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Teaching Feeling
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 63
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So, how's it going?
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Tell me about yourself.
She korean?
Best outfit in the entire game.
Well, I prefer the black long socks but that dress is my absolute favorite
What game is this from?
Hey Op where can I download this game? I
how do I a shopkeeper?
It is not well. But I am alive. How about you? What can I do for you?
I find confusion in this. Is the appeal reliability or unreliability? or both?
Teaching Feeling, as stated by the thread title.


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This is the appeal for me.
>Unlocks the huge ribbon
>Huge Ribbon

I find this is amusing.
No. That version is outdated, and I don't think anyone in this thread is interested in releasing a pirated version. Get the latest version from DLsite, apply the latest patches from these threads, and then we can discuss how to use Cordova to get it running on Android.

What exactly is the Android version? Any differences?
I dunno because I didn't try it, but chances are someone just repackaged the DLsite version for Android.

Please, creator-sama?
Pretty sure he said he wouldn't do pregnancy.
I actually found this game by reverse searching an image, i actually downloaded it hoping to do all kinds of fucked up shit with my new loli slave. Ended up extremely disspaointed to see that all i could do was rape her (Using the same scene and dialogue over and over) until she died.

Will the creator of this game ever add a true slave "route"? I would actually be tempted to buy it if he did.
you are not welcome here
you should look for something else then, this game is about love and headpats
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With the Beta you can caress her cheek too.
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i know, but i'm waiting for the actual realese
Is the latest non-beta version 1.16?
Yessir it is. Current one-stop patch for English here: http://mega.nz/#!n0EWxDAQ!heeJwe_nAkufaL-qru-tYEBR-yngAj6BXFqslb2vWVU
what is this game? Can anyone post up all the H scenes?

You should just play the game though.
Has anybody found names she comments on if you change yours? So far I've found father, papa, uncle, brother, master, and honey.
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Dad works.
Anyone got wallpapers of her?
Like >>4166878 but the whole picture, without the whole black box/square.
I saw one at one point before I knew what the game was.
Now I crave 'em.
Nice. Just found that doctor works too, which is great with the nurse outfits.
Brah works.
When will we get new shit?
You know, I'm actually considering buying it. But not until I know what kind of content we'll get in the future and how long it takes to arrive in said future.
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How about a headpat after brutally maiming her?
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Don't forget to pat your slavefu everyday
Patch-kun here. I do suggest buying it. If you wanna know how development goes, check out his twitter. He livestreams for 4-6 hours just about every single day. Yesterday he finally finished his dakimakura cover work, so it should be back to game dev.

By the Emperor Anon ive heard of some shit but you just killed a piece of me, you just went full on Slaanesh
How do you get her to not make tea?
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Thanks bruh
Awesome! Thanks for that. Anything special come out of it? I've managed it once I think and used the pink flower but didnt notice anything different
Using pink flowers increases lust by a considerable margin. Blue does the inverse.
Why does it need permission to record audio? Are they trying to record my moans while I'm fapping?
The Cordova/Phonegap plugin for audio playback also includes audio recording.
Anyway I installed it and it seems to work fine on my nexus 7. Shame that it is in chinese, moonrunes I can at least understand a bit, but fuck if I know what the buttons mean now. I assume translating it wouldn't be so hard, since most of the script is already done. Just need someone with knowledge about apps to insert it into the game.
What's blue flowers good for then?
See >>4167635
Thanks, might just do it then. How much money can I save by not buying it with americano dollars? Also, how do I follow you and your work for this game?

Read his comment again.
I mean, does decreasing the lust serve a purpose? My bad.
I never did it, don't see the point myself.
Lust determines which variant of a scene you get and causes a number of dialog changes.
The problem is mostly that I don't want to put out an APK with the complete game in it (which is what you get if you just do a quick repackage with Cordova). I'm sure there's a way to just put TyranoScript in the APK and keep the data folder on the SD card (so you can use it with your own copy of the data folder), but I'm kind of busy with something else at the moment.
The cost should be the same whether you buy it in USD or JPY. An anon earlier noted that the dev gets more of the proceeds of you buy it on the JP site, however.

