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did the nsa/cia use SJWs to infiltrate the tor development community,
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did the nsa/cia use SJWs to infiltrate the tor development community, accuse j.a. of rape, and ultimately overthrow their entire leadership and compromise the project?

it just seems awful convenient that every person who causes problems for the powers that be are all rapists.
NSA/CIA? Nah, probably not, they likely have other means of infiltrating.

It's a common tactic of SJWs though to remove anyone they don't like.
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Sometime around 5 o’clock in the morning, I woke up very confused and startled because my pants were unzipped and Jake’s arm was wrapped around me, his hands in my underwear and he was rubbing my clit and rimming the edges of my vagina. I tried to shove him off me and wake him up. He’s physically much bigger than me, so the shoving didn’t work as well as it should have, but nonetheless he rolled over, a bit exageratedly, mumbling as if asleep.

In the morning, I confronted him about it. I was really confused. I didn’t know if he was actually asleep, but if he was, how did my clothes come undone? Assuming that if I was super confrontational about it, he’d have some excuse like “Oh, but I thought it was okay that time because you didn’t explicitly give me the we’re-just-friends lecture before bed…” When confronting Jake about this, I said, “Dude, what the fuck. You started fingering me last night.” It took a few seconds for there to be a reaction on his face, and then he seemed confused, saying “Oh… what? I don’t remember that.” I glared at him.

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really no one cares?
>accuse j.a. of rape
j.a. is the __ultimate__ sjw. I'm glad he's getting a taste of what he dishes out. Literally the entire TOR project would be better without this gigantic degenerate cuck faggot at the helm.
Fuck off Jacob. We know what you did, I hope you get a taste of your own medicine in prison.
Tor had enough holes and wasn't used widely enough by the general population for NSA/CIA to care.
Maybe for the sake of make an example, I don't know... It is sadly true that privacy advocates have more than their share of mentally ill people. Normies don't give a shit.
>Not considering that Tor was created by DARPA
>we shared a bed
Is she braindead? Don't share a bed with someone who propositioned you and assume they won't try anything.
It's like hiring a convicted child molester to watch your kids and then getting upset when your kids get molested.
People share a bed to sleep. If they want to do more, they are either both agreeing to it, or at least in a relationship, which gives one a solid assumption that it's okay to fuck the other.
Probably, seems like everyone that pisses off the NSA is a rapist. Surprised Snowden hasn't been personally smeared desu
Well, he is a "traitor".
SJW detected

"I should be able to sleep in any guys bed and not get molested!"
Yeah, just like I should be able to go to prison and not get raped. That's not how the world works.
Snowden has already been smeared and they couldn't get him on grounds of rape because he was actually a good boy who didn't fuck around hastily.
Wish more were actually like him and didn't act based on what their dick desired, would make it harder for these agencies to utilize rape so effectively.
>That's not how the world works
That's exactly how the world works in first world countries. Prison rape is a third world problem. Just like guys who can't handle their boners, say in India.

Besides, there is a fancy thing called the law, so even if you want to blame her for being naive, he still committed a crime; assuming the story is correct of course.

As if really matters what you do when they want to get you. Look at Assange, the broken condom chick got no beef with him anymore, yet Sweden is still waiting.
I really hope you have to serve time. Prison guards don't stop it. It gets under reported because most men aren't comfortable with letting the world know they were raped.
>Prison guards don't stop it.
In shithole countries with no regard for human rights. American shower stories don't apply for Europe.
>Prison rape is a third world problem.

Literally fell out of my chair laughing.
My friendly black man, the term rape culture originated as a prison term. To explain the culture of rape in prisons. Where it's used as a tool of power instead of a sexual orientation.
That's pretty widely know, what exactly is your point?
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