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Has anyone yet provided a logical argument for the existence of a god?
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Has anyone yet provided a logical argument for the existence of a god?
If god exist, he would slam my face to the keyboarfaghgjhnvn
shit, god confirmed
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Do we really need more proof than this?
Fuck. Now I need to dust off my Bible.
I was a true believer of dawkins and now im rethinking my life
First video is just attempting to poke holes in scientific theory, no actual argument for a god, and the second is an argument from ignorance; we exist, therefor god.
The most compelling evidence for god by far is >>1077777

I have a 2 foot long penis.

Ergo, God exists.
Damn, if God loves me he will give me dubs.
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Time to repent.
>the second is an argument from ignorance

If dubs, Zoroastrianism is the correct religion.
If singles, the last two digits are the number of years I have before I die of divinely bestowed cancer.
deus ex machina or deus vult?
Okay? So everything that exists needs a cause, but god doesn't need a cause, therefor he doesn't exist? This guy's arguing against creationism!
If trips god doesn't exist.

What is [a god]?
holy fuck
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So close.
>the big man makes it only one post away, just to be a dick
if this post ends in 24 god wants everyone to wear a hat and break the hymens of all girls before they grow pubes.
Nice try m8
If this post ends in a 5 then everything in this thread is irrelevant
anything anyone defines as a god, it seems that there is no consensus among theists as to what a god actually is. it's generally assumed as an intelligent force that created some aspect of reality through supernatural means.
Shut up, Mohammed
see >>1077874
if post ends in 74 then god admits blacks can get into heaven, but only as slaves to the white master race
neither? I don't believe this is applicable.
Stop that. Don't abuse the gets.
If dubs Muhammad dindu nuffin
I was 2 off both times the posting system is rigged
The next trips in this thread decides truth:
>111 - Christianity
>222 - Islam
>333 - Hinduism
>444 - Buddhism
>555 - Judaism
>666 - Paganism
>777 - Zoroastrianism
>888 - Pantheism
>999 - Deism
>000 - God doesn't exist.
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God is right here, proving his love to the pure virgin 4channers
Isnt 777 the holy number or something?
Or there is a god/God who wishes for you not to get
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Yes, he wants everybody in africa to get aids and some infants to die at birth but fucks with my gets.
God needs a comedy central presents feature.

Reminder that the truth will set you free.
Christianity confirmed. this thread has been positively enlightening.
Stop using scripts, God. That's cheating.
/co/ needs to fuck off for once.
but which christianity?
>111 mainline protestant
>222 YEC
>333 Catholic
>444 Eastern Orthodox
>555 Arianism
>666 gnosticism
>"Run, little boy! You must escape the Vatican! If they find you they will surely take your virginity! I shall distract them with my break dancing skills!"
Let's find out
Maybe in Vegas.
>no holes
>no crown of thorns
777 for cathars!
>888 for mormonism
God is a meme, and memes do exist, insofar as signs exist in our conscious or subconscious self.
999 Herman Cain is Jesus Christ's 2nd coming
Time to cleanse some heresy
>999 Jesus the individual.
000 for Rastafarianism
This is an insufficient roll post. Post a complete version covering all trips and 000 being a reversal of Christianity being truth.
Nah, god already spoke and Christ is your savior
If the thread 404's before the next set of trips are all sects valid?
Yes, I'm proof God exists

Check em
Obviously you are falseflagging Satan trying to convince us you are an insecure Christian. A true Christian wouldn't be afraid of a 0.1% chance of of God failing. God cannot fail. God can teach your grandmother to suck eggs!
damn those look good
All is 1, 1 is all, nothingness inside and outside.
Sure, if they were cooked
way to point out the obvi
That's pretty good, unless you're underage B&, then it's normal
Get for Islam
Mehmet btfo

One, holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church


Catholics BTFO

Catholicism is heresy
>111 mainline Protestant
>222 YEC
>333 Catholic
>444 Eastern Orthodox
>555 Arianism
>666 gnosticism
>777 Mormonism
>888 Oriental Orthodoxy
>999 Church of the East
>000 Christianity is repealed.
>implying Mormonism is Christian
>implying there is any other criteria for Christianity than accepting Jesus as the savior of humanity.
Down with the Demiurge!
So I can believe Jesus is the savior of mankind and he wants us all to masturbate to anime? Can I believe that Jesus was a highly advanced robot from an alternate timeline?
Emphatically yes. You would have your own sect of Christianity. The only people who try to mount on extra criteria are butthurt Christians trying to play king of the hill with the definition.
Looks like it's not Eastern Orthodoxy either
If it's arianism I'm pissed
You can believe anything you want, religion is about faith, not proof. Most religious people will admit this actually.
Only 1000 posts until we are back around.
>Religion is about faith, no proof.
That's only been true since the scientific revolution.
True to some extent, but even way back when you had semi-influential theologians like Augustine arguing against a literal interpretation of the book of genesis for example.
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If dubs then God remembers he's already dead and stops spooking us.
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>implying Fritz thought Christianity was spiritual
God is dead tbbqh
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And there we have it. Christian Arianism is the truth.

Are you satisfied OP? I think we can all agree that the case is incontestable.
Not for Orthodoxy and CERTAINLY not for something like Judaism
Reunited Christianity under a Catholic system. Catholic is the current correct form.
you've failed trinitarian scum. Jesus is not eternal
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fucking spooky
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Hold on guys, if this were REALLY God's work, then why did he stop at five sevens? Why not seven sevens? Surely god is capable of seven sevens.
What is Arianism anyway?
Because that would take for fucking ever for that to come around, like years.
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Matthew 19:26
If dubs, I am the next prophet
Preach us your wisdom enlightened one
oh shit nigga
Will you bring about the end times great one?
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Confirmed for impostor
lead us o great one
Okay for reals now.
>I am god.
Using trip code

Dubs i am a faggot
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ITT: God is real, Aryianinsm is the true religion, the 4chan prophet just got crucified in less than 10 minutes.
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Will we discuss ontological arguments? Cosmological arguments? Teleological arguments? Moral arguments? Transcendental arguments? Will we discuss the role of logical argumentation as it pertains to the popularity of theism in general?

> nah bro let's just see how many numerals run in a row by accident

This is our /his/
There are no better arguments for God than gets. All other arguments for God are flawed.
It's over already.
Lets see
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step up atheists God confirmed
He sure slammed those repeating numbers tho
all those arguments are so shitty we might as well decide it by gets
Shut up faggot. Dubs are a sign of God's will
lmao I don't think ignorance comes any worse than blind faith, but I couldn't be more happy with how this thread turned out.
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Solid counter-arguments anon, good job.
Do you have a favorite argument for God that you think is flawless? Are you claiming that many of them are valid in hopes that someone will explain them to you?
The proposition "God exists" has too many interpretations to be meaningful.
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No - though I find many of the arguments interesting, I consider myself an atheist.

The point is the discussion, the examination, rather than the bare dismissal; if we just write off these arguments as pathetic, then we fail to educate those who know less about them, we fail to engage with their persuasive attributes and their flaws, and we fail to keep ourselves open minded to new formulations of these arguments that, maybe, avoid the errors of thier predecessors.

If we care enough about the question of god(s) - as I think we should - then it's obviously worth taking the topic seriously enough.
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It depends on the formulation of the specific argument in question - especially if that argument is associated with a particular faith tradition; we shouldn't just dismiss all arguments for god on the grounds that "god" can *sometimes* be poorly defined.
Honestly, when I found all the arguments wanting I let the slowly fade from memory. All that remains off the top of my head is the conclusion, not the arguments themselves. When arguments for God come up I need someone to actually bring up a single argument at a time so I can brush off my memory and give a meaningful response. Until then all I can say is that they are all insufficient.
These sick quints
Nah senpai I am the real jesus
you can't even get dubs, false prophet.
I am sorry, I'll just kill myself
dubs confirm, sudoku is only option
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Well, if on-the-spot you can refute any fallaciousness of the inferences, then excellent - but the conclusion of any such argument, obviously, will be "god exists," so it's worth knowing their rationale well enough so that, in advance, you can to remember how they go wrong and can call them out on it.