Check out the ULMF thread (linked in my readme and the pastebin above) for updates. I haven't done anything new in a few days, other priorities.
>her eye
B-but... Why anon?
Holy shit beast hands
Actually wait no forget the eye
you took the trouble of modify or search for an image of sylvie, if you like to see her like that, that's ok. Just remember that it will never be official
You mean to say that image is fake?
What a relief.
I still don't know why anyone would headpat and caress cheeks over and over again to show affection. They seem so weird to me. Why is there no option to just hug her or something?
Hugging/cuddling tbd.
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show me your sylvies

Those things happen eventually when you "talk" provided she is intimate enough with you.
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Doctor is my favorite.
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I love it when she feels like she has to apologize for being too lewd. It's so freaking adorable.
How would you guys feel if there was an option later in the game where you'd find a way to remove her scars?

Would you do it, or do you think it would detract from her character?
>Remove scars
Then what's the point?
It'll never happen because of the author's preference, but even if it were possible I don't think I'd do it. I love her for her, so unless she absolutely wanted it there's no point.

I doubt she'd care, in fact sh'd probably get breast implants or something like that.

Somehow she is more insecure about her loli body than about her scars (She might have realized that 2d scars are cute as fuck).
Does anything special happen in the market?

You get the event that alllows you to pick ingredients from the forest. Other than that, it's cute to see how she reacts about the stuff n the stalls.

Let's hope that creator-sama make it so that we get to buy ingedients Silvie wants so she can cook/make us something.
Lets hope so.
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MUH DICK, I'm going to change right now
no wonder why you're permavirgin anon

kill yaself
Holy kek
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Same anon here, found out Producer works.

As much as fucking like rabbits until heart-shaped pupils appear does it for me - and boy does it ever - I'd love to do more day-to-day stuff: shopping trips, patient house calls, going out for dinner, teaching her some nursing skills, etc.

Basically I'd throw $Texas at this for Princess Maker: Headpat Edition.
>Princess Maker: Headpat Edition.
I didn't know I needed this.
>heart pupils

This is the correct opinion.
dear also works but be careful while searching cause if you put a ' in the name it seems to soft lock the game
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Fucking when
So who do I have to pay or hurt to make this happen?
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These things (a few, anyway) are already present in the 1.20 beta, showing that the dev is in fact actively pursuing adding more interaction with the world as a whole into the game.

No clue when it'll get released though...he went from dakimakura to a bedsheet. So hopefully once THAT'S done it'll be back to working on the game. lol
this thread didn`t even show any real game porn and i`m already 80% hard

Looks life official release will be the sanduich.
thinking about buying this, im hesitant though because i haven't bought a Japanese game and have 0 experience with patching them myself and making them english. the only other VN ive played was MGQ and i downloaded that already english patched
Seeing this thread in the catalog already made me hard
There should be a readme in the patch files that will tell you what to do.
does the patch come with the game if i buy it? do i have to find the english patch somewhere?
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>Mah nigga
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Patch-kun here. Patch is on Mega and is maintained along with the game. Current release is 1.16, and the patch is stable and complete. There may be super minor grammar things here and there, but those will be addressed once the dev releases 1.20 officially.

Get it here:

Instructions on how to use are included, but it's really just two steps. Run a batch file to convert your bought copy to the correct format, then drag-and-drop the folder in the patch onto the game. Easy-peasy. If you do buy the game, do so on JP DLSite, apparently the dev gets more of the proceeds that way. Thanks for supporting!

I'm not big on glasses, but when I do, I red-rimmed as well. Thumbs-up.
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It took me a moment to realize what you meant, I was about to say something like "You get the scenes in order regardless of the lust level." but then I realized what you mean.
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Pretty good.
How long before it's likely released?
Character is too flat.
Would not play.

