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/g/, what type of laptop do you use?
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/g/, what type of laptop do you use?
Pixel C in bed
I don't have a laptop.
Thinkpad E550
Late 2013 rMBP
Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon 2014.
Thinkpad x230 since it was new in 2012.
A T400 from 2009.

I want a new laptop but everything on the market is shit now except for Apple; but I can't justify paying the price for a powerful sexy high quality MacBook that is guaranteed to get me young hipster pussy and improve my social life. What happened? Why are all laptops shit or expensive.

Don't recommend me a used Thinkpad, I don't want to touch encrusted semen.
Mid 2010 13" MBP

It's really starting to show its age, that's why I'm trying to get Lubuntu working properly on it.
This. Laptops are shit. A good desktop and smarthphone is all you'll ever need.
Usually: ThinkPad T420 with winshit
Currently: Precision M4300 with OpenIndiana

Late 2013 13" rMBP here also.
2014 13" MacBook Air
Libreboot Thinkpad X200
Macbook 12" masterrace.

So you don't travel ever?
>What happened? Why are all laptops shit or expensive.
Blame Apple, or everybody else for not being able to compete with them, so they have no need to lower their prices.

While a good desktop is essential, it's hard to beat the convenience of of a laptop. Useful for work, for school, for when you travel, for when lying in bed, etc.
NEET detected
Dell XPS 13 2016 master race here
Dual boot with OSX 10.11.6 and Arch
Mbp mid 2012 13"
HP compaq 6730b
Thinkpad X200 and saving to buy a 2016 Macbook Pro once it's out.
How is the trackpad on Hackintosh? How does it handle 4K screen or did you get 1080p cancer?
I bought a t420 but it overheated and kept shutting off. I bought a t510 for dirt cheap and will use that.

Kind of overestimating the power of owning an Apple product there is seems. I do agree with everything else being shit though. Look into an Apple refurbished Macbook Pro. Don't have to worry about semen then and you get a good laptop for several hundred bucks less.
Trackpad is ok, but no 3-4 fingers gestures.
3k screen is used with HiDPI (Intel Iris 540 fully supported)
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Only the best
I can't read runes.
That' some nice turbocancer

I don't understand the reason for ever owning an Air if you own a Pro.
Why don't understand?
His wrists are far too limp to support carrying around his Pro.

Why would you want a shittier laptop when you already have a good one?
>tfw docked t420 + eGPU
best of both worlds
more portable and lightweight
Ai-shi-te (boh) chi (boh) ko

Significa che te piace il cazzo
I don't speak frog either bro.
Il tipico capitalista americano waifu wannabe che pensa li sia tutto dovuto perché è nato nel Kentucky ma odia i fagioli in scatola

Pls kys, pls pls kys
U should rly kys
2011 Macbook Pro with an SSD in it, still runs fine except that the battery has gone to shit.

I'm debating if I actually need to buy a new laptop or if I should just buy a tablet, I don't really do anything on my laptop that I can't do on Android or iOS aside from vidya and that's what you have desktops for anyways.
2011 MBP i7 with 16gb ram and a 500gb ssd
breddy good tbqh, only spent 1000 aud all up
Asus Zenbook UX305CA
t520 master race reporting in.
last decent laptop ever build
can you expand? I have t420.

what's an eGPU and can I play skyrim with it?
How is it?
How does it hold up?
Thinkpad yoga 11e running fedora workstation
If you buy a GPU get a maxwell based Nvidia one so you can use pci compression. Anything newer won't support it and will be slower.
Lenovo B570
External GPU, a normal desktop gpu with an adapter for your laptop.

If you have a t420 get the expresscard adapter instead of the pci-e one, iirc the stock bios has a pci-e whitelist.
Damn, sounds pretty sweet. So no major issues? What about the battery life?