We shouldn't only be ready to say *that* the conclusion is wrong - we should be ready to explain *why* the conclusion is wrong.
Fucking damn it, where can I livestream my crucifixion?
I guess that if we have a specific definition of the word "God", we can rule out every belief system that doesn't fit in with that particular conception of God, but that doesn't really help us determine which one is true, especially given the ductile nature of religion.
Or I can claim they are wrong and rely on the person claiming one of them is right to point that one out or even argue it themself such that it jogs my memory.



I'll side with trips over your word, m8.
Lies. Odin is the true god.
>not accepting jesus
Christ's truth is proven! Christ is Risen!
If Odin were real, why didn't He give you dubs?
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It's just a matter of being familiar enough with the issues to be able to be able to analayze the particular argument in question, anon. Don't count on the general issue of "burden of proof," no matter how proper that burden might be; focus instead on your ability to invalidate whatever *specific* arguement is thrown your way, if you wish to convince onlookers and your opponent.

If I assert that all the theistic arguments I've heard are insufficient, then I should be able to explain, on the spot, why those arguments are insufficient - and in this way I'm always prepared, to the maximal degree that I can be, to fight off invalid arguments for god. This preparedness is better than just trusting and hoping that, if the moment arises, I'll be able to recall on-the-spot all the subtle points that invalidate the particular argument for the existence of a god that I'm confronted with.
>Don't count on the general issue of "burden of proof,"
The fuck not? I'm not going to prove literally every conceivable thing that COULD exist implausible.

Also I think you are underestimating the kind of time spans humans have to deal with. You may have learned all this stuff in the last few years, but that won't always be the case. Eventually the topic will come up and you will not have talked about it in years. There is nothing wrong with stating your conclusion and then going into detail as it becomes relevant. The alternative is to allow all that thought you put onto the topic to go to waste, and that doesn't benefit anyone.
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>>Don't count on the general issue of "burden of proof,"
>The fuck not? I'm not going to prove literally every conceivable thing that COULD exist implausible

I mean this: if you wish to convince the average person - who is unfamiliar with the demands of careful philosophizing and its burden proof - then it's prudent to have the details of your position at the ready. Otherwise, you'll have to remember, or improvise, your position on the spot, and those amateur observers won't give you the credit that the burden of proof confers upon you - because those observers are too amateurish to appreciate what the burden of proof even is.

Mine is simply a pragmatic argument for what is in the best interest of the religiously skeptical, atheistic worldview that I would promote.

> You may have learned all this stuff in the last few years, but that won't always be the case.

Certainly not, if I don't *try* to refresh my memory, and to keep current with what has developed in the meantime with my chosen subject of specialty.

> There is nothing wrong with stating your conclusion and then going into detail as it becomes relevant.

Yes - provided that you have mastered the subject well enough that you can respond to any challenges at a moment's notice, even years after your studies.

> The alternative is to allow all that thought you put onto the topic to go to waste, and that doesn't benefit anyone.

There is another alternative, I think: choosing and studying your topic of speciality so that you can confront the many people who hold opposite positions, and so that you are maximally prepared to confront whatever counterarguments come your way. In other words, being sufficiently versed in your chosen subject so that you can opine and can be ready to counter, with specifics, whatever competition comes your way, rather than letting your thought-out and prepared opinions go to waste.
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and Arianism is correct. guess you just ignored that part
Because Odin only has one eye. He can you GET you one digit at a time.

>description of philosopher... as a troll

What if the philosopher in question is Diogenes?
>Fetus's first troll image
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> People who dismiss Nietzsche or Wittgenstein don't know anything about philosophy
wew lad
Converting as we speak. Anyone got some holy water?
whoop dee doo, a bunch of quints, trips and dubs, and nearly failed dubs. the presence of got is in this board - NOT. The universe is atoms, guys.

