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Why does NTR exist? What god allowed this?
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Why does NTR exist?
What god allowed this?
Satan, and possibly Saddam Hussein & Adolf Hitler helped to fathom the idea to his liking.
Why not? NTR is the best. Maybe you just got kekolded and that's the reason you can't stand it.
>Maybe you just got kekolded and that's the reason you can't stand it.

Well, this is obviously how it became your fetish.
Because I'm a human with fundamental basic emotions that prevent me from getting off on the idea of another suffering.

If fetishes are a gateway to the soul, NTR is basically bait for demons.

As much as i also can't stand NTR and it's cancer beaing smeared all over /h/ as the new *in* thing, and honestly it's as bad as those "Next picture happens to you, and you're the girl!" threads. Which by the way, i think those belong in the Yaoi section because it's the most homoerotic thing on /h/ rn that isn't really being enforced by the janitors.

Went of track saying what needed to be said, where was i? Oh, yes.

Demons tend to enjoy behaving like demons, sadly.
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NTR exists to appeal to masochists, which seem to be a large part of the Hentai audience in Japan. Its entire purpose is to make you rage and make you feel like shit.

Some people like to see themselves as villains and enjoy it from the perspective of a sadist.

Others just want so see a girl turned into a cum dumpster. What always baffles me though is that the guy she left for dicks is often portrayed as the loser, while she is actually far worse off.
He could just find another girl that isn't a whore, while she is doomed to bare bastard babies and soon die of STDs, drug abuse or just being fucked to death. That implication is never shown, though.

There is some good NTR or Netori where you sympathize with the one stealing the girl and he's actually a good guy that saves a woman from a dysfunctional relationship with a douchebag, but those are rare.

Have this gem:

Sucks that Pururin isn't around anymore with its Netori tag. I think Tsumino might have it.
Who cares, they aren't real people and NTR situations are entirely unrealistic to the point of being hilarious. All I care about is seeing a lady fucked so hard she becomes retarded.
Rape is a fetish.
Yaoi is disgusting. NTR is just aspect of rape.
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I can stand it,just to an extend

To my experience,there are 4 types of Netorare:

1. Netorare loyal
Basically the guy gets his lover the whole thing she needs.She is lovely and respectful but she gets raped.
After she gets raped,there are some derivates;shall we say blackmailing her or threating her with something.
After that,she proceds to have sex with them,she ends up liking it,say to his lover gtfo and that's all.

2.Netorare Kek
Basically two terminologys for the same result(Kekoldy)
The original Netorare
Normally the guy is beta as fuck and he wants her lover to have sexual relationships with other men because he may find it arousing (Netoraserare),or he likes to see her partner pleased.

3.Netorare Humilliation
Related to the first one,but only this one goes beyond the tag.
They are works that shows Bondage and Sadist towards the girl who got stolen because she is a Masochist.
They are even works that goes even more beyond that and go full-on with humilliation.To the point where she gets exposed for being a slut,her life gets ruined because of lust,and ends up on some dumpster because they either got tired of her,or she is no longer useful.
She normally ends up on the streets,alone and forgotten.

4.Netorare Ocasional
This one is the one i hate the most.
Some vainilla action on the first chapters or episodes,then she randomly gets raped out of no where while her lover is watching it all.
Then she recovers and vanilla again but fuck,it's just so unnecesary,it feels almost like a filler just to please the new fetish.

I think those are all i can think of.
This is just another "stop liking the things i dont like"

its fine if you're not all about NTR. Some people are. Dont disparage others their fetish. We're all here to look at pornographic drawings so no man is higher than another.

DESU i'm not a fan of ntr. mostly. There have been dojins where it was pretty good, just like any other fetish. So just relax, and let other fap. We're all degenerates anyway
>scat is fine
>vore is fine
>Feet are great
>pedophilia is great
>torture is great
>rape is great
>but ntr is bad
> ...
> ntr is great
> and all of them belong to /d/
you dont like it because you pretend you are the kek
Good man.
>Because I'm a human with fundamental basic emotions that prevent me from getting off on the idea of another suffering.
There just Indonesian knitting comics bruh.
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Wow, great post dude and nice taste.
sauce pls
Do you understand the appeal of masochism?
being hurt in a save context and surrounding

Ntr is that just for emotions.

all fetishes are easy to understand if you try some empathy.
It exists because the dregs of humanity need something to get off to.
And the opposing point of view is easy to understand if you try to actually think about it.

The joy felt by someone who has that fetish is derived from the misery of someone who doesn't.

You're confusing empathy with your own selfish wants.
How does /h/ pronounce "netorare"?
The Japanese way.

The consonants are pronounced the same as the ones in English

With Japanese vowels, A is pronounced like the a in father, the o like the the o in no, and e like the e in bet.
This. Helps that NTR has better art most of the time too with expressions on the girl you won't typically see in a vanilla setting.
JIN/MTSP crap gives me PTSD. Introduces it as vanilla, then slowly drifts to NTR. Fucking got me offguard, had the best waifus too.

>This is just another "stop liking the things i dont like"

Actually it's not that.

I think people like OP (and myself) are simply ascertain why people are into this shit, and why they are.

Because honestly it's fucking weird if you actually apply some thought to it insstead of just going into an opinion with "Dood, fucking other peoples bitches is hawt."

Okay, granted. but what if the tables were turned? or worse yet said boyfriend you just held in a kekold and a group of his friends beat the shit out of you, tie you to a chair, and gangbang both the love of your life AND your mother in the same room and make you watch as they slowly mindbreak them.

It would make your penis flaccid wouldn't it? also

>Inb4 above plot is applied to a revenge counter-NTR hentai in 2016.

But with all that said, everyone who is into NTR never think of the possible consequences in those situations, i say this because of course they attempt to apply it in real life. (mind you, 95% of them fail at it miserably, but wish they can pull it off one day. thus adding to the additional fanbase of said fetish.)

Realistically to us vanillafags anyone who worships NTR as they usually do are usually just a bunch of pimplefaced fuccboi losers.

Dude it's called Ahegao, it's not exclusive to NTR it's in everything.
At the end of the day, I relate to the guy who's fucking the loser's woman. And that's all about power and control. And sometimes, that's what gets me off.

> I relate to the guy who's fucking the loser's woman
>that's all about power and control. And sometimes, that's what gets me off.