>unless you can fuck the other more busty chicks.
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The game has technically been released for quite a while now. Current stable version is 1.16. 1.20 is in beta with an ETA of ??? because the dev is busy making tie-in goods.

I'm sorry to hear that. So is Sylvie.
Paizuri sex scene, when?
Vibrator play, when?
Armpit licking, when?
Having sex in an alley when going to the market, when?
I like it when people greentext like this.
I like trying to figure out what their thought process was while typing.

(you could always tweet at him or ask during one of his daily livestreams though! he does speak English since he's currently living in the US!)
>Lt. Quattro
Oh God I'm laughing my balls off.
Where do I find the savegame files?
I would like to back them up, like I do with all savegames, but I can't find them.
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They're in the root directory of the game. The two .sav files. I'd back up both, but that's because I don't know how Tyrano handles saves and so I don't know what does what.

Loli waifu deserves the best.

I can't even.
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Post which name you chose
Dr. Pervy-Kun
>(you could always tweet at him or ask during one of his daily livestreams though! he does speak English since he's currently living in the US!)

Wait really?! Time to stalk him then. He "might" add it in. Not getting my hopes up though.
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>>>>H-Audio for teaching feeling
>currently living in the US

Considering this, it would be cool if he released the the raw CG's somewhere, so a unofficial uncensored patch could be made.

Since most of the appeal of this game comes from actually playing it, I doubt he'd lost any sales by releasing them for free.
Anyone can link his stream or previous streams? I'm curious as to his English.
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It used to be "Dear Sir" but just Dear by itself is something she comments on if you change it to.
The Man Formerly Known As Master
can't post the actual link here because 4chan think it's spam. Check the links on his tumblr profile.

So are there actual sex/blowjob scenes? Every time I see this game posted I only see SFW.
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R-18 Drama CD. Would be neat if someone actually did bother to record audio for the game though. I wonder if someone will? They'd have to do more as the game is updated though...

Well then!
Yes there are, but this is not what the game is about. It is about unconditional love... and headpats.
I seriously hope you guys use the nipple rings.
>Defiling her body with piercings
Absolutely not
I played this game sometime last year and all you could do was pat her head and buy some clothes, some of which she couldn't wear due to a bug.

Has the game advanced much since then? Are there more characters and things to do besides patting her head?
>mutilating a angel

Shame on you
> Run a batch file to convert your bought copy to the correct format, then drag-and-drop the folder in the patch onto the game.

Got the patch file. Looked around and have read the readme in it but I can't seem to figure out where the batch file is located. Is it referring to the Photoshop template?
You grabbed the wrong patch. You grabbed the translation kit instead of the all-in-one patch. My all-in-one patch doesn't include templates.
You can look at his Twitter Account too: https://twitter.com/Ray_Kbys

He is streaming right now.

good taste anon
The DNA of the SOUL!
Wait, is the author a girl?

No he's a girly-sounding man
Really? I have no idea if you're joking or not.
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Pics from his twitter, obviously male hands despite the long nails. These are the hands of an underweight NEET who spends all day fapping

didn't prove anything but yeah author's definitely a man, you can tell by the pitch of his voice and the ways it cracks while he's singing etc
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horrible style
Does it really matter? If he is a gy or a girl?
Those, kind of dresses turn me on so bad…
Post your Sylvie, then
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How about in Sachi's uniform?
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just kill you're self holy shit
Uh... that image is the prototype Sylvie.
He changed her later on. Just take a look at what he draws. It's way worse than >>4167616
Thanks, that clears a lot up. I'll search for the all-in-one patch then.
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something feels off about this girl. Such strange eyes. is she a demon?

