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Looking for brutal rape fetish stories aka "what would anon
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Looking for brutal rape fetish stories aka "what would anon do to ..."
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It's all about the brutal, violent rape fantasy.

(I don't condone rape at all, I have no problem with rape fantasy just to be clear!!)
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Come across her walking through woods on a shortcut home. Woods are densely packed this time of year so not many people take the route. Watching from a way back, I see she has headphones on and can't hear anything. I see her nice ass in the yoga pants and her visible pantie line.

My dick gets hard.I think about just jerking off while walking behind her, I'm far enough back that she won't suspect anything. But then I look around and see we're all alone.

I quicken up just enough to catch up to her. Heart pounding I grab her, putting my hand over her mouth and drag her off the vague track deeper into the woods.

Her headphones come off so she can hear everything now. She tries to struggle to get away, but I'm twice her size so it's easy for me.

She then must have caught onto the fact my big hard shaft was pressing against her. I think she realised this wasn't just me mugging her.

I throw her to the floor face first and pull down her yoga pants and panties in one motion. As she tries to get away I keep a hold of them so the end up coming off along with her trainers.

She doesn't get very far on all fours, Her tight ass and pussy on display. I'm hard now as I grab her waist and pull her back towards me. I have to release her to undo my trousers. I just let them fall down and at the same time kick off my shoes.

Once again shes only a few feet away. I grab her waist again, my hard dick rubbing against her lower back.

I keep a hold this time, kneeling down I pull her back towards me again. This time straight onto my hard cock which does straight and deep into her tight ass.

I lean forward, pushing her face into the ground with one hand as I fuck her rough and hard. The other reaching around groping at her tits.

She soon stops trying to get away and accepts what is happening. She cries and whimpers, begging me not to cum inside her and just to let her go when she can.

I ignore her and cum hard inside her.
Second Bump
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/ disappointing result
>Looking for brutal rape fetish stories aka "what would anon do to ..."

Walking over the German border illegally together with Bill Clinton - and have Germany pay for it!
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