Confirmed NTR is exclusive for sociopaths and not just sadists.
I just self insert as the guy stealing the girl. I'd hate for that to happen to anyone in rl especially to myself. My ex cheated on me and it was the worst thing ever. I just like to feel powerful in some way and that's how I do it. I like feeling dominant and in control and like I can do whatever I want and since I can't do it in rl I project myself into other people online in the form of NTR. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's how I rationalize it. I'd never act on it I just like my weird things like everyone else.
Also I never really get a lot of anger or anything out in rl and it's really hard to piss me off. I think I just bottle it up. I'm just not a mean person on hte outside. So every once in a while I want to be the villian. I want to be a total asshole. I want to be a douchebag and feel good about it.
you're trying so hard

also "is exclusive for sociopaths and not just sadists" this phrasing makes little sense
I can't understand what people see in NTR. Chicks getting turned into cumdumpsters is fine and all, but having the scene return to the distressed bf/husband every few moments just kills my mood.
>More and more harem series are showing up in which the protagonist is some clueless fucktard and the only reason half a dozen chicks are draping themselves over his dick is because of author wish fulfillment.

>People get mad when ntr doujins lay down the law.

Seriously, why.
>lay down the law
>by having those same clueless bitches fall for some fat old dude's smegma covered dick

>not self inserting as the one doing the keking
[spoiler]or the girl[/spoiler]
when you see a shitposter in a ntr, you can bet he is a haremfag
Guys i have a question. The very first NTR Hentai i read killed something inside me....

But for some reason i cannot forget what i read.
i forgot the name and cannot find it anymore....
please save my boner!

It was about a girl and a boy dating each other.
the girl did not have "experience", so she asked some of her classmates (they basically sold her to an old, fat pervert, he bought all her virginities)
after she was raped she got pregnant and had to prostitute herself for the abortion.

the interesting thing was:
the boyfriend had premonitions.
they would always eat boxed lunch when he had his Flashbacks(?).

when she was secretly pregnant she had peas(?) and than he imagined the scene of her being impregnated.

or she brought omlette and told him "they are not really done" he imagined that someone dumped his cum in the food while she was making it and forced her to serve it to him....

the horror in his face when he thought "its just my imagination" and ate it.... killed me... and her smile almost made me puke...

but please help me
(sorry for my low english skills)
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Its definitely an acquired taste and it really depends on the way the story pans out. Some NTR stories have light tones and end well and others....its just kinda hot that everyone is fucking the guys girlfriend except him. I will say that I absolutely HATED it to begin with, but the more I read the more I realized...this is actually really hot! Not to say that I like ALL of them, but about...half, maybe. I still definitely have some moral boundaries, like the girls being of a sound mind and not being raped/ extorted, etc. I guess part of it is a lack of empathy for the MC or something. Probably because most hentai is a one shot and you don't give a shit about the MC.

TL;DR: Its hot!
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Why don't you stop complaining and ignore it for fucks sake. People never give others shit for liking other fetishes. But when someone says NTR everyone flips their shit and labels you a monster. Hentai allows to explore things we wouldn't bet able to in real life. Just don't go on hentai with NTR. Problem solved. Fucking moralfags.
Feet are not as bad as what you just listed.
There's plenty of fetishes that are bad. Why do you even care what people like? Everyone has their own reasons for liking a fetish. Leave them alone. I'd say loli is worse than NTR but I'm not gonna make a thread crying about it.
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Loli is one of the most Vanilla fetishes if you look at the stories, actually. There's some exceptions like Fatalpulse, but those are very rare.

I'm disgusted by the idea of real CP, but still think Loli can be cute.
there is no god.

and if there was, we are probably left to rot until armageddon
Why does NTR get so much hate?
Dont read/watch it if you dont like it
it¨s kinda the same point when it comes to the loli shit, the people think it makes you a monster. But is just a fetish, its ok just dont show your NTR shit to others and/or learn to respect the fetish of other people, we are in /H/ we are all brothers
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>Love milfs, christmas cakes, mature girls
>Tags: Netorare/cheating/netori/shota
Every single motherfucking time, not to mention my favorite artists are a bunch of retarded c u c k s.
I'd be ok with NTR if it weren't everywhere like a cancer, with the same brain farting stories and cliches like can't_get_enuf_of_dis_cock, mind_going_blank_sorry_darling
What is the source? Google and iqdb didn't give any result.
It's from makio. He's both good at feels and comedy. He also wrote some depressing stories which are pretty realistic.
there are a lot of exceptions and they arent very rare. This may just be one of those cases where you dont know about this kinda stuff becuase you dont look for it/ want to look for it.

Truth be told, i dont like loli. And i'm not a fan of snuff shit or the insanity that artists like Oyster put out, but i've been around long enough to know its there and it high enough quantity.
you do have a point that the mature ladies tend to be in netorare stories, and i definitely understand the complaint that all the stories are the same. But its pretty rare now that you get a dojin with an original idea or story. Netorare just tends to scrape the bottom of the barrel in the copy/paste writing cause its so popular right now
Zeus, obviously. NTR was his hobby.
>Omega man detected
NTR is the natural way of life. It is when the alpha male of any species gets to mate.
You are asserting your dominance on another man by taking his women away.

Now, why do some people have a fetish for getting cucked? that one is a bigger question

Also, there are so many worse fetishes out there. Like scat, gore, vore, parasites, and more.
Problem for me is that i actually like netori, but there are always just pure ntr out there, i try to imagine being the netori in those but i just simply can't, i feel bad for the poor bastard and how's he humilliated.

I have too much bro pride for that shit.
>Problem for me is that i actually like netori, but there are always just pure ntr out there, i try to imagine being the netori in those but i just simply can't, i feel bad for the poor bastard and how's he humilliated.
>I have too much bro pride for that shit.
Sadly NTR is rarely a case of some complete douch having the girl stolen from him
Its usually a loving innocent couple getting despoiled (typically the girl is raped into mindbreak too).
That being said, the victims are often so hilariously retarded that you kinda feel they deserve it too for being so hilariously stupid
God NTR Joseph and impregnated Virgin Mary. Most fucked up NTR story ever!
>Why don't you stop complaining and ignore it for fucks sake.

Because it's not fucking avoidable. Even the fucking tags are deceiving.

>People never give others shit for liking other fetishes.

Wrong. Think again. Come on. Fucking do it.
>. People never give others shit for liking other fetishes.

Yes it's not like anyone hates lolicon, gore, furry etc.
Pururin and now Tsumino have the Netori tag at least. Some of those are more Netorare than Netori, but it's way better than on sadpanda and the sites directly ripping from them.

>God NTR Joseph and impregnated Virgin Mary. Most fucked up NTR story ever!
that is actually quite common for gods
and isn't samson only strong because that one angel NTRed that one guy?
I always thought the point of NTR was selfinserting as the guy stealing the girl from the idiot.
>It can't avoided

How come I can easily avoid them? There has never been a time where I accidentally find them. Seriously, all you do for exhentai is add -netorare and that's all. Quit complaining.