Mega link is right there, anon. Batch script is right next to the readme. Readme includes instructions.
I just started this

im in love with her

i want to marry her

i want to have children with her
Flat text is statement
>greentext is qualifier
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Spent some time working on an Android runtime. Check it out.


holy shit my sides

A semen demon.
Those hands are creepy as hell
So has this updated to anything beyond "patting sylvies head and then proceeding to cumming inside her 10 times"?
Well, yea. You can caress her cheeks now.
How ?
Uh, please, read the thread... >>4167151
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>mfw youre gonna end up in hell
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>I can play this on my phone now
Let me know if it works for you. Also, your saves will not be kept in files like the desktop version, so consider them volatile.
I wasn't actually gonna get it but I just remembered my 5x5 applock so fuck it it's not like anyone will ever know
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Sony Xperia E4 running Android 4.somethingsomething
All I get is a white screen and then a black screen. Is it tablet only? I just opened the rar and used the apk without extracting the rest, am I doing something wrong?
If you rename Config.tjs to something else it'll just show an error screen. You can also rename folders with a . at the start to hide them from snoopers. Though I agree, I'd rather just play on the desktop.
You also copied the 300MB of files from your Teaching Feeling data folder to your phone, right? Try tapping the screen a few times, or look in the readme about the logo movie. If you didn't copy the files, then the app should show an error screen with a list of places where it checked for Config.tjs (generally you should copy to somewhere like /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/invalid.teachingfeeling/files). Not sure why it's not getting to the error screen if that's the case.
I'm interested in traducting this game in french for a friend of mine,do someone know how to do that?I don't know if it's possible with a simple text editor.
The .ks files in the scenario folder are UTF-8 text files. You can open them in Notepad or any other text editor that supports UTF-8.

You can also use the translation kit, which includes resources for translating the graphics as well.

There is a file called tf116_tldict.txt in the scripts folder of the translation kit. If you edit that file, and replace all the English with French, it's possible to reuse your translation when the game is updated. There are Python scripts for importing a translation from that file into the game, or you can post your translation here or on ULMF and I'll add it to the translation kit myself.
Thanks a lot,i'll ,give it a try and give some feedback if i see another thread on the game.
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>...adding a '; ' at the beginning of the line with the movie tag near the top
Like this?
Should work, as long as you put your cursor to the right of the "[" and use the arrow key to move it left. Or try opening it in another text editor that supports Unix line breaks.
OK, so let me get this straight. My current path is android/data/invalid.teachingfeeling/files/scenario/title_screen.ks
I'm not doing anything wrong, am I? Am I supposed to dump the data folder into files, or throw the folder itself in?
>put your cursor to the right of the "[" and use the arrow key to move it left.
>Or try opening it in another text editor that supports Unix line breaks.
Such as?
Sorry for being so bad at this, but I'm pouring my heart mind and dick into this right now and I don't wanna make any mistakes
You need to put the contents of the data folder, so that scenario, bgimage, bgm, etc are all in invalid.teachingfeeling/files.

When I say put your cursor to the right of the "[", I mean click there so that the blinking cursor is on that side (like "[|movie") and then move it left with the left arrow key on your keyboard. Otherwise you could put the ";" on the wrong line without knowing it.

You can't actually see the lines because you're using Notepad. Try downloading Notepad++ and opening the file in that.
The linebreak is there but you can't see it. By moving your cursor in the way he specifies, you ensure the ';' is on the right side of the linebreak.
I did that, put the ; after the invisible line break and all...
And it's still not working!
I swear to god, I'm doing everything right.
I'm running v1.16, does that change anything?
Getting pretty desperate here...
Make sure you are closing the game completely before you open it again (pressing home and then touching the icon again may not be enough). You can go into the system settings and force stop the app to be sure.

Also, when you first ran the game and saw the black screen, was that before or after you put your files into the invalid.teachingfeeling/files folder? If it was after, try removing system/Config.tjs, and launching the game again (after closing it completely) to see if you can get to the error screen. If it was before, let me know, because that could indicate a bug before the game even begins to load the files.
When I first ran the game, I hadn't put my files into the folder yet. The screen just started of white and then went black. Even now that I have everything ready I still get no error message. Maybe it was something about the other files that came with the apk? Because I completely ignored everything, I only installed the app and read the readme a few times... Now, let's try the force stop thing...
Aaand it didn't work.
I swear to God I'm gonna dump corrosive chemicals on someone if I don't get this to work in the next 3 hours.
Hey man, it's probably not your fault. Try this one and tell me all of what pops up, if anything.


