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File: 1440856864888.webm (3 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 720x404
Dump whatever gifs/webms you have of this sexy little Korean chick - I love her
File: 1439218455941.webm (2 MB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 600x338
File: 1439218597793.webm (3 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 720x404
This is the last one I have unfortunately - help me bros!
"DJ Soda" on YouTube

Seems like you found Mikasa
She's fine as fuck
Korean girls who look like this have had plastic surgery done to their faces. FYI
full video link
she's thai...
>my desire to hate was so strong I forgot to check my facts !
>dat haircut
I came
yes... and?

Don't see why that matters unless you're planning to have kids with them.
this shit is better than porn for me
File: puppe.webm (4 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 1280x720
She goes by the name of bj쏘님 and you can find loads of her videos on youtube. Her instagram name is "staru3u"
lel she's korean
Whats the song name ?
she listen a good dam music, anyone kwons the song?
Where's the nudes
Potentially. I'm not totally convinced she has eyework done, rather than just clever makeup. I've seen ugly gooks with her face shape.

The most likely would be a nosejob if I had throw out a guess
no she does including fake tits
Still wanna dip my balls in it
Anyone got the song name from this?
Girls ac tiung lkike this. trying so hard to look cute or hot.
looks fuckign stupid.
She'd look way hotter just casually walking casually through a bookstore with a tight sweater and a normal calm expression on her face.
oh fck of you perv
no self respecting slut would do this.
More chicks should have plastic surgery then
>looks fucking stupid
>ac tiung lkike this
>casually walking casually

You can't even fucking English.
As bad as his English is, dude's got a point. I don't know when exactly it becomes trying to hard but this girl is definitely in that territory. Just looks silly after a point.
this post is embarrassing
The things I would do to her...probably frowned upon in some states lol.
I would fuck her so hard she would get back to her original form

Nobody cares about your stupid opinion, literally
Nice trips
Well she looks great for it.
A) Maybe, but not necessarily.

B) Who fucking cares?
Sorry for English. I want her hold balls for 5 minute. Such strong cock I would feel!
Mindless electronic noise
Easy tiger
she got da moves
File: 1445160700808.webm (2 MB, 608x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 608x1080

There are better ones
Anyone got the song on this?
File: 1437021078213.webm (3 MB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 800x600
OP's song, TJR - Come Back Down.

Welcome friends.
not her but

I'm not 100% sure this isn't a guy but I don't even care. She's hot. 9/10 would bang and then some.

Here's a 42 min compilation of her dancing:
Darude- Sandstorm
I just spent an hour trying to find this song.
u srs nigga
ma baby bobby moon ferry remix
>that misaligned shirt
What's up with that Michael Jackson nose?
>no proof
moving on.
File: i heart boobs dance.webm (4 MB, 426x426) Image search: [Google]
i heart boobs dance.webm
4 MB, 426x426
but does she ever get naked. id like to see dem titties and that full bush. NAH MEAN
File: 1446945574276.gif (1 MB, 198x200) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 198x200
Just take it or leave it.

Most likely not
Pedo bear is watching
And I tried really, REALLY hard to give a fuck about it. I just could not.
moar of this bitch
File: kpop01.webm (3 MB, 608x1080) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 608x1080
cant tell if this same girl from op or no

You know nothing, that's k-pop not some random girl dancing
More in this thread >>>/wsg/818718
not kpop
LOOOOL nobody can tell asians apart
good lord
anyone has a mirror of this?

>Deleted between the time I left for class and now

Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZYRBZTiHmY

found her youtube channel thank me later https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUR1MNwGJGR1icOM0J-0IFA
Or maybe it is this one:

Or this one:

Actually, I don't think she has an official channel, all these are just reuploads.

>blonde hair on koreans

absolutely disgusting.webm
I disagree. See, Gain in Bloom.

definitely korean.

source: ive fucked a lot of korean chicks. it turns out theyre quite slutty when visiting westernised countries.
is there ever a language barrier?
look at her at the end
honestly k-pop idols' plastic surgery is not attractive
in the slightest
most koreans have plastic faces. if youve ever been to korea, you will know that there is no middle ground. they are either gorgeous or troglodytes. plastic surgery capital of the world.
And? A lot of ugly fucks should do a surgery as well to look that qt. Shove your FYI up your ass.
Meh...she's not gonna be your girlfriend, so why should you care? It's something nice to look at, stop bitching and learn to enjoy the finer things in life...like plastic surgery.

PS: Given some of the people I know...cosmetic surgery is definitely a good thing....fuckers need a nose-job like I need to get laid.
Damn, she's crazy as fuck. Wondering how is it having sex with sex, lel
Dat padding.
Not the same without the sexy ass music :/

There isn't an example you can provide that would sway me. The color does not match their skin and always looks fake and trashy and awful.

>all this deluded kids in 4chan out of all places

Gain would still look like a goddess if she was wearing a fucking plastic bag wrapped around her head, that's an unfair example
No her, but here a channel u may like


You're welcome.


I love you, man

BTW if you buy a pass to one of the download sites get the Alfafile one as it used for all of them. You can just buy the shortest pass and then download them all as there doesn't appear to a limit on active downloads.
where I can find that second post called 2015111702 ? I have checked youtube that has tons of recent videos of her but no luck with that one
Thread replies: 104
Thread images: 10

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