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What does /gd/ think of Semplice?
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What does /gd/ think of Semplice?
From all I've seen I think it's great. I'm currently planning to freelance alongside my day job and I'm considering using it for the website.
Does anybody here have experience with it?
File: B9rq020IQAAVVnz.png (15 KB, 618x411) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 618x411
>Non abbastanza semplice....
>sembra la bandiera Albanese.

If you are looking for a stylized hawk (or phoenix in the attached case), google:
'neil mussett san francisco flag'
wtf are you talking about?
this thread is about the wordpress theme semplice
>semplicelabs com
I like van Schneider and they feature people's sites depending if it's good which leads to getting you noticed so doesn't sound bad.

Too bad the $89 is too steep for me as of the moment and I'd rather learn how to code from scratch
what typeface is that
Supposed to be responsive. Yet I have to scroll from left to right to see all the content on their webpage.. Not impressed.
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