Well, it's pretty much how Air is supposed to be now. Decent enough performance (or surprisingly good given that it's passive cooled), good battery life (7-8h), awesome screen (and speakers) and the weight is hard to notice. I do like the keyboard though, which is not for everyone.

No port is barely noticeable sans connecting a screen with it but given how I needed an adaptor for Air too, that's not a biggy either.
>more portable
it has the same size
just lol
Literally have one of almost every brand in various tiers from $300 junk to $2000 workstations, except Apple shit.
t530 ftw
latitude 34300, planning on getting a new one soon though.
typo, i meant e4300*
Thinking of getting the 2015 13" rMBP. Is it a good idea? Or would I be better off waiting for the new one to come out? I'm worried it will be priced really high since the regular Macbook costs the same as the 2015 rMBP.
I'm thinking of buying into the Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition to support loonix.

Anyone have experience with this computer?
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Let's note
It should arrive in autum, so I'd wait. If the price is too high for you then, at least 2015 rMBP will be cheaper, so it's a win-win.
XPS 15 9550 with i5 and gtx 960m
XPS 13
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f*cking epic XD
leeching off our work network hidden in a cabinet connected to a hidden wifi i set up
Dell Vostro 5470
2012 15" non retina macbook pro
the last good macbook pro, but sadly I want slightly better gpu so I'm hoping that the 2016 won't have AMD bullshit in it.
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Powerful enough to be a desktop replacement, also cheap.
Ace Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition. Alright, although in the early months of ownership I was having a few hiccups with Windows 10. Around 8 months old now.
>pic related
Zenbook or Macbook Pro?

I want a luxury portable laptop with great typing and a nice display as a full desktop replacement. I'm going to convert my current desktop PC into a media server.
T420 with Fedora.
Thinkpad T520 with shitty stickers on it
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>nice display

Pick one.
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That is what I use as well. I like to compute with freedom.
Thinkpad edge e455, it was a gift from my family, it's decent, kinda sucked running Windows so I put ubuntu gnome edition on it, does what I need for school work and some light gaymen.
any realistic dateline for kaby lake laptops? anyone?
a dell inspiron n5110 which is falling apart
I keep an old XPS 17 L702X. It is overheating and surprisingly my X60t is lasting longer. Just installed Ubuntu on it and runs great.

I need to get rid of the Dell soon.
as someone else who owns a pro, are you under 13? i found the pro to be much lighter than the laptop i was using before already, how low is your upper body strength that you need an air?
Inspiron 17r se. Laugh all you want but it's fucking fantastic.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)

The company bought it for me, and I'm pretty happy with it for development work.

My main rig is an i7-6700K machine with a 980ti, so I don't need too much power on-the-go.
T450s, and a T440 as backup
a cheap inspiron 3551

please kill me
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It's comfy no matter where I am.
System76 Kudu.
Dell Inspiron 5558 64 bit system dull port with 8 gigabytes of RAM and 2 terabytes of storage.
Battery life is pretty much comparable to windows (5h tops), while on Arch I get 7h tops full discharge
Battery life is pretty much comparable to windows (5h tops), while on Arch I get 7h tops full discharge
mid 2012 MBP got it for $330.
>not knowing about InfinityBook
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Yosemite?!?!? :/ \ )
Looks like the Apple Marketing Department safehouse
It's the i7 2.9 model, last year I maxed out the ram to 16gb and put a samsung 850 pro ssd in it. Blazing fast. Thinking about changing the battery soon, it lasts for 6-7 hours with 600 cycles.
Mi Asus N61jq is still holding up very well with it's first gen i7, it's a housefire but it werks
I bought a refurbished Acer Aspire v Nitro black edition on Amazon a few months back for $850 usd

4gb Gtx 960m
2x 8gb ddr4 memory
128 m.2 Samsung sad
1tb hard drive

The i7 is a fucking power hog alone on battery saving
SNSV X554LA - i3 5005u, integrated GPU, 8g RAM.
It's shitty on every level except for battery life. Touchpad is fine.
2012 13" MBP

It's a piece of fucking garbage. I think the GPU is going out. I miss my thinkpad. The trackpad is worthless, I only ever use two-finger scroll and do everything else with the keyboard because ergonomics. OS X is overrated. My feet hurt.
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Thinkpad X200 Tablet, it still works great for its age. I love drawing with it. Got it for 90$ on craigslist.
ThinkPad t460s.

