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Fun with Food
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Thread replies: 62
Thread images: 40
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strange foods your girl will let you put inside her lets try to keep this to girls you have done this with,
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Looks like no one likes these pics at all????bummer because they were a lot of fun to do!!!
Hell yeah, dude. Looks like you're pretty rough on her, too!
She likes to be spanked what can I say rate her pics make her feel good if you like what you see...
Anyone else wanna share photos like this???
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I do this is a beuitiful mother of two give her some love make her feel good about herself!
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Its not food but we found it in the kitchen! lol
Love the nips!
Thank you she is smiling now!
is it weird that i'd like to eat the shit she's putting in her ass and pussy?
Makes sense me... she is fresh out of the shower!
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That's one nice looking asshole. I'm digging the hair, too!
The photos really don't do her justice!
Anyone want to fuck her she likes girls too...
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She has a very nice pussy! Thank you for sharing if you have any more I would like to see them!
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Thanks.. yeah I really liked her pussy. I have posted her pussy tons, but those were originals I hadn't posted before. That was the only time I remember getting freaky with vegetables. I don't think she was even aware what I was fucking her with... she was more concerned with being filled up by something... anything.
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Nice pics would be nice to see more food or objects filling any ones girls pussy! We did it as a guessing game she knew I stopped at the store and had to guess what I was fucking her with.
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Nice! We tried that once with a peeled banana. never do that it came apart inside her and I had a hell of a time getting the pieces out of her! Gives eating pussy a whole new meaning!
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Do you know this girl? I would love to meet her!
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did you take that picture with a fucking potato?

the fuck people post useless photos like that?
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Hey it got a response! maybe this one is a little more clear!
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Here is one more just because you cared enough to respond! Happy New Years!
Enjoyed your pics. Not rhe first rhing rhat comes to mind, BI intimate and hot neverrheless. I'll give it a fap.
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Thank you it means a lot to get a little feed back that's why we posted!
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Keep them coming! Does she take that corn in her ass? I'd love to see that...
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In the peehole? Fucking great!
Yay feels great ;)
Thread replies: 62
Thread images: 40

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