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Elegant ladies with anal readiness
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File: Letizia Bruno _10.webm (4 MB, 512x304) Image search: [Google]
Letizia Bruno _10.webm
4 MB, 512x304
Scenes with elegant ladies that do anal, without any vaginal. This is very specific and rare. They should look classy and sexy, that is with make-up, painted nails, jewelry, stockings, high heels etc. They are ready for anal and don't need any vaginal.
Scenes that meet the criteria are hard to find. I ask for your help to find out about suitable sources. I promise to make OC.
File: Lady _10.webm (4 MB, 512x288) Image search: [Google]
Lady _10.webm
4 MB, 512x288
Can you deliver? Sages and scholars, will you step up?

Search for Chloe Des Lysses. She's your best bet for this.
I didn't find a scene where she does only anal. Taking it in the pussy will result in disqualification.
She doesn't talk very ladylike in the source, but I'll let it pass. Also annoying intro music.

Aurora Jolie is anal-only but I doubt there is a vid where she meets all of your other criteria.
the classic
Is there a video link sauce for this?
that's literally the best part of a 1h50min DVD. there is one more scene which is decent, the rest is pretty much shit.

i downloaded it years ago when the gif was going around on /b/ and everyone went nuts searching for a source for literally months. now that we have webm i was able to pack everything into one clip with minimal quality loss. no reason to go after the source.
Your contribution is appreciated, esteemed colleague.

Now, new OC coming through: Frau Doktor
File: 1357399763270.gif (2 MB, 451x250) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 451x250
>implying what your mom does is classy
The best porn bits, carefully selected with ffmpeg in the command line
I don't know why but the bartender just standing there makes me crack the fuck up.

I prefer middle-aged amateurs.

There's something incredibly hot about some frumpy housewife stripping off, spreading her cheeks and allowing her husband to slide straight into her rear entrance.
I feel like this is slightly more common in Italian language porn.
Oh god yes. I can never find any good video's like this though. Any recommendations?

The women's bathroom was set to blow
File: Susana Melo _00.webm (4 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
Susana Melo _00.webm
4 MB, 960x540
Wait, it's fucking called Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Yes. Porn titles don't always work out
this video is dubbed. gimme da sauce dude
>look classy and sexy
>that is with make-up, painted nails
Pick ONE motherfucker.
Visible make-up and painted nails are fucking disgusting and make an actress look like a cheap whore.
Do you have her name? I've been searching on the file name and "Frau Doktor" but can't find her.
Sexe Tentation... it's in the file name.
Most of these just have the vag portion of the scene cut out.
Thanks anon.

Someone is gonna ask for sauce.

Anna Polina - Fade To Black
That's not just the bartender. That's THE COOK.
annas pussy looks so good when she takes in the ass, especially on earlier scenes when she was younger
She's the delicious Olivia de Treville
File: Petra _ Anal Trainer 4 _00.webm (4 MB, 576x416) Image search: [Google]
Petra _ Anal Trainer 4 _00.webm
4 MB, 576x416
Why detective, sorry to disappoint you, there is no vaginal in my sources.

These would have been excellent if they didn't both have plenty of vaginal, so no pass.
Lovely thread. I'm gonna go through my stash and see if there's anything that fits the bill.
that's the poorest anal action I've ever seen
ex gf had more fun with my 6 inches...
Try Taylor Rain
Any elegant woman spank videos?
This. Pretty much anything made by 21sextury is high quality, and some of their websites, like gapeland and asshole fever have scenes which are 100% anal.
>ending anal any way other than a creampie
File: tumblr_mgoovzKKYd1rkox02o1_500.gif (944 KB, 500x279) Image search: [Google]
944 KB, 500x279
"straight to anal", that's the best, kudos

fucking this

xnxx /video107529/surprise_bar_sex
Thread replies: 51
Thread images: 16

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