If you want to question why people like a specific fetish. There's a ton you can question such as

>Orcs/Bugs/other monsters

The list can go on and on.
No, that's the point of Netori.

Netorare purely caters to masochists, as I already said at the start of the thread.
The reason why I like NTR is because shit is happening to the guy I hate so, of course I would like it. The guy that usually get NTR'D are generic and boring. They're slow at wanting to have sex. They're hesitant and whatnot. The h scenes for them are also boring and slow. So, when something breaks that, its a lot more interesting to watch. NTR and vanilla both has their tastes for me. If I want something sweet I watch just vanilla but if I want spice added, then its NTR. I don't relate myself to any the characters nor do I care about the guy getting NTR'd. It's nice to have variety.
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So just because a guy doesn't jump to have sex at every waking moment like the fat and ugly rapists who NTR him justifies hating him?

The NTR guys are way bigger scumbags in 99% of the cases who deserve prison time or capital punishment. The only reason they don't get punishment is because police is nearly non existant in Hentai.
i used to hate NTR, the first one i saw was so traumatizing
>in that this boys single mom gets trapped by this old man and he rapes her, eventually she >becomes addicted to sex and stops coming home. when he finds about it online, he seldom >goes to check it out and then his mother finally realizes that her son knows about her secret, >then she leaves him alone making him an orphan and goes to live as a sex slave with that fat >guy. my eyes were moist. then again i saw few more NTR, every time something inside me died.

then i realized how to actually enjoy NTR, you have to VIEW it from the perspective of the Bad GUY. you will get your manliness back. now actually that is satisfying.
PS: i know i am a sadist
The difference between netori and netorare is the focus they put, it's all the same when you realize that in netori you can always identify with the guy fucking the girl and the cucked guy is practically non-existant or is one of those generic faceless guys.

Netorare is way too focused on making the characters suffer as much as possible, the guy getting the girl is someone utterly evil or most of the time a faceless guy himself, where the guy getting cucked barely appears or when he does is just to throw the ntrbomb at him and make him suffer.

I don't know, i enjoy rape and the usual fetishes that ntr comes with like pet play or mindbreak as much as the next of kin, it's just that the exaggerate focus on making this guy who probably didn't even do anything wrong suffer as much as possible is way too overkill for me.
Yes for me it is a reason for me hating him. I like variety and NTR is a unique taste for me.

Stop thinking of it in such a realistic way. You sound like a fucking tumblrfag. You might as well go on about lolis and rape for fuck sakes. This is a fictional fantasy. Just let people fap to whatever they want. I already told you my reason so, fuck off.

Ok, then don't read them. Its as easy as that. Theres a reason why there are tags and how you are able to exclude tags you don't like. I never come across things I dislike because I actually know how to use exhentai's features.
The problem is that there are tons of ntr out there and like only 10% of those are actual good quality netori.

Sometimes netorare stuff get wrongly tagged as netori, so you can't trust tags most of the time neither.
I don't really have problems with these tags because there is hardly any real rape in Hentai to begin with. They maybe call it that way and it gets tagged as such, but most of the "rape" in Hentai is just the girls being Tsundere for a few pages until they admit they like it. You have some artists like Shiruka Bakaudon who show real hardcore rape, but they don't represent the majority of rape you see in Hentai.

Same thing for Loli. 90% of it is incredibly Vanilla.

NTR is just evil for the sake of being evil. There's hardly any justification for it happening and the focus on the guy being screwed is retarded in the first place when it's actually the girl whose life is ruined by being turned into a STD-ridden cumdumpster. On top of it, it's fucking everywhere like cancer. Even in many "normal" tanks artists throw a NTR story in there just for the sake of it.
watch episode 2 of Allargando
and tell me what it is..is it NTR?
Looked for that, seems to have only one episode though.
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What if the NTR guy actually redeemed himself in the end?
i cant fap to anything else now

ntr is soooo gooood
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[Takenoko Seijin] Kimi wa Meido de Shika Nai

>be 16
>be exposed to NTR for the first time
>be so distraught you cry yourself to sleep for 2 nights in a row
>start questioning life

I'm 31 now. I don't even remember what the story was about anymore. But man, I'm still scarred to this day
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I'll fap to some NTR if the art/artist is something I really like.

Rocket Monkey, for instance, could do a rape-scat-cuck doujin and I'd give zero fucks because my dick can't get enough of his art.
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NTR is ungodly
does anyone know about any forced bi netorare stuff from japan?
eating a girl out after she just got creampied by another guy for example
it is my fetish
What's funny is that Yayoi says "I love you" (Aishiteru) to Hiro, the guy who was NTRd by the bastard on this page and asks him for forgiveness.

That's something you almost never find. Takenoko Seijin is a rare exception for a NTR artist with good writing and unique scenarios.
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I usually avoid NTR and Rape, together with guro/torture shit, I don't know why, seeing any person suffering makes me sad inside, even if I know they are not real
for me it's as simple as ntr gives me better orgasms

Vanilla is boring. I cum once while looking at her piece of meat and then I want to close the browser.

NTR I can't stop cumming.
I don't care what anyone's fetish is. More power to you long as you keep that line between fantasy & reality for some of those more nasty ones.

That said- personally, I don't need other people's pain as part of my wiring. If you're wired different... so you are. Interesting. That's not the point anyway.

I like to read hentai. What I'm saying specifically is I pretty much ignore untranslated work. It just makes questions for me. My brain likes the sexy words that double up the sexy art. That's my problem- you're probably better than me. So be it.

But NTR is rarely written well. I kid you not- most of it is so formulaic it'd be insulting to me as a fan if I liked it. Not all. Some manages to be clever-ish. Netori I think raises the bar for writing skill- but I digress. The point is NTR is pretty weak.
Now, considering we're talking about hentain in general- that's not saying much- there's a lot of generic/sill/lame hentai. It's kinda part of the landscape, so why rag on NTR?

NTR: Challenge. Pick any NTR.
Drop the first 1-3 pages- that was your protag setup. If the woman was married/loyal, add one more page, unless the NTR slept with her before.
Drop the last page- that was your protag's heartbreak. Sometimes the author takes 2 pages. Once I saw 3.
Some authors wedge phone call in the middle somewhere. The protag will not understand (because 'clueless' is needed for story) or will worry, but eventually turn cuckold/trust for no reason some crazy lie.
What you have left is your standard blackmail/slut scenario- and usually not even a good version of those.

So, in reverse order.
1. Take a mediocre blackmail/slut scenario.
2. Bookend it between a wimpy protag being wimpy.
3. NTR gold ftw!

