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What happened to the White American dialect of the 1930s-196
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What happened to the White American dialect of the 1930s-1960s? How did it transform into ghettospeak by most white middle/poor class whites in such a short period of time? Is it still alive in any areas today, and if so is there a chance of modern revival?

Another example
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Happiness happened. We have become a happy miserable world.
You mistake the image being portrayed by the reality. There have been shifts but nothing nearly as radical as you state.
OP is a retarded faggot
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Is this you?
You can't compare the way people spoke in movies to the way people spoke in real life. There was just as much slang and "ghettospeak" in the 1930s as there is today.
This was the so-called "Transatlantic" accent. It was really put on and people like FDR worked really hard to adopt it. It really wasn't natural for anyone, but there was some consensus that if you were going to talk in public, that's how you should sound. Here are some related articles:
That's a fake accent invented by actors and rich people to sound posh.
As less and less people went to boarding schools the Trans-Atlantic accent diminished. No one speaks that way because no one ever spoke that way "naturally". Everyone had some kind of accent, until they were taught the "proper" way to speak.

From my experiences talking to old people in the Midwest, this is much closer to how Northern white people actually spoke in the 1930s-1960s.
So will Massachusetts private schools teach my kids to sound like glorious Americans
Nobody actually spoke like that. It was an accent made up by the theater community.
We have recordings of how people actually spoke in daily life in the middle 20th century, and it's very different.
It's almost like you don't know about frontier dialects in the 1800s or the appalaichan dialect or how both Brits and Americans in the 1700s had a different accent than they have today. It likely sounded like this:

It's a fake accent known as the transatlantic accent invented so that Americans and American media would sound acceptable to the English, and to a lesser extent vice versa. It faded as Britain became more and more irrelevant and nobody gave a fuck what they thought, also the Angloboo schools stopped because they became more Americentric.

Then the Ohio accent became the new prestige dialect, for reasons unknown to me. It should have been the Carolinas aristocratic plantation accent.
It was never a natural accent. People spoke that way consciously for television and radio, average Joe didn't.
Morris County North New Jersey
The Transatlantic accent was never spoken by the majority of Americans. It was alsways just rich people and actors.

i still speak this way

too much frasier
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