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Hazmat Suits ?
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Thread replies: 176
Thread images: 76
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So what are the thoughts on Hazmat Suit intercourse ?
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i think it looks pretty stupid lol

but to each their own
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If the prepers are right, we're going to have to get used to this.
That's taking safe sex to a ridiculous new extreme.

I thought it would be the exact opposite of safe sex myself.
You can't get herpes
Well I'd like to see how much more interesting it could make facials.
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That reminded me of this.
That not what I meant by "Rubber fetish", Angie...
It's fucking idiotic how some people focus on the risk of viral transmission to the exclusion of almost everything else.

Granted, I myself am guilty of narrowly focusing on the traumatic risks of anal sex, but that's mostly because so few others do. It's all "ZOMG HIV! ZOMG HERPES! WEAR FUCKING CONDOMS AND HAZMAT SUITS ZOMG!!1 AAAAIIIIIDDDDDSSSSSS!!!!!! BRRAAAAAAAIIIIINNNNNNNZZZZZZZ!!!!" (Sorry, got a bit carried away there)

Sure, some viruses can lead to life-long problems... But isn't ending up with a colostomy bag from too much destructive anal sex significant as well?
>because so few others do.

No, everyone does. Traumatic anal sex is traumatic. It requires no discussion because the body already has a built-in warning system for it: pain.

People talk about STDs because there is no obvious warning sign to stop transmission until it's far too late.
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To be honest I was more inclined toward the "fun" aspect of it than the "safety" aspect.

Plus its not any safer. If anything its probably the exact opposite.
Way to go, anon. I hadn't intended to turn this into yet another anal debate.

Anyway. No, everyone doesn't. I've seen numerous articles about anal sex that focus mostly or completely on the risk of disease transmission and downplay or even ignore the traumatic risks. Ignorance of these risks is certainly a problem, and there is plenty of misinformation out there as well.

> It requires no discussion because the body already has a built-in warning system for it: pain.
1. The sensitive anoderm is only about 1.5cm in length, beyond which the rectum is lined by a much more fragile columnar epithelium that lacks sensitive nerve fibers.
2. Painful anal sex is not uncommon. Some receptive people ignore pain, believing it to be normal and/or insignificant, while some others actually desire pain (sexual masochism). Coercion by partners who wish to emulate what they see in porn is a problem also.

> Traumatic anal sex is traumatic.
Not all of the traumatic consequences are immediately obvious.
> Painful anal sex is not uncommon.
"Anal sex is becoming increasingly prevalent among heterosexual women and men. Although pain related to receptive anal intercourse is not uncommon, little is known about its phenomenology. This article aims to assess the prevalence and correlates of pain during anoreceptive intercourse, including anodyspareunia, its most severe form, among young women... The findings that a substantial proportion of women reported pain at first and subsequent anoreceptive intercourse highlight a need for more information and education about anal eroticism."
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. 2011; 37(5): 346-58.
Should we take anodyspareunia seriously? A descriptive analysis of pain during receptive anal intercourse in young heterosexual women.
Get out of here, stalker!

It still counts.
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>I hadn't intended to turn this into yet another anal debate.

Then why are you still posting? Just stop already.

>I hadn't intended to turn this into yet another anal debate.

Is that the debate of the century around this board or something ?
what is even going on in these pictures?
moar pls

> moar pls

Of which ?

In which set of pictures ?
As someone in a hazmat response field. I can safely tell you that she is sweating her tits off in that thing.

Is it really that hot inside one ?
cheeki breeki
when your bae has ebola

For that matter is it comfortable inside one ?
>when your bae has ebola


Is it really that bad ?
Fuck this board
Seriously, fuck this fucking board

Whats wrong with this board ?
freaky dansker...

If you're going to do something might as well pull out all the stops.

Dansker ?

Someone said "tarkovsky"? Lopushansky!
Im just imagining TF2's pyro going MMPH MMMPH MPPHPPHM MPHH MMPH
Danish people.

I think there is already porn specifically of that now that you mention it.
That's Dead man's letters correct?

Was gonna do a paper on that film but Jesus, its obscure as hell

Odd name for a film.
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Current subjects display numerous counts flagrant errors in use of protective garment
Current subjects display numerous counts of flagrant disregard for use of protective garment
Multiple garment breaches detected
Multiple respiratory breaches detected
Probability of infection approaching 100%


Suggested course of action:
Detain and quarantine.

If not possible Kill On Sight.

If not possible shut down facility and contain out break.


Does it get that serious ?
remember previous incidents of outbreak at our sister facilities

Remember that these protocols exist for your safety


>garment breaches detected

I'm wondering how you would even detect that.
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why are there so many people who like tarkovsky on here


Maybe he is a skilled director and film producer ?
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I see.
When you're making meth in the middle of nowhere and horny...

Breaking Bad then ?
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So..whats going on in that image exactly ?
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Your guess is as good as mine. I guess I can see why people like this stuff, but to me it's basically a shittier version of latex wear.
What you've never got turned on from playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? Nothing gets me harder than hearing "cheeki-breeki" as I'm walking through an abandoned factory.
get out of here stalker
snapchat me


hairy dicks pls
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I find it more interesting than basic latex as it seems thicker.
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What is "stalker" ?

So whats going on there exactly ?
Pyro's trying to figure out how to give a blowjob while still keeping the mask on.

It's always nice to have protection.

Always wondered, how do you do this without running out of air normally ?

Not sure where porn of this would be found at.
The thoughts are that exchange of bodily fluids may be completely devised the point of a HazMat suit. But whatever gets you off man.

Not like you'd probably think.
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>that exchange of bodily fluids may be completely devised the point of a HazMat suit.

Since when?

Hand Job protection?
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Sorry, I'll never do it again...
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Well that was funny.

It took me a moment to get that.
A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки!

What ?

There a joke I'm missing here?
Пoтoм oнa мacлинy cлoвит.

If you say so.
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Why is this a thing?Hazmat suits really?

Apparently there is a fetish for it.


Because it is apparently.
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That suit is never going to work with a hole in the crotch like that!

Well it might if you plan on taking multiple facials at least.
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Does it need to?
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I dun understnad

Do you need to?

What if it works as intended?

This. I can think of nothing less appealing than fucking in a haz mat suit.

I find it quite appealing myself.

I want to see this now.

Who wouldn't?

50 guys and 1 girl in a hazmatsuit?

She probably wouldn't be able to get her suit's zipper open afterwards.

Or get the flap on the side open.

Stuck in it then?
How do you know they're danish? Are you perhaps in this picture?

Is that what "Dankster" means?

Or cum on the inside, make her wear it and then tape it up so she can't get out.

theyre all the same user samefagging the thread
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Wow I'm surprised this thread has been around this long.

So am I.


Maybe there is a fetish for him?
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Weird stuff here but to each their own :-)
its a post apocalyptic video game
Thread replies: 176
Thread images: 76

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