'True NTR' would have to address a relationship like it was real before crushing it. Hentai writers can barely grasp how most anatomy works- if someone wrote 'real' NTR I'd be happy to read it. I might not like it- but I'd appreciate the skill behind it.
Oh, so to answer the OP
NTR always existed. Hell- it happens in the animal kingdom.
That people (as an audience) like it so much is more the curiosity. For writers- it's awesome. People get emotionally affected like it was a skill, when it's simple trolling. Way better than actually trying to be deep/uplift.
Anger/sadness is much easier to affect.
You won't find any of the tropes you listed here:
>Takenoko Seijin: Going Otome

This here is NTR which plays with the tropes and where everyone fully deserves it:
>Takatsu: King App

Both artists are awesome and creative.
I can only get into NTR if the guy ends up impotent afterwards. And like the girl tries to get him hard or some shit but nothing works.
One of the most fucked up NTR I'd ever seen:
No, it's just fucking stupid. Makes no sense that a merman can't have sex with a mermaid and everything after that is retarded NTR 101 as well with an ending just as stupid as Otomedori.
There will of course be exceptions- especially when a writer is actually being original- and there are more ways writers (in all genres shortcut and cliche), but I wasn't going to go into all of those, since NTR has so many using some variant of that one 'NTR for dummies' structure, it's easy to see!
I'll be happy to check out your recommendations, though! Thanks for taking the time to link those. I like awesome, creative writers- so thanks in advance!
Actually, I remember both of those.
'King app'...
I don't know if you can exactly call it NTR when magic/mind control is involved- in any case I always find these magical apps stories limited. No one gay/bi/futa(?)- whatever-- 'challenging'- gets an app as well & they have to 'duke it out' or something. I'd read that. It is interesting though.
'Takenoko Seijin'... is just too ridiculous for me, sorry. Everytime I see a 'student really runs the school (or gets away with everything)' plotline I roll my eyes. I'm not saying it can't be good- it just usually takes way more liberties with logic than just that one. I don't remember this one though I did read it before, but I think I was ok with it. I think they are both netori, but still. Either this one or there was another 'rescue girl from evil harem' hentai was done well enough- though I wonder about any guy who can't get if your gf's that casual about sex, then things can only go so well in the long run.
but I might be thinking of the other story. Sorry.
Those are more than the formula I listed- though that's because they are full tanks, but it is good to see a more complicated plot.
Yeah, that's just your classic 'you trusted the wrong guy' NTR. Coupled with the mandatory 'Why did you think it could work?'.
Other than being monster girls, and sneaking in some implied incest, it's not that bad.
>King App
>when is actually netori
>when the main character just erased the memories of the characters so nothing actually happened for them
He rules the entire world (or at least his city) in the end, so a lot changed for everyone involved.

Besides, Netori is the better Netorare. And NTR is an abbreviation for Netorare as well as Netorase and Netori.
>Either this one or there was another 'rescue girl from evil harem' hentai was done well enough- though I wonder about any guy who can't get if your gf's that casual about sex, then things can only go so well in the long run.

I think you meant "Don't let go of my Hand". Going Otome is Netorare in the end, just with some hope for the MC and reevaluation of his life instead of everything turning to shit
The best kind of netorare.
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That hit too close to home.
She means it though. Her heart was never conquered.
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You left out the punch line.
Not sure. I remember the MC was after a girl and (somethingsomething) ended up having to have sex with girls to have to put into a hidden yearbook or something- which later ends up being...well, 'spoilers'- but 'not good' we'll say.
I couldn't find "Don't let go of my Hand", so if that sounds like it...
>"your training is complete"
the brown dude never tried to romance her
Maybe im in the minority but i like NTR because I like seeing a woman get broken. At the start of the story, she's civilized, sophisticated, and is in love with her boyfriend or a childhood friend.

And then something happens and she ends up getting raped or sleeps with another guy who's a complete douchebag. And slowly she starts to become corrupted by the other dude's dick which is typically bigger. And over time, she begins to long for his cock, but is conflicted and confused. How can she long for another man when she loves someone else? when society has taught her that sex is only good when it's with someone you love? Her mind is cognitive dissonance and eventually she gives to her carnal pleasures. And despite all her rationality, her love and values, her dignity, loyalty, and will, she eventually breaks and gives in to her animalistic nature because that's all she is. She's just a bitch in heat whose pussy has been filled and stretched out so good that she's lost all self-respect, any sense of morality, and humanity. Pleasure is her master, her god, and her meaning of life.

It's about wanting to see women in a weaker state than men because it's hot to see a woman is a broken state because of a man. It is empowering and probably misogynistic, but damn is it hot.
No, Going Otome was about the MC trying to win the love of his neighbor so he had to defeat in sex the other girls so when he and the president had sex with her and MC won the duel the neighbor was already trained so no matter how better MC was, the slut was already President's bitch, the part about her loving him and him suddenly loving her was just to safe face on his defeat thus the MC ranted about them being full of shit.
And the vice-president was the only girl that wasn't totally trained so MC had still a chance with her at the end.

Yeah, Hebitsuka just wanted to destroy Yayoi's life and he did by breaking MC's mind.
Still the whole blackmail is on the top list of the most retarded blackmail plots.
>And over time, she begins to long for his cock
>over time
Bullshit, in the first thrust and cum they are already broken.
That's why many people bitch about it, because even for hentai logic, netorare goes even more stupid than what was allowed.
yes there's such a thing as good ntr and bad ntr. What's your point?
What does the guy who was with her before have to do with any of that? Everything you described have non-NTR setups. Actually rape/blackmail aren't needed for NTR- that's just easiest to do. Lazy writing makes NTR what it usually is. Stealing someone's woman with charm or whatever is something these guys don't have a clue about. They resort to old relationships or neighbor/delivery guy/coworker convenience as their best effort- and even then those guys are often douches.
They do only have 24 pages to work in, so you can only ask so much- but 'Women being broken' in NTR is optional. Many are just sluts, too. Again- lazy writing (24 pages).
No, it's classic ntr. It's about a woman who becomes corrupted and whose desire for carnal pleasure becomes stronger than the love she once held for another man.
That the vast majority goes for the easy copy paste netorare. The bad one.

They don't even try and its become boring and went to be annoying.
You can find that on lots of cheating doujin without the retardatiw and with the women being more assertive instead of being dumb sluts.
It all boils down to cavemen vs astronauts.
but then you don't have that conflict, that first initial resistance to the carnal pleasures that eventually wins. Believe me, I know
There's more than enough mind break without any stupid NTR.
Most NTR is happens so quick 'love' is barely in the formula. Often sex hasn't even happened yet as well, so there's no 'comparing'. The mandatory 'loverboy is a bad lay' thing is too cliche as well. I see your point, I'm just saying that doesn't _have_ to be part of the NTR formula- though admittedly it often is. NTR is 'to take by sleeping with'- so any number of reasons that act broke the relationship are valid.
'no longer a virgin', 'can't trust anymore', 'you wouldn't do that for me in bed', 'he was my friend/enemy/boss'- whatever. it's just betrayal. There's more popularly put with it- like the guy meekly accepting- trying to work it out or even tolerating it out of desperation, but those aren't technically NTR.
But there's usually nothing immoral about being mind-broken. The girl doesn't love anyone else, isn't married, and has no obligations. The only thing at stake is her dignity.

