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Sugimoto's Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic ~Nurse Remedy
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You are currently reading a thread in /h/ - Hentai

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File: P00c.png (2 MB, 1600x2000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1600x2000
It's been out for like 12 hours, why don't we have some info on it?
File: Pub-LL.jpg (91 KB, 560x420) Image search: [Google]
91 KB, 560x420
File: Sample02.jpg (295 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
295 KB, 600x800
I have been googling for it for an hour and found nothing. It seems you also have to pull a number to buy it from the official page
All I got was the preview comic that they had posted for it. Strange.
Anyone find a download for this yet? I can't through on the chinese store.
Bump. This looks like an instant classic.
File: db2d5e52.jpg (60 KB, 1000x580) Image search: [Google]
60 KB, 1000x580
Bumping with another pic til someone posts it
just some more samples. http://g.e-hentai.org/g/917547/04b3edb0ce/
I tell this out of kindness, there isn't no netorare on this.
Hope the uploader reads this before it's late.




There is ntr. Male ntr.
The one netorared the nurse Shiho by her boss Tsugimoto because she broke the rule of harboring feelings for a patient.
The guy didn't have anything for the nurse and at the end he just left after the semen extraction (hospital business) while Shiho brought her next patient.

It might be male:ntr.
But it seems Shiho is just a slut who always falls for the patients so her boss always has to punish her.
Is this just a still PDF, or is there actual 3D hentai animation?
Just a PDF
Thank you friend.
Thread replies: 15
Thread images: 4

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