I'm so sure that the universe is atoms and that's all, that this post will prove it. Once this post doesn't end in 666, that will be the end of the entire thread. no god, go fuck yourselves, etc.

OR if this thread ends in 666 once I've posted (I have made a point of not examining his' post count before posting this) then I promise to be Christian, so help me God. (nope, won't end in 666, fuck you god, your shitty thread is over. I refuse to take this thread's hint and I insist on proof.)
Fuck you, check my singles
Rolling for Catholicism
This thread's done more to convince me that the christian god exists than any other argument this board's given me
there are way more categories of retards than that

including the kind that save moron tier infographics
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If trips, Islam is the way and the truth
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
Technically not trips.
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>t r a n s c e n d
If god isn't real then how did Jesus part the sea?
this thread is truly blessed, everyone who posts here will obtain a qt philosopher gf in the next month
Bless you and your dubs.
Let's see about that infidel.

Quads contain trips. Which obviously implies that Islam contains all the religions.
If singles I fucked your mom
Religion is just a good tool for handling non - educated people and make them do what you want (good or bad stuff)
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check em'
If my post number ends in random numbers like 273

Then there is no such thing as god, and humans are the result of evolution and random chance.
Is it really reasonable to expect a logical argument for something that is meant to be beyond logic and humans? We can barely piece together definitions and ontology for decidedly banal and human things. Why would you assume we're capable of understanding things that would stand above us?
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tough luck.
Gnosticism of course
I'll explain what happened to me.

>See supernatural things
>Start looking for God and investigating things
>Start with weird eastern religions
>Things go horribly for me
>I am tortured, locked up, hated, miserable, in pain, demonized, receiving no help, shit goes horrible for me
>move to christianity the "book" way
>Initially things get a bit better but shit starts getting suspicious and I start getting fucked over again
>Oh it is a test (and nobody helped me with the demonization)
>Start reading up and investigating
>See the contradictions
>Try new things, variations, check what I'm doing wrong
>progressively worse the more I seem to be doing things by the book
>suddenly realize the ruse the moment I pray more to God for help in a very fucked up situation (I even wanted to die of cancer and end it all already)
>Notice this way of how God would be really like
>Put it into practice, my life improves drastically


Meanwhile since 2008 Spain is going to hell with no return. That's when the crisis started, also the rest of the world isn't going very nicely.
So I'm taking for granted more actual humans are realizing this and wrath is about to come. See how countries lately seem to be infiltrated by enemies of their people? Terrorists and such? Oh wow, what might happen?

>N-no we are perfect christians the way christians are to be intended!

Oh, and why are your countries being struck by terrorist attacks and mass inmigration of potential terrorists? Why are countries being ruined economically?

>t-that's satan

Let's see:

Matthew 10:29

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care.

Looks like the will of God, not the will of satan.

>b-because they are of the devil like you

Does not the bible say that most of the world are demons? How come there's so many "true christians" like you?

1 John 5:19

We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

Matthew 10:21

Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.

Yep, looks like it's a minority of actual christians.

2 Thessalonians 2:4

He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

Jesus: Oh hai guise, I'm a god and now you depend on me instead of on God.
praise be

I believe you need a therapist, not a priest
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Ave dubs, ave /his/
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Shit, well this is undeniable.

The Modal Ontological argument is pretty nice.
◊= modal operator for "possible"
□= modal operator for "necessary"
->= conditional

Gx- That which no greater than can be thought of exists.

1. (P -> Q) -> ( ◊P -> ◊ Q) Axiom 1
2. Gx -> □ Gx Because: It is greater to necessarily exist then to not necessarily exist.
3. (Gx -> □ Gx) -> (◊ Gx -> ◊ □ Gx) From 1 and 2.
4. (◊ Gx -> ◊ □ Gx) From 2 and 3.
5. ◊ Gx Assumption: There is nothing contradictory about the concept of “That which no greater can be thought of”, thus it is possible that it exists.
6. ◊ □ Gx From 4 and 5
7. ~ □ Gx -> ~ Gx From 2
8. ~ Gx -> ~ ◊ □ Gx Axiom 2
9. ◊ □ Gx Re of 6
10. ~ ~ Gx From 8 and 9
11. ~ ~ □ Gx From 7 and 10
12. □ Gx From 11