But with NTR, it's most certainly immoral as she is with another. And yet despite how wrong it is or no matter how much she loves another, she loses out in the end.

plus ntr's art is usually better/more popular and mindbreak tends to use drugs (lame) and has some ridiculously ahgaeo faces.
Ok, I wasn't sure. Thanks!
Mind break is always lame, no matter how you put it. At least drug effects are somewhat plausible, unlike "one dick thrust = turned into slut".

Vanilla artists have good art styles as well, and NTR is often ugly as fuck, especially how men are drawn.
this one is really good. Trust me.

I actually like it when NTR men are ugly or fat. It means even though they are so repulsive, the girl still submits because she dick-drunk from being fucked and stretched out so good.

But to each to their own.
Also don't pretend that vanilla isn't any less plausible or unrealistic as NTR. In fact vanilla is way more unrealistic than NTR. Hottest girl at school only has the hots for you? Orgasms at penetration? Cums from having her tits sucked? she falls in love with you because the main character came inside her 23434983 times?
All of that happens in NTR as well, plus more stupid shit that doesn't in Vanilla.

Plus, a lot of Vanilla has comedy you can actually laugh at and doesn't take itself too seriously.
A lot of crappy crap happens in vanilla and non-vanilla. Hentai writers in general could try a little harder. Course, most of them are also the writer, and have a deadline- sooo...
Oops- meant 'most of them are also the artist'...
In vanilla, the typical story is a virgin boy having sex with a girl and being an absolute sex god and making her have multiple orgasms on his first try.

The typical story for NTR is an older and more experienced man fucking an inexperienced girl's brains out and giving her orgasms.

Which sounds more realistic to you?
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>She's just a bitch in heat whose pussy has been filled and stretched out so good that she's lost all self-respect
I can only enjoy that setup when orcs/devils/monsters/magic/Old-fat-Ugly dudes are involved, makes it feel truly degrading and hot.

Too bad a lot of the time is just this kind of generic NTR faggot with a shit-eating-grin which is an absolute boner killer.
What the fuck are you talking about, neither of those are the "typical story", do you even read vanilla or ntr?
That guy isn't even sexually involved in the game he's in.

Still an accurate portrayal, though.
Personally, I hate NTR. The genre makes me feel sick everytime I see it. That being said, I still end up reading a bunch of NTR, but not for the majority of reasons stated here. I'm in it for the creampies and impregnation. Love those. The great art is a plus too.

Sadly it's a popular genre so unless you're really looking for the right "thing" to fap to you'll wind up coming across it more often than not.

There's too many negative emotions in NTR for me to really get off, so I just read it in a foreign language I can't understand (like Japanese), and basically skip the opening to the part where sex is happening.

I just wanna fap, I don't need all the feels.
Neither of your examples are 'typical'.
I grant that sexual incompetence is seldom illustrated in hentai. It is 'fiction' though- so allowing for a 'good example' isn't too unreasonable, though 'sex god' is pushing it for either example.
NTR pushes it by needing _every_ protag to have minimal skill in bed (often despite being with _that_particular_woman_ (all woman do not 'turn on the same way'), little spine, less awareness- and often even _less_ self-esteem (that they do nothing about the situation).
Sure, it's a bit unrealistic that a cherry boy can satisfy his girl in one go.
it's less realistic that a practicing guy can't figure it out, etc- and a random asshole can stumble in and 'give her orgasms'. Hell- not all woman can even have orgasms, ans some are pretty particular about 'conditions'- but that's not 'these stories.
Vanilla 'level ups' the protag.
NTR 'level 0s' the protag, 'brain 0s' the target, 'level 99's' the 'experienced' thief, the 'self-respect 0s' the protag at the end.

Way more realistic...
>skip the opening to the part where sex is happening
>I just wanna fap, I don't need all the feels.
This is one of the few NTR stories I could see the point of the NTR in. I think it would be a better story without (to me), but I'm ok with it being a good story as-is, despite not liking a chunk of it.

Aaan Megami-sama Hori Hiroaki
Yeah, this is from the same artist, great as well and has a justice ending. Same thing goes for Koukai Benjo:
Thanks- I haven't seen either- I'll check them out!
Only one of those can make me feel in a place that's not my penis.
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I don't mind reading NTR. Though i really hate it when it involved too much drama. That's why netori is best.
Anyone know how to access the Netorare Zuma doujins by Linda Project on exhentai? They're under prohibited content, so I think somebody has to have the link somewhere to be able to save it. They're really fucking good.
I didn't see the eng version, sorry.
You'll have to grab it elsewhere.
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While Hana Hook's setting are fucking ridiculous, I can't deny that this was a pretty good corruption.

Do you guys know of any stories with justified netori, e.g. MC stealing from a douchebag?
Actually- that's not the one, sorry. I'll try & find it.
While I dislike NTR...
Different strokes for different folks.
Thanks goob.
Can't think of the title. Here's some to sort through.
Also, the one I was thinking of was bbw anyway & some don't like that. :)
Thanks. Too bad that not more site carries the netori tag, they all have a small collection compared to pururin. The justice part often happens at the end of a series but I think it would be pretty nice to observe the douchbad suffering.

[Sanagi Torajirou] Sun to Witch was a good one.
Np. The one I 'mistakenly' listed does have netori- but only after netorare. I don't think I've seen but 1 'clean' 'douchbag suffering' hentai- without some ntr, or other badness- and even then I think it was undone the next issue.
Netori stories without netorare are invietable but for example like this series: [Takenoko Seijin] When you let go of my hands, of course there was justice but it happened way too late. It's fine iff you start off with netorare but quickly initate the netori afterwards.

Another one of this artist: [Sanagi Torajirou] Cast Aoi.
As long as the victim (guy getting stolen) shows a little sign of a douchbaggy behaviour then it's fine for me to see him get NTRd.
Thanks- I'll check those.Maybe lter I'll have time to try to find the ones I mentioned as well.
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fuck u
Tsumino has the tag as well:

Also check out King's App from Takatsu. The MC only acts on justice and everyone deserved getting NTRed, especially in the third chapter.
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>don't like NTR
>read NTR

srly m8?
Wow, a thread for all the vanillafags to cry about NTR. Great!

>I think people like OP (and myself) are simply ascertain why people are into this shit, and why they are.

