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Did people think of him in the 19th century like we do of Hitler now?
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Did people think of him in the 19th century like we do of Hitler now?
Only leftist morons think of Napoleon as a 'Hitler' like figure. The know nothing of the man and quickly lump him in with the 'tyrants' because he claimed himself emperor.
>dem hitler dubs

People did think of him that way in the 19th century though

"Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the
Buonapartes. But I warn you, if you don't tell me that this means war,
if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by
that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have
nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer
my 'faithful slave,' as you call yourself! But how do you do? I see
I have frightened you- sit down and tell me all the news."

Just because he was an aggressive war monger. Compared to actual tyrants Napoleon isn't that bad at all. Napoleonic Code is considerable less drastic than the final solution and whatever the Mongols did.

He just wanted to unite Europe under one language [French] and it has practically happened anyway with English.
No because Bonapartism isn't a genocidal ideology.
>dethroning monarchs
No. In principle his ideals had a moral basis and in his early years at least his genius was well renowned, the culture at the time saw parallels with that other great military republic and they couldn't bring themselves to end such a curio. Trapping him on an exotic isolated island they found in the South Atlantic suited the anglo's megalomanic mentality more.
Not sure if you're implying leftists didn't dethrone monarchs or...
To many he was the anti christ character because of his stance on religion... Well he did hurt a lot of people but also helped more...in the end those who were hurt because of him shed more emotional pain than those who were bettered because of him in the years afterwards. And people feel pity.
Its like now we have this hitler person. And hitler was so hated so hated that those that suffered under him would later on take seminars and training on how to do the holocaust talks right. And the only explainable answer as to why hitler did the killings was because he had a small penis. Lol.

People who make cryptic nonsensical green text posts are the worst.

This post confuzzles me.
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our emperor.jpg
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napoleon's fundamentally meritocratic ideology ran counter to the supposed inherent virtues of the aristocratic dominated nations of europe, so they did their best to portray him as a tyrant and a general bad guy. the irony is that bonaparte was brought down in large part because of his reliance on his worthless family members and he might have won if he had installed more qualified rulers than his shit heel brothers.

napoleon did some bad things for sure, but compared to the draconian sensibilities and rigid conservatism of the ruling classes of europe, his outlook was modern. he expanded education, healed the fissure with the catholic church, reformed the french bureaucracy, instituted the napoleonic code, and his solidarity and affability with his soldiers is undeniable.

because the post westphalia consensus was built on a restoration of conservative values and a reaffirmation of divine monarchy, napoleon was necessarily painted as a megalomaniac warmonger, even though he was consistently invaded and betrayed by the other countries of europe, which couldn't afford to let his example be followed. in short, and i readily admit to being an unrepentant napeoleonboo, perfidious albion did it all.
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Emperor of Mankid.jpg
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>+ :
Established the French civil code
Established the Lycée(Secondary education in France)
Established law against race mixing
Great warrior
Great general
Great Emperor
BFO the Pope(because he already know the pope was a traitor, and will let rapefugees into Europe)
BTFO the eternal Kraut
BTFO the women(by reestablishing the pater familias)

>- :
Helped the jews
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vive l'empereur.jpg
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I seem to find that more people in the 21st century remember Hitler for the Holocaust rather the global conflict. So I wonder if the war conduct of Napoleon, even though there was no crime as significant as the Holocaust conducted by him, survived Napoleon as well as it did Hitler. Considering the vastly more significant events that occurred between WWII and now, it would be interesting to know if the war aspect pestered out as easily, as it would be an odd similarity in the eras when considering human societal evolution.
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>napoleon's fundamentally meritocratic ideology
He made family members kings. What the fuck are you talking about
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