I'm beginning to suspect that it's because you're on a Sony device. Android didn't officially support accessing files from more than one place before version 4.4, so to support the SD card in my phone (Galaxy S3) I had to add in a workaround that isn't very reliable. If that's the case, then the app is probably actually crashing but it's good news because I can fix it.

This is a learning experience for me too, by the way. Never worked with Android before.
aside from going to the market/forest, is there more to do, or is that it for now?
You can pork her.
>tfw I really want to play this, but I'm not sure if the links are safe or not
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All it adds is this message, and black screen again.
I'm devoid of hope now, is this how Sylvie feels?
They are.
No, that means we're probably crashing in my native code before the ball gets rolling. Let me take a look and see if I can't work out a fix.
This may take a few tries to get right, so bear with me. Try this one. It should get to the error screen, at least.

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Is this for realsies?
How do I install that?
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Well, we know it's my bad for sure now. Looks like I goofed and forgot to check for an exception. Try this one and report back.

Well, that just didn't do any good at all.
Back to black screen.
God damn it I'm sleepy.
Tomorrow I'll try this again. Until then, don't blame yourself. Like you said, it's probably because I have a Sony phone.
Either way, see you in at least 8 hours.
It's an h-drama cd, not voice acting for the game. That said it's pretty hot and the seiyuu's voice is pretty much what I imagined Sylvie to sound like.
is there a site i can buy the game/constantly stay up to date? all i have found is moon site's
I forgot, here's a trial if you guys are interested.
burn in hell please.
One might say that they're "freakily charming"
I just use Darling
Scene occur only one time?
So hey, in case we're still doing this,
I kinda don't have an invalid.tyranoscript folder... Is that the problem? At no point do I remember hearing about this thing...
>Lt. Quattro

Oh god my lungs
Use the "memories" option in the menu

yeah i know but if a memories is unlock, can it happen again ?
Yes, except for the "first night" memory
That was actually just a typo on that page. The folder is invalid.teachingfeeling, so you had it right before.

Try this one. I fixed a few things.
I recognize this art style..
This guy made some spooky ass shit.
I'd say it's more [spoiler]FreakilyCharming[/spoiler]
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I smell samefagging
True. Just look at beta Sylvie, featured somewhere in this thread
Excellent. I'm still making changes though, so you may want to wait until I release a new version later today to avoid any lost progress. I still need to sort out saving.
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I tried the link from >>4170668
And I'm getting this error message. Any help?
Well did you follow the instructions in the error message?
I tried looking for "Config.tjs" but I couldn't find it anywhere.
I tried installing this and found the "invalid.teachingfeeling" folder but no "Config.tjs" anywhere. Am I missing a step here?
You need to copy the files over from your own copy of the game so that Config.tjs ends up at that path. The APK is only to help you play your game on Android, it doesn't include the game itself.
Oh. Of course. Well, shame on me. I'll go do that now. Thanks.
Ok, so I'm an idiot, and now I moved it. Now I'm getting just an all black screen.
All black? You do have the latest version from this thread, right? Do you see a little bouncing box in the lower right corner at all when you start it up? The new version isn't supposed to just fail like that, it's supposed to at least pop up an exception message and then throw up a fatal error screen after five seconds when something unexpected happens (in my code).

Are you sure you copied the entire 300 MB from the Teaching Feeling data folder to your phone? You need to have eight folders (and their contents) inside the files folder in invalid.teachingfeeling. I guess it could also be stuck on the logo video, but I changed some things to make the video play automatically so that shouldn't be it.
Something bothers me... I've looked around before but I can't be sure if there is any latest translation for this. Is it safe enough to use older translations?
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This is what is in the invalid folder.
From there, navigate into TeachingFeeling and then data. Select each folder inside data and move all of them into the files folder in that screenshot.
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You're a fucking wizard.
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Never mind, spoke too soon. Now I'm at the main menu, but can't do anything.
Same happening here. Felt like victory was too good to be true.
I tried it on a Samsung tablet earlier, and found that you have to touch several times for a click to register (even though it works as expected in the emulator and on my Galaxy S3). There are other bugs in TyranoScript too, like doubled audio. These might have been fixed in newer versions, but we're stuck with an old version for now because there seem to be layering bugs in later versions. I'll keep working at it for sure, but this may take a week or two for me to sort out so please wait warmly.
Well, thanks for trying anyways
Thanks much. I'll wait expectantly.
latest translation I could find is here
oops, wrong post
I mean here:
Here's the link!