You don't have the fetish which is why you don't like it. You'll never understand people's reason and you'll counter their own reason as proven so far. People has given multiple reasons in this thread already and people has just been countering it with their own opinion. Its pointless.

>Okay, granted. but what if the tables were turned? or worse yet said boyfriend you just held in a kekold and a group of his friends beat the shit out of you, tie you to a chair, and gangbang both the love of your life AND your mother in the same room and make you watch as they slowly mindbreak them.

Why are you bringing real life to this? The thing is these are fictional characters. I don't give a shit about some dumbass generic character having his girl be stolen by some other guy that makes the sex more fun and entertaining.

>But with all that said, everyone who is into NTR never think of the possible consequences in those situations, i say this because of course they attempt to apply it in real life

Its fucking hentai. You want justice to be served in every fetish now? Theres fucking rape, loli, gangbang and a ton of other shit and you want people to think of the possible consequences? And how the fuck do you know if they attempt to apply it in real life. Says who?

>Realistically to us vanillafags anyone who worships NTR as they usually do are usually just a bunch of pimplefaced fuccboi losers.

No, you guys are fucking tumblrfags whos retarded. I really find it funny how the NTR stuff always have vanillafags commenting the most. Fuck off already.
Yes.Name-calling always proves why your butthurt is greater than anyone else's.

The OP just asked a question. An answer or attempt at one doesn't make anyone some random 'fag'.

If you don't like the question, give a better answer- that might help a little. Asking people to quit asking shows you don't get the internet, or even forums- and how they work.

You act like everyone should know why NTR 'works'- yet you use 'fag' as an insult- trashing someone else's 'fetish'- despite seemingly 'understanding' that each have their own fetish. That and your attack on 'vanillafags' seems a bit hypocritical if you don't mind my pointing out.

The helpful people have explained why NTR works for them. It may not 'convert' anyone, but it explains.

>Yes.Name-calling always proves why your butthurt is greater than anyone else's.

Yes, because people here clearly aren't insulting NTR fans at all nor are they insulting the genre. Playing the victim card now I see. Its clear you guys are tumblrfags. Tumblr might be a better place for you guys after all.
Really? NTR is what bothers you? Not Guro, or scat, or vore. But NTR.
The fuck?
As many people here already said: These genres are not prevalent and easily avoidable unlike NTR because it's fucking everywhere, even in Tankoubons with otherwise Vanilla stories.
I haven't noticed it being that prevalent, though. Are you talking about here in 4chan or in general?
In general.
Guro has around 1000 galleries for Doujinshi and Manga on sadpanda, scat around 4000 (that includes Manga with only one or two pages of it, so it should actually be more like half of that), NTR has 10k, just as much as popular tags like femdom.
How come no one is talking about the NTR goddess
>Hana Hook


I can't help what 'people' say. No 'victims' here- just people with different fetishes.
I have no idea what the tumblr community is like, but good luck with your assumptions about whatever.
Because everything by her is retarded and formulaic. The only good thing is her art, which is wasted on mindnumbing stories that boil down to
>"Your son stole some panties! Be my sex slave or I will tell everyone!"
>Ten pages later: "Now I'm a sow which only exists to get fucked."

Rinse and repeat for every scene and doujin.
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leave the thread
Doing -NTR works. Use it in Exhentai. I've never came across one NTR by doing that. Stop crying and use the feature.

All hentai follow a formula.
>see tags: netorare
>avoid that one
>see tankoubons
>ask what chapter(s) are ntr
>avoid them
Wow so hard, they are UNAVOIDABLE!
>All hentai follow a formula.
Replace that with All NTR follow a formula.
Most lazy writing ever
>But NTR is rarely written well. I kid you not- most of it is so formulaic it'd be insulting to me as a fan if I liked it.
You accidentally said NTR instead of all hentai.
Hentai, in general, is incredibly badly written, incredibly formulaic, and insulting.

>'True NTR' would have to address a relationship like it was real before crushing it. Hentai writers can barely grasp how most anatomy works- if someone wrote 'real' NTR I'd be happy to read it. I might not like it- but I'd appreciate the skill behind it.
Sadly true and I share your sentiment.
>My anus is chaste
not for long
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>Why NTR is always redeemed bad
Because its easy to hate NTR
>Shit cliches
>People hate both the kekker and the kekked
>Yes, the kekked is usually shitty guy and the kekker is always an asshole or some sort of it
>Is an aspect of rape
>Playing with emotion
Its easy to hate NTR, there is just too many reason to hate it.
Its hentai. Why does writing fucking matter? It wouldn't even be enjoyable if its realistic and it follows logic. Its a fictional work for a reason. Fuck off to tumblr.
For once I would for it to go
>"Your son stole some panties! Be my sex slave or I will tell everyone!"
>*She tasers the asshole and calls the cops*
>He son does some community service, the would be rapist goes to jail and gets assraped.
>would be rapist is mindbroken from being prison raped
then why don't you go and read yaoi?
yaoi is what you want
That wouldn't be good NTR and wouldn't satisfy NTR fans. NTR is made for people with a NTR fetish. Why can't you understand that? Instead of hoping for a good ending. A smart choice would be to avoid it all together and read only happy hentai.
>That wouldn't be good NTR and wouldn't satisfy NTR fans
but it would be good hentai
I very much enjoy realistic Hentai. Did you ever read a masterpiece like Wasurena? That gave me the feels.

What exactly counts as NTR? Just straight up cheating, the guy finding out, the girl not caring, the girl starting to enjoy the rape, all of the above?

I'm not a fan of the darker NTR stuff, but Nightmare of My Goddess is pretty hot as Belldandy slowly and steadily adjusts to her new fate. Only in the second most recent volume did Keiichi find out she had been getting gang raped non-stop.
>What exactly counts as NTR?
Netorare inspire a feeling of jealously, like when the one the MC loves is taking away by someone else.

Netorare is not the same as cheating and not the same as rape, yet some retards still tag netorare when there isn't
I had a smilar idea for realistic NTR / Rape once:
>MC and his girlfriend get introduced as a couple that have a healthy amount of sex and who are in love with each other.
>NTR guy / Rapist drugs her while she is on her own and drags her into a nearby rest room, where he rapes her in her sleep and takes pictures / videos of him fucking her.
>She wakes up in the middle of it and he threats her to stay silent if she doesn't want the pictures to get leaked.
>Girl doesn't fall for any of that shit and screams "Rape!" instead.
>Her boyfriend and some other guys hear that, burst into the rest room and beat the shit out of him. They also take his cell phone with the pictures as evidence for rape provided by the culprit himself.
>He gets charged and sentenced for 10+years in prison, where he shares a cell with another rapist, who immediately proceeds to fuck him in the ass once they are alone.
>His screams for help are unheard, as the walls are soundproof, and even if they weren't people wouldn't care either way.
>Meanwhile, it's shown that the girl immediately took a morning-after pill after being raped like an intelligent human being and she has lots of sex with her boyfriend again.
>The End.

