.
Nihilism lends itself to saying shit you regret a couple years later.
Come on now. Philosophers having shitty childhoods is so common as to be cliche. It's not fair to hold it against him.


Oh boy am I spooked.
So, seriously. What's the problem? People do evaluate each other primarily on utility, it just tends to be ephemeral emotional needs and wants. This isn't exactly some shocking claim in regards to human psychology.
>implying fulfilling emotional needs and wants isn't a use
That's not even remotely what I was claiming.
How the fuck did this guy get married? Was he hiding his massive fedora?
i realize that now. i misread
>People do evaluate each other primarily on utility, it just tends to be ephemeral emotional needs and wants.
>People don't evaluate each other primarily on utility, it just tends to be ephemeral emotional needs and wants.

please forgive me, it is late.
By having better game than you.
Too bad he couldn't recognize marriage for the spook that it is.
>oh no I can't use my "haha virgin" argument anymore this can't be happening
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74 KB, 793x571
Nothing much really. It was the the rest of the world that had the problem.
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