Sylvie is so cute!
>unknown format or damaged
>mfw i'm >>4170714 and I'm playing the game perfectly

Also, will any other translations working on android? I'm trying to translate the game into portuguese for a friend of mine and I wanted to make sure it worked on his tablet since his PC went to shit years ago.
Any translation should work just fine. Just copy it over the files on your phone/SD card.
By the way, what things can cause Sylvie to [spoiler]die[/spoiler]? I'm translating this for my friend only, so I wanted to leave, uhh...
"Personalized early game over messages" for when he inadvertently causer her eventual demise
>touching her
>not headpattong her

Thats it
>not headpatting her
That doesn't kill her.
I know for a fact that if you give her the sandwich or tell her to rest when she's sick, she dies. Is that all?
That's it. You don't even get any ending.
Fanart Sylvie > Sylvie
I mean, I fucking love Sylvie, but I like her better without the crazy eyes, a normal nose and normal sized hands
Now if only there was more...
Well shit.
I was translating the game and going through the code, this is what you get if you want her to call you Brah.
I'm with the translator on this.
Anal when?
RAR5 format

use latest version of winrar or use 7-zip
I am curious about this too, anon. I wonder if he has some aversion to it like Seismic does? I'll have to ask.

I fucking lost it
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can somebody link me the game with the english patch already installed?
Ways for Sylvie to die:

>Sylvie's trust points are less than 7
>Sylvie's love points are less than 45
>You're feeding Sylvie bread and water
>You pushed Sylvie down and raped her
>Not taking care of her when she's sick

Trust and love points start at zero.

Ways to raise trust:

>Tell her that you won't hurt her (+1)
>Let her do the housework (+1)
>Bring her to town with you (+1)
>Order a pancake for her (+1)
>Buy her the clothes (+3)
>Tell her the clothes look cute (+1)

You can miss a +1 unless you touch her.

Ways to lower trust:

>Touch her body more than once (-1)
>Don't take her to town with you (-3)

Leaving her at home is a dead end.
Not buying the clothes is a dead end.

One-time ways to raise love:

>Choose to make dinners for her (+3)
>Order a pancake the first time (+5)
>Buy her the clothes at the shop (+3)
>Tell her the clothes look cute (+5)

Repeatable ways to raise love:

>Every time you nade (+1)
>Bring her to the cafe for lunch (+3)
>You pushed Sylvie down and raped her
Does that trigger a different scene?
Yes. If you keep molesting her you eventually get the choice to push her down and it's game over if you take it.
Actually, I should clarify. The game will keep going after that and you can keep raping her, but you will not have the choice to take care of her when she's sick. The same will also happen if you don't raise her love and trust points or if you choose not to cook dinners for her. So meeting any one of these conditions is enough to hit the dead end.

Most people mess up by missing the shop or not なでing her enough times though. Talking with her doesn't raise love at all until after she recovers, so it's an easy trap to fall into.
My game doesn't have borders for the dialogue and doesn't use the font in game. Is there anything to fix this?
Use the correct patch? Make sure your game version is actually 1.16?

Correct patch is >>4167195
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i screwed up somewhere.jpg
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Holy fuck my sides.
Does this patch the whole game into english, including the menu options and choice options?
>tsundere Sylvie
Kind of want.
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To the edge of the Galaxy then Slyvie
Fucking around with the name function is definitely one of the more amusing aspects of this game.
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