Sadly, everyone in NTR is retarded instead.
Would read, 10/10

I'm not sure how I feel about that manga. I enjoy some bits of it (Like how the two girls are basically Belldandy and Skuld), but some of it pissed me off.

I think if it wasn't completely one sided with the little computer program that trumped all powers of the divine heavens and there was a bit more of a power struggle it would be a lot more enjoyable.

Also, more of the Skuld-like.
the art is shit, the story is shit
Why does Harem exist?
What god allowed this?

Why does Hairy Armpits exist?
What god allowed this?

Why does Scat exist?
What god allowed this?

Why does futanari exist?
What god allowed this?

Why does femdom exist?
What good allowed this?
I actually would enjoy something like that.
>housewife gets blackmailed, raped or whatever
>double V ahegao multiple times
>gets bored of her meat toy
>guy ends up eating shit like no other
>girl goes back and has lots of sex with her husband out of guilt.
BAM! best netori.

But that's just plain old cheating with a slutty wife.
did you miss the part where the ntr guy ends up eating shit and the wife was always in control and also feels guilt?
Sure but where does the netori happen?

It's even in the bible. David NTR'd Uriah so hard, he died fighting for him, while david fucked Uriah's wife, and she gave him Solomon.
That's hardcore NTR right there
I'm not into NTR plots, and NTR stories where the other guy is sitting in the room with his tiny cock alone just make me wat. However, NTR has a lot of glorious big dick porn and girls that really like them, so I approve.
>We're all here to look at pornographic drawings so no man is higher than another.

That is untrue. Furries and Bronies are below all.

Have you ever raged at those wimpy anime protagonists, who somehow STILL get all the girls?

Now think of NTR, it usually happens because the guy (or the girl) are like that, except here there's no magic nonsensical plot to save them.

That's what NTR is, revenge, relief from the nonsensical harem tropes.
For me the only good media for NTR story is VN
Anything new from Hana Hook?
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This is the most recent one but it's disappointing. But at least it's fully colored.
A friend of mine got NTR'd a few years ago. I can't even tell if has recovered or not.

Fuck NTR genre, artists, writers, developers, publishers, and fans. May your life be destroyed for all eternity
Why is it disappointing? It's the same level of good art,but retarded plot like every other time. The only difference is that the protagonist is an asshole that gets revenge on the women themselves instead of NTRing someone. And he sells his children, but that's his own choice.

I felt something similar to NTR happening to me once as well. It's very complicated and personal, so I don't want to share details. That's probably one of the reasons why I hate NTR so much.
So, for the past two weeks, I've been trying to read netorare hentai to see if it arouses me in the slightest. I have a history of pleasing myself to some rather intense shit: scat, guro, loli, shota, mpreg, vore, the entire spectrum of /d/. I can enjoy these things as much as I enjoy hand-holding vanilla, I'm one sick fuck and I'm not even ashamed anymore, and yet, netorare fails to get me aroused. I tried different kinds of manga, doujins and image sets - at best I liked a frame or two, but my body stayed unresponsive, as if my brain was not registering it as sex. I'm open to all kinds of fetishes and I don't judge people who get off to different stuff, but I think I'm doing something wrong here. Is it because I haven't found the true netorare gem yet? Is it just not my thing, even though literally everything else (aside from rape and hypnosis, for some reason) is? It's not like I don't feel empathy towards the characters - I feel sorry for the guy, and for the girl if she's being forced into it. But that's it. No arousal, only "well these people sure are suffering, sucks to be them". and this comes from a person who frequents gurochan. What the hell is wrong with me, /h/?
It's not your fetish. Just because you like other seemingly related/similarly 'disapproved' fetishes doesn't mean you have to like this one 'too'.
That's a pretty random-looking list to me, so 'be happy you checked off that many' I guess? :)
Exactly how I feel. Glad its just not me.
Right. Being a wimp and getting a girl is way more nonsensical than being an an asshole, usually a rapist, often ugly, _still_ getting/keeping the girl despite being (and this is the kicker) so 'wimpy' they never tried to approach the girl on their own- and had to go behind a 'wimps' back and use tricks/force.
It's not revenge, it's just more nonsense. If it makes you happy- more power to ya, though.
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The people who seriously claim that NTR is realistic make me laugh every single time.
What the fuck are you talking about? You do realize this is hentai right?
I LIKE normal, non-aggressive, unambitious protagonists. There are way too many hotheaded protags, asshole protags, "I want to get stronger" protags and so on. It's far more realistic when a protagonist who's thrust into awkward, confusing, serious or dangerous situations to be flustered, confused, or even scared. It makes perfect sense for some normal dude to not want to go along with some crazy dangerous or outright idiotic scheme or be involved in some stupidly confusing plot they have nothing to do with
What are you talking about? I hope I'm talking about hentai- it would suck to be talking about NTR being 'ok' or whatever otherwise.
I was responding, so maybe you should trace the thread back?
OP asked why people liked NTR. The anon gave his own reason and for some reason, you started going on about it in a realistic way when its clearly just fictional stuff. When people fap to rape. They don't think how its soo fucked up and how the rapist deserve punishment. We just fucking fap because its hot. Its a fantasy world.
These last two pages are fucking amazing. I remember reading this a long time ago and her line about her anus being chaste is so deep, as funny as it sounds.
You're reading too much into it. the 'realism' wasn't brought up by me- I just stated that particular comparison didn't really add up. I don't care about 'realism' persay- though within the context of whatever 'fictional' world, sticking to whatever 'realism' you made for that world does make for a better story.
People pretend 'relationships' and 'reactions' aren't 'realism' in a lot of these genres. The author just makes whatever the story 'demands' happen. Sure, fine- but if every NTR protagonist ends up conveniently 'rolling over', that's 'convenient', not 'realistic'. I'm not demanding realism- just saying a better story would resolve with more believable conflict. Blackmail the protag too, buy him through conditional promotions- or something. Some writers bother. Most don't. Whatever. My point was just 'vanilla is more unrealistic' isn't accurate. Some vanilla authors are rubbish. Most NTR authors take shortcuts too.
Anyway, some people do think those things. Maybe not you. Not my point either way.
The OP asked about NTR- 'because it is hot' is obvious, not an answer. _Why_ it's hot is debatable I guess, but there are people who think 'bad art' is not hot (despite the story) or 'bad stories' are not hot (despite the art). Not saying either is better- but 'there ya go'. Different people do have different ways in deciding both 'What is hot' & 'What is bad'.
'Lack of realism' to some is 'bad'.
Maybe not you. I'm ok with that.
Like what you like.
Just a random opinion from an anon here.
He's reading too much into it.
I like NTR because of the usually mature busty women in it, the NTR itself is meh.

