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Ancient Greek memes
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Thread replies: 64
Thread images: 36
File: 1465871299138.jpg (165 KB, 750x1056) Image search: [Google]
165 KB, 750x1056
Post them.

If you have them.
You're meme is great, but I don't have any to post.

Just thought I'd say that you're meme is neat.
>tfw you expect greek memes but you only get a secret admirer
here's a good platonic meme: the Word became flesh
File: beholdaman.jpg (77 KB, 539x507) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 539x507
a living meme
start with the greeks
File: image.jpg (154 KB, 500x651) Image search: [Google]
154 KB, 500x651
File: peaceofantalcidas.png (182 KB, 440x362) Image search: [Google]
182 KB, 440x362
For you Xenophonfags out there.
All i got
File: 2016-01-31 pythagormobile.jpg (525 KB, 900x2909) Image search: [Google]
2016-01-31 pythagormobile.jpg
525 KB, 900x2909
Have another
File: diogenes.jpg (99 KB, 500x453) Image search: [Google]
99 KB, 500x453

Another Diogenes
does anyone have that meme of one philosopher saying that he has a proposition and all other greek philosophers shouting "why" with diogenes jacking off in the corner?
>"flute player"
>not a euphemism for homosexuals
File: sisyphus.png (156 KB, 684x883) Image search: [Google]
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Hate this particular comic. Pythagoras didn't want his followers to avoid beans because he thought that they're unholy or disgusting or something. He avoided beans out of respect for them because he thought that they're divine.

Or maybe its author knows that and is intentionally misrepresenting the ideas of Pythagoras as a joke idk
File: 1438317679733.png (584 KB, 1400x2700) Image search: [Google]
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Isn't there very little actually known about Pythagoras?
It's Demiurgos
I'm not that guy, but you can find some stuff like that in the Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
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In Greek maybe, but Anon is posting in English and in English, the spelling is Demiurge.
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1 MB, 1800x1322
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larger image

for you
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File: forms.jpg (96 KB, 465x600) Image search: [Google]
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Sleep tight Plato!
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>It's Demiurgos

No it's not.

It's "δημιουργός".
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But it's a Greek word see >>1318064
The English transliteration should be Demiurgos.
He's been dead for over two thousand years...
what is dead may never die
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File: gadfly repellant.jpg (159 KB, 1000x823) Image search: [Google]
gadfly repellant.jpg
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>languages cannot adopt words from other languages

I suppose we should be in Historia and Humanities and discussing not philosophy but philosophia.
File: his_smile_and_hoplon__gone.png (290 KB, 388x620) Image search: [Google]
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No memes but I have a few reaction pics
File: Nice pottery you got there.jpg (12 KB, 159x187) Image search: [Google]
Nice pottery you got there.jpg
12 KB, 159x187
Old and boring but whatever
File: Amazed hoplite.png (358 KB, 400x369) Image search: [Google]
Amazed hoplite.png
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110 KB, 600x709
I'm done posting cancer, hope someone drops something better.
but rises again, danker
File: tite.jpg (153 KB, 639x957) Image search: [Google]
153 KB, 639x957
sleep tite P-Dawg
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sleep tight, Plato!
"Sleep tight, Plato"
"Sleep tight, Plato"
sleep tight, plato
File: burning_of_persepolis.png (256 KB, 494x268) Image search: [Google]
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File: byealexander.jpg (202 KB, 1500x1395) Image search: [Google]
202 KB, 1500x1395
sleep tight Plato
File: ,.png (173 KB, 383x302) Image search: [Google]
173 KB, 383x302
>alright strongest

Pretty good. Time to pump out some memes.
someone post the good forms plato one
Sleep tight, Plato
Thread replies: 64
Thread images: 36

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