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I have some questions about Teaching Feeling.
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Hi there. Last night I started playing this game. I read very good comments about it and I decided to try it.
I liked the idea of having to live with an ex-slave and what attracts me most was the idea of being able to completely transform the life of this little cute girl. A whole new life full of affection, care and love.
I started to play (v.1.16), and I saw the high sexual content it has. From there I have the following questions:

1-The only goal of the game is to unlock all the sex scenes?.
2-Can I maintain a relationship with Sylvie without having as a goal the sexual scenes?.
3-Can I progress and discover new things in the game doing that?.
4-There are mods for this game?.

I didn't start playing this hoping that it'll be just for fap and watch hentai.
Can someone help me?
Why didn't you post this in the TF thread?
This is a game that is whatever you want it to be, anon.

If what you want is to use some sweet, innocent little girl who has been forced into the most brutal aspects of slavery, one who has been made to experience levels of pain incomprehensible by the common man on a daily basis, to use her as nothing more than an object to satiate your infinitesimal and pathetic craving for the most basic form of human contact, then that is the decision you're given, anon. Nobody will judge you for that. Nobody is going to force you to think about how many dreams and hopes have been shattered by the assimilation and forcefulness of will that has been laid upon her soul as you stare into her blank eyes while thrusting yourself into the limp body of this broken girl. She won't blame you, anon. It's simply what she's grown to expect of the world. So you're free to do as you please, you asshole. Just go ahead and feed her sandwiches.
mm, maybe I should do that.
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>feed her sandwiches
Like this?
>Sweet onion chicken teriyaki

It's like you don't even care.
Well, now I'm giving her clothes, meals, head pats and talks every day. Treating her as if she were an angel. But I'm stuck there.
I mean, this game has an ending or something like that?. This has a number of situations that depends on what you do? Will I encounter with a certain situation if I continue with this?
Or it will be an infinite amount of days repeating every care i do for her with no results?
Are you stuck, anon? Perhaps the problem isn't the game, but what you've come to expect from a platonic relationship.

The game will continue seemingly forever, anon. Day by day you will be forced to make decisions and choices for this girl, even if they don't always align with your own wants or needs. You'll have to home school her, teach her about the world, and then in 5-8 years, you'll have to send her out on her own to create and craft her own experience. To live her own life.

There are results, anon. Even if you can't see them.
I agree haha.
At least, it's an answer.
I know it's just a game. I just like the idea of transform the miserable life of a slave girl into a new one full of glory.
It would be great to home school her, teach her about the world and things like that.

Sorry though, I was just kind of being a dick and going off on my own tangent.

The game is still in a pretty early developmental phase. There aren't really a lot of interactions that have been coded in from what I can tell. Love and lust scale on a scale from 1 to 9999, and depending on their values, you can receive different responses as per your interactions with Sylvie.

Most of these interactions are naturally based around the H aspect of the game. The memory system is the method used to track progress for certain H events. The H events are triggered by either wearing specific clothing, having a high enough lust, being at a specific location, or all of the above.

Passed the memories and general chatter and lust/love elements, there isn't a lot more to the game. You can play indefinitely past the initial event, and nothing will really happen.

I can't tell you much of mods, but it seems like there may be some texture replacements for different girls, and clothes. It also seems that some people have made their own scenarios which can be triggered.
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No problem. It was funny.

Thanks a lot. That was a perfect answer.

Maybe in the future, we can find now events triggered by specific things that we did before.

In a way, I have done what I wanted with Sylvie. It was fun too.
new events*
my bad.
>as if she were an angel
She IS an angel.
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I didn't read all the 303 replies in this thread.
Is it possible to play the latest version in english?.
The latest version adds new things to the game?. I mean, new triggered events and cool stuffs. Not new clothes or sexual scenes and shit like that.
Currently im playing the v1.16, and Im bored after 130 days living with her.
Sorry i post it wrong
I think it adds:

-2 new scenes
-Bunch of outfits
-New randomized dialog
-More name responses
-Waiter interaction

Versus 1.17, at least. Not a ton of stuff, but a little bit. It's not fully translated though, so quite a bit of the stuff can't be read.
Oh, and general UI tweaks. Now you get to look at a cute picture of Sylvie as you force your fashion preferences onto her.
Thanks. hat sounds pretty cool.

Those new things are added in 1.17 or in the latest version?.
(1.31 is the latest version, right? )
That* sounds pretty cool
Yeah, that's in 1.3.0/1.
What names does Sylvie react to?
do you mean the custom names?

Original names:

Bro, Brother, Onii-chan, Nii-san
Dad, Papa
Sensei, Doctor, Teacher

Custom Names:

I came into it with the same thoughts you did anon, but unfortunately the games unfinished and theres not much more than the sex scenes and dressing up sylvie.

You can maintain a relationship with her without the scenes, but it consists of only headpats and saying she loves you, nothing more elaborate than that. No mods that I know of.

Really hope the author expands on it more instead of just adding more clothes. The art is great and the premise has potential, but it'll probably be nothing more than a training/porn game.
Sylvie looks best in a sundress
it is good to find someone who has the same ideas as me.

I agree with everything you say, and it's sad that the game is actually a porn game.

I mean, there is nothing wrong with the game contains sexual scenes. But it can have more with respect to the main theme of the game.
I like the sundress and her scars, We all have something that we don't like. But you have to be happy with that after all.
Literally rags.
She died on me. I just took her out every day.
y-you monster
>Try Missonsno
>Almost die

hehe, missingno is the best one =D
There is also a slightly different reaction for "Darling."
I'l try it. thanks ^^
in what way does she react to these?
how in gods name do i trigger the scenes where she asks you for sex?

i know you are supposed to not have sex with hwe so ive talked to her for 2 weeks and so far nothing
First you need to up your lust. 200 is enough. Use pink flowers.

Try Missingno right now.
the first scene isnt a low lust trigger?
It is (I don't know exact amount) but they are activated consecutively anyway.
To be precise to get the second scene you will have to opt-out from the first one, to get the third scene you will have to opt-out from the second. If you have 200 lust you will trigger all of them.
what's the name of that game ? n00b here XDD
>Teaching Feeling
nevermind lel
>n00b here XDD
>nevermind lel

kill yourself
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nothing really changed.. do i need to patch something? im at 1.3 atm
How long is it until I gain access to the tier 2 dress and the headwear? The icons are there, but nothing to buy yet in the store.
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Same here is got the vibe that ellie and clementine gave off from her. Father simulator is what I'm looking for I guess.
Absolve me of my negligence, please. What is this game and where can I get it?
-> >>4225809
Many thanks
Nice. I think that there are mods for the playstyle we want to play. But I don't know where...
I've seen something about finding the suspicious man again in the market and some other "story development", yet, I've been playing for a while now and haven't seen any of rhat. Am I missing something?
It's random and chance to meet him is about 1/33.
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