>>By that anon's logic people who are into loli as their fetish (you know who are).
>>Are already pedophiles or will be pedophiles

Because over complicating a simple thing makes more sense.
No prob. It's not like anyone here is a 'spokesperson' for whatever fetish. People can like the same thing for different reasons.
I can empathize with you though- the only thing thet ruins a mature busty woman more than NTR (if you don't like it) is futanari (unless you like that)- but that's another thread entirely...
And also one of the hottest.
futanari is godly NTR is garbage eat a dick fuck off and die
This thread is unironically trying to explain WHY people like NTR(netori,netorase,netorare,what evs).
Anybody actually trying to debate why NTR is bad is a fool.
Different strokes for different folks, mate.

Btw are you guys simply jealous that we have some artists with top quality drawings or why do you single out ntr out of all to ridicule?
being a little bitch to the level awkward protagonists are is not normal either.
when you get horny, you produce more semen. if you see someone fucking a chick, even if it's one you like, you get more horny and produce even more semen, so the origin of NTR stuff might come from postcopulatory sexual selection. that means cucks have bigger chances of passing on genes. think about it.
Wow, you sure told me. I'm not sure though if by saying 'eat a dick', you think you're punishing me, or giving me a bonus- you know, since you like futa and all...
In any case, since I said (unless you like that)- so if your brain can't wrap around 'like what you like', then too bad for you, 'Insulty McDickEaty'.
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> 10 years later it's time for revenge
we need the sequel
Alright, a sequel to that:

>The NTR guy won't try anything funny after being released from prison 10 years after as he is under police surveillance and was mindbroken by his rapist.
>In fact, Hentai Logic applied in this case: The other rapist fucked him so much that he fell in love with him (as did the guy fucking him) and they have a new life outside of prison, trying to repent by working part time in a kindergarten.
>The couple from before married and had a little girl in the mean time.
>We see them fucking again, trying to get the woman knocked up again.
>Their first child got old enough to go to kindergarten, which is coincidentally the same one the former NTR guy and the other rapist work at.
>They are very cautious of them and want to get away ASAP, but the gay couple convinced them that they feel very sorry for what they did in their life and that they want to repent.
>The NTR guy also tells them that he just wanted to be loved, which he got with his new partner now.
>Both couples get friendly with each other and go on double dates.
>Eventually the woman delivers her second child and the NTR guy is allowed to hold her baby. He's crying of happiness and decides to adopt a child with his lover.
>The End

More Drama than Hentai, but I want to see something fresh.
Why don't you make your own hentai and create something fresh? The Japanese artists are making their work for their own fans.So, nothing will change unless their Japanese fans tell them something. They could care less about your opinion.
Problem is: I can't draw for shit.
Well, that's too bad then. Just accept what we get since we're getting it for free.
I just know I've always liked this shit ever since I was very young, even before knowing about anime.
I've always self inserted as the most powerful male character in the story's triangle (square or whatever) though, regardless of the role that character might have.
The fact this character is almost always portraited as the sadist/affair/antagonist is just a meaningless side effect to me and I don't really care about his alignment unless he is actually going too god damn overboard on the evil side, like those from Kawady Max for instance

To me, whenever I see a guy who can't help but feel miserable, impotent, numb, fearful and unable to act or react against whatever problems (in this case, romantic ones) life throws at him, than he is not deserving of any compassion by me.
I've seen dwarfs without limbs having more willpower than most of the spineless bastards on these drawings
>just self insert as the other guy!
>self insert as the character expressly designed to be a disgusting and undesirable sociopath

It all makes sense.
Is this the right meaning for these genres?

Netorare - Point of view of the victim of NTR
Netari - Point of view of guy stealing a guy's girl
Cheating - Point of view of the female doing it with another guy
No, not really. Most Netorare is from the retarded females POV, not just the cucked guy.

The third one is actually often Netori a well, sadpanda just doesn't have that tag and people use cheating instead.
>self inserting at all
You don't have 8 years anymore. do you still believe in santa? do you still play with toys and self insert in one of them?
ntr doesn't affect me anymore

after reading the worst of the worst i find it straight up retarded/hilarious

although i'm still looking forward to the ending of netoraserare
What is NTR?
Why is this nigga getting deep about fetishes?
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kedamono-tachi no sumu ie de

your welcome anon.
Because he mistaken 4chan as another Tumblr website. Don't mind him.

When a lover of a guy gets stolen by another one and you get to see his suffering.
no i mean like literally what does NTR stand for
Netorare. Bro, it would be a lot easier if you just googled it.
You have the whole of google and you choose to fucking ask 4chan?
You are all perverted pigs.
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NTR haters are a bunch of cucks, the only question is whether they are cucks now or later.
You got that reversed buddy. Enjoy you're cuckfest cuck
cuck isn't filtered anymore?

baka desu senpai

The real cucks are the guys who admit they like NTR.
one example in which the animated version of a game is almost as good as the game...wait its the first time somebody accomplished that.
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>its the first time somebody accomplished that.
No. Baku Ane and Ane Yome were fantastic.
Hitomi (dot) la
became my replacement for pururin since it allows for multiple tag and negative tag searches and tsumino hasn't had a content update in forever
16 y/o virgin defending alpha male, might is right mentality.
Is King App fully translated?
No, only chapters 1 to 4 sadly. The translator went missing or something and didn't do anything with it for months. I hope someone else finishes it with its bonus chapter.
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ntr mom is the best
Yeah, people getting cheated on never happens.
>worst of the worst

A man needs a name.

This pretty much, although I pretty much ignore all of the story regardless of the genre when I just want to fap. If it has good art then I'll fap to it.
Any NTR where lesbians get forced or bpackmailed to have sex with men? I've come across 2-3 doujins but not nearly enough for how much it turns me on
It doesn't happen in the retarded way NTR depicts with blackmail consisting of telling others you smoked or stole panties.
Futari Yogari
Yeah, and if your sister catches you masturbating. They don't all of a sudden go in your room and have sex with you. Or, all the hot girls aren't always thirsty to have sex with you.

Don't even act like vanilla isn't as retarded when it is.
Yeah, Futari Yogari is a really good one.
I wished there were an second chapter for Hikkoshi no Aisatsu wa Shinchou ni ( http://exhentai.org/s/75318be7a0/744574-1 ) with some impregnation, despite it's kinda stupid irrational NTR...
Thanks for sharing that with me. I love myself some stupid NTR.
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