5 would be the premise to press on to try to make a case against it.
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> There is some kind of unified objective "greatness"
> 2. Gx -> □ Gx Because: It is greater to necessarily exist then to not necessarily exist.
> 5. ◊ Gx Assumption: There is nothing contradictory about the concept of “That which no greater can be thought of”, thus it is possible that it exists.
[citation needed]

Then again, you have to prove that "That which no greater than can be thought of exists" is actually God and not, well, a very big rock, very big black hole, primordial radiation, the Big Bang or whatever.
I thought it was simply that the greatest thing would be defined as god?
You mean, if you define "god" as "the greatest thing"? You can, but first you should define "greatness", and even then you'll get sterile god you can't do anything with. You can't deduce if it has some kind of consciousness/personality or not, you can't deduce did it create the world or not, you definitely can't deduce any morals form it, you can't tell that it gives a shit about humans, whatever it's benevolent or evil and so on. In other words, there's still infinitely long way from this abstract concept of the greatest thing out there to the concrete gods of actual religious traditions.

And it doesn't fix the argument itself: Kant's objections still holds despite the argument being reformulated in a fancy modal form.
Oh shit, bois, God's in the house! Dem quints ain't lyin'!

On a side note, does anyone notice that no one else has given an argument?
Dude Gabriel gave me commands in the cave lmao
So close...
You can't get a better argument than those digits
With all this rolls, it appears that none is correct. Paul was right, then, eh?
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Ask Descartes.
Not trips. Back to Christianity!
gg no re
>this thread
time to nuke /his/
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Praise be upon you, oh lord, for you have proven your existence with thine holy quints. May we cleanse the heretics of Kek from all boards in a righteous crusade, with your guidance and holy power.
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I love you God.
Crusade when?

Here you go. The truth.
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Get out of here. Thank you First Council of Constantinople. Arius was and always will be a heretic.
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Representing Islam, here.
Back to Humanism transcedental anomaly...
The way I see it, if the Universe is infinite, then somewhere, someplace, there is a God.
The Universe is finite, m8.
What's it expanding into then? But anyways, it's still a theory, isn't it?
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> What's it expanding into then?
It just expands.
>But anyways, it's still a theory, isn't it?
No, it's pretty much academic consensus for 80 years now.
Whatever, there's still a lot we don't know. I guess that's why there's such a thing as faith.
rolling for holiness
He was even considerate enough to click Post for you.
I think you meant to type God is DAD
Quads are NOT trips. Pay attention to the tricks at hand here. Islam IS the religion of the false prophet we were warned about.

Only God Forgives
> Quads are NOT trips
Jesuit logic, it's obvious what quads >= trips, i.e. every quad is a trip, but not every trip is a quad. Moreover, the simple fact of quads being superior to trips, shows us the obvious superiority of Islam and the
falsehood of Trinitarian theology.
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Not him, but every quad CONTAINS a trip, yet is not inherently a trip. Say, my lunchbox, for example. It contains an apple, but it's not an apple. See?
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Muh bible is proof
>uses science to disprove bible
Ok yea but what if god is just like all powerful and the bible is just kinda wrong.
>You'd still be fucking wrong then, why should i not masterbate if you just have this BS idea of an omni-potent being. You just had to admit that the bible is wrong.
YOU CANT DISPOVE THIS WISHY WASHY CONCEPT therefore i claim victory. Now STOP masterbating.
>Fuck you. Fuck you to death.
Your analogy is false, just because the post is quad doesn't mean it isn't trip. Just because number 12 is a multiple of 2, it doesn't mean it isn't multiply of 1, 3, 4, 6, and 12 also. If you define a trip as "consequence of digits with the last 3 being the same" you can obviously deduce that every quad is actually a trip by definition.
Christian Arianism already won.
Praise God!

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 56

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