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>people used to stand in lines and shoot at each other You
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>people used to stand in lines and shoot at each other
You can't make this shit up.
>people used to not be little pussies
You can't make this shit up.
>replying to b8 threads
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>People used to fiercely defend scraps for their overlords because of culture and indoctrination.
You can't make this shit up.
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> here comes the bayonet charge
>baaaw the rich person is trying to defend our mutual home from a foreign aggressor by conscripting me

>insulting the most Holy Trinity
>retards repost this thread every other day
you can't make that shit up
>Dem hashtags
Do you really have nothing better than strawmans?
>This thread again
Line infantry were completely logical and the only way to defend against all threats with reasonable efficiency
>man how come none of these rich guys are at my shoulder like my poor bros?
>doesn't that cunt in back just drink and fuck all day? I heard from the servants that his tutor thinks he's a poof.
>why is he in charge again?

>calvary charges were used in WW2 and worked against infantry
You can't make this shit up
What's logical is what Napoleon did
>mutual home
Did they all live in the same manor?
Presumably because he's the officer leading your peasant ass.

No, glorious comrades, those invaders over there are just like us. If we just talk to them and be nice they will not take advantage of us, unlike these rich swine that have nothing better to do but create more factories and read or write books.

Us proles are known to have good manners and never murder or steal, nope never.
Due to poor aim there was no use in having invidual shootouts with the enemy and due to black powder there was no use in trying to camouflage yourself.
Victory most often followed the bayonet and bayonet charges does well with some mass behind them.

It had nothing to do with being pussies, the guns just had shitty accuracy.
Pretty much, massing firepower on a regimental scale was far more effective than a skirmish style fight. From what I've studied, lines at most fired 3 to 4 volleys before either charging with the bayonet or retreat.

Pretty much.

People figured out in the 16th century that putting grooves into shaped bullets (aka what we call modern rifling) makes guns super accurate....but it was a long expensive process in the days before you could do it by machine. So they went with spherical bullets which surprise surprise, have the spread of a videogame shotgun.
>used to
Stay spooked.

>the guns just had shitty accuracy.

This fucking meme, explain the how Napoleon wrecked all armies opposing him by using skirmish tactics,charging and maneuvering instead of just standing there waiting to get shot.
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>that have nothing better to do but create more factories and read or write books
>Believing nobles ever built factories
>Actually thinking books written by Noblemen have ever had any practical worth
>implying the Nobleclass didn't harm the economy much, much more than they ever helped it
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>see that that printing press? It was invented by a broke guy who was the son of poor poor people
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>Gutenberg was a nobleman
Napoleon used "skirmish" tactics yes, but on the divisional level. He wasn't a fan of going musket to musket like britbongs you're right about that. He preferred the Colonne d'attaque. Aka giving them cold steel.
Also I never said they massed firepower because the guns accuracy. You said that.
Different era and rifles maybe?
Fuck you.
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>Gutenberg was a poorman
t.class cuck
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>Anyone that isn't a noble is poor
>Nobles wasn't the biggest enemies of middle class and non noble upper class people
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sorry i got $$$ u hoe ass punk
Taking the range and firing rate at the time into account, it really wasn't such a retarded method since melee fighting was still a big and relevant part of battles. Tactics changed over time to match the increasing effectiveness of guns.

Fuck even today maneuvers across open ground still happens in lines, albeit much more dispersed and with a constant focus on reducing silhuettes and when possible, but since guns today are a LOT more effective than back then, it's generally avoided.
Factories were primarily created by the merchant class who wanted to optimize the production of shit to sell by centralization of production and got rich as fuck as a result.

Take clothes for instance.
>Merchant buys cotton.
>Merchant travels to one house and pays the women to weave that shit.
>Travels to the next house and pays them to weave that shit too.
>When he's done, he has to do it all again to collect and hand out more cotton.
>Spends a lot of time travelling back and forth.
>Fuck this, sets up one place where he pays a bunch of women to show up and weave cotton.
>Spends less time travelling and as a direct result makes more money off the cotton be buys.
>Merchant becomes rich, and in Britain he earns recognition for his wealth while a lot of other places such as France would call him a loser nobody because he doesn't own land.
you mean use lines

Because he's the only one who can read and write and understands how tactics and strategies work.
>he wants to fight as an individual using only a musket
Enjoy getting torn apart by horsemen
>arm your army like a medieval army
>charge at a napoleonic era army
>they can only fire once before you reach them
>cut them down

More like,
>Medieval army approaches
>volley #1
>medieval army starts chargings
>napol army has 2nd rank fire
>armies connect
>napol army is fighting with a bunch of decently sized pikes, melee wise.
>medieval army flees, because those 2 volleys from earlier felled a decently sized portion of the line.
Not to mention the napol army is much more likely to be better trained then a medieval army.
Back in my day, people used squares to shoot and stab each other. And we liked it!
We didn't complain about being run down by cavalry or that we were forced to live off the land. You kids have it easy these days, with your organized pay systems, state-sponsored professional military corps, and your leadership derived from skilled and trained soldiers rather than poofy noblemen in wigs. You think staring ahead and shooting is hard? Try saying that when all you have is a 10m stick of wood and a dented morion, and you're looking down a French horde backed with dozens of cannon and outriders.
This is why medieval armies replaced musket armies.
>Back in my day, people used squares to shoot and stab each other. And we liked it!
>We didn't complain about being run down by cavalry or that we were forced to live off the land.
M80 Squares were used to defend against cavalry until the 20th century.


easy way to detect someone who has no idea what they are talking about.
>fighting to defend your family and brothers in arms, earn a living and defend your own life, or because a strongman is standing over you is fighting for overlords because of culture and indoctrination

its a myth
This desu. The cannons blasting at your line a few hundred yards back where probably much more horrifying
>People used to be white
You can't make this shit up.
>>fighting to defend your family and brothers in arms
>being forced into a situation where you naturally bond with those around you and then kill and die in their name when it was the elites that put you and your comrades there in the first place and basically are holding your newfound friends hostage
How noble.
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napoleon didn't care enough about skirmishers to adopt rifles and create a unit of riflemen
so here is your answer

he used all his troops mobility instead of telling them to take a hill and stand still until one of the sides breaks down but that can't be considered skirmishing
That's basically what the swedes did. Had long lances, swords, and muskets. Just straight sprinted at them, fired at close range, and closed for the attack.

Also scottish highlanders with shield and sword, for the aptly named highland charge.

Higher chances of survival than trench warfare.
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