Pretty new work lappy, but I like it so far. The touchpad is a bit weird but other than that its great
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A 6 years old Packard Bell EN-TK85 with hardware completely upgraded (RAM, CPU, SSD).
You never work remotely?
We've just started rolling them out at my place, they're lighter than the T450s but I worry about how they'll handle a drop.
MBPs are fucking heavy. They're pretty thin by my standards but mine feels like a brick. Also, the Air is thinner and might run cooler (I don't have one)
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The IdeaPad Y700, because ThinkPads are for poorfags with no sense of economy, and MacBooks are boring and expensive.
MSI GP60. Yeah, gayming laptop.
Do you really consider changing three simple blocks in your laptop as "upgrading"? It would've been cheaper to just buy a laptop that's not shit.

I swear, this is why I dropped out of IT and choose to become a teacher instead. Too many fuck-up dumbasses like you, thinking they know ANYTHING about IT, in the tech world.
rMBP, mid 2014. No problems with it whatsoever, although sometimes it could be faster to get quick stuff done locally. Then again, I could just do that on our cluster, but I'm often to lazy for that.

>I never worked a day in my life: The post.
>this is why I dropped out of IT and choose to become a teacher instead

Sorry, don't talk to me and delete your post,
Did you buy a new Lenovo ThinkPad? Holy shit that's even fucking dumber than the people sporting 10 year old ThinkPads and MacBooks. How does it feel that you're a complete retard, who wasted his NEET bucks?
When you buy a pile of garbage like that, bragging about it isn't the way to go.
If you knew anything about tech, maybe you wouldn't be on this board whining. Fix your issues you illiterate, and if you don't like Unix, why don't you just go back to Windows like a little retard?

But seriously, since you're so fucking incompetent, here's a tip. Take your MacBook's logicboard, put it in the oven and heat it, not too much so it burns and gets damaged, but just enough for the components to fall in their place properly again. That'll fix your GPU problem. I've often refurbished MacBooks and iMacs for dumbfuck normalfags, and usually I just buy a cheap as all fuck MacBook online that's broken, fix it up and then sell it for double the price.
>I never worked a day in my life: The post.

>implying you need a laptop to work at McDonalds
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>ThinkPads are for poorfags with no sense of economy
>ThinkPads start at 1100 USD for lower-end models and go well over 6000 USD for the top-end
If I cared about your opinion, my life would be as miserable as yours, however, it's not. I choose a future. You've chosen to shitpost on 4chan for the rest of your life with no money.

Yeah because spending 1100 USD on a shitty computer isn't dumb. This Y700 cost me 1300 USD and it's vastly superior than any ThinkPad, in terms of specs, build-quality, and design.

So yeah. You're retarded, and you literally bought a shitty, expensive computer, just to get the ThinkPad(TM) brand. It's the same with MacBooks. Just stop.
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But that's wrong, you fucking retard. Your shitty Y700 isn't vastly superior to any and all ThinkPads in even one of those three things.

>you literally bought a shitty, expensive computer, just to get the ThinkPad(TM) brand
No I didn't. But you sure are trying hard to justify your purchase. How are your flimsy ass hinge, badly printed keys that will wear off within a year, mediocre screen, and plastic body treating you ?
The Y700 doesn't have a plastic body
A quick Google search shows that it isn't exactly common to have problems with the hinge on this model, neither do I have problems with it
The buttons are exactly like those on my last ThinkPad, except less fragile and plasticky
And mediocre screen? It's a 1080p anti-glare.

