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Need label for beer, calls it AFRO - BEER front label with nightsky/galaxy
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Thread replies: 8
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File: 248259.jpg (38 KB, 460x345) Image search: [Google]
38 KB, 460x345
Need label for beer,
calls it AFRO - BEER
front label with nightsky/galaxy in background, font like miami vice, shold be some 80's style, maybe neon graphics in backround like 2d rastering surface,
could you help me?
And how much are you paying us for this?
one bottle?
File: Untitled-1.jpg (160 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
160 KB, 1024x768
Then you get what you pay for.
File: you cheap troll.png (361 KB, 742x1041) Image search: [Google]
you cheap troll.png
361 KB, 742x1041
scheckels to remove watermark from my premium design
this would sell
Better keep your eye on that brand now cause the guy might just take it and have someone else copy it
File: AfroBear.jpg (10 KB, 640x400) Image search: [Google]
10 KB, 640x400
Thread replies: 8
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