So obviously you don't know anything about this computer, which is cute. Now, find me a ThinkPad with the same build quality (brushed aluminium and a matte finish, not plastic), oh wait, you can't, all ThinkPads are pieces of plastic shit.

Go beg your mum for more money so you can buy more plastic ThinkPads with mediocre specs at the same price that I got this Y700 for.
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>all ThinkPads are pieces of plastic shit
Wrong. They either have a carbon body or a plastic shell covering a magnesium alloy body. This is by default a better build than brushed aluminum ever will be. ThinkPads aren't made to look flashy, they're made to last and are built to a higher specification as such. If you think a little bit of brushed aluminum equals "build quality," you're dead wrong. I'm sure you think macbooks have "great build quality" too while they suffer from internal failure all over the place.
1080p TN is mediocre.
The paint on your keys will wear off within a year if you actually use your computer.
The hinge is a wobbly piece of shit even compared to my 5 years old laptop.
If you did your own research, you'd know that ThinkPads can also by far outspec your Y700.

2/10 made me reply. Nice buyer's remorse though.

Thinkpad W530 i7.
>all ThinkPads are pieces of plastic shit
> They either have a carbon body
Carbon body eh, whats carbon, isnt it just plastic?
Not just getting an XPS masterrace instead of bickering who's shittop is better.
Yeah, but all the ThinkPads that outspec me are more expensive.

Also, "muh carbon", that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I have three ThinkPads that are all broken, most typically in the hinges, and whenever people bring their shitty ThinkPads in and I need to look at them, the casing is ALWAYS trashed and the hinges on ThinkPads are so fucking weak.

Don't even get me started on the fucking keyboards on them.
Also, wash your fucking fingers you disgusting piece of shit. I don't eat near my computer, nor do I touch it if I have too sweaty or oily fingers, I don't know what the fuck you're doing, but it's wrong.

And you keep on going about the hinge, but mine is absolutely perfect, and googling hinge problems only show problems with the Y50-70, so now you're just making shit up.

Seriously, fuck off with your fragile "geek" computers with specs that get outdated two months after release.
did you even finish reading the sentence?

Poorfag detected. I'm sorry you can't afford to use the best laptop of 2016.
>/g/: Twelve year olds
Everybody takes you super seriously
An acer aspire r15 with fedora. Works pretty well
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The last real IBM thinkpad
Coincidentally also the last ThinkPad that was worth it's price.
Samsung R70 with a C2D T7300, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8600GS

It's from 2007 (over 9 years old now) and still runs great. I'm using Linux btw.
ok mate

that's most likely spanish.
Thinkpad T420
some asus laptop from 2013

it's been good

i wish i wasn't retarded and tripped over the chord
now it clicks when i open/close it
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This, MacBook Air are for grandpas.
How does the T420 hold up in 2k16?
Currently deciding between a T420 or T430 because I finally want a Laptop.
Toshiba Chromebook 2 with elementary linux on it.

8/10 wish it had a quad core processor. Literally my only complaint.

That said, I've been traveling and working remotely much more lately, so I'll probably pick up an Acer Nitro V with an i7 quad core, gtx 960M.
Thinkpad X250, overpriced piece of shit.
I have a custom clevo, I game occasionally so it suits me, also plenty of internal bays for ssds/hdds
T420 is working completely fine for me. Especially with Linux installed. I think it will last for years to come. Plus you can upgrade it with and SSD and more RAM.

Mine only has an 500GB HDD and 4GB of RAM and that's still more than enough for my needs (CS schoolwork and internet browsing).
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HP Studio G3

Had to choose a notebook from HP at work. The touchpad is the only flaw so far. Battery lasts about 6 hours with 60% screen brightness.
ThinkPad X220 with an i7-2640M, 16GB RAM, X230 CPU cooler, 120GB SSD, and 500GB spinner.
is it fast enough?
That's italian, stupid faggots.

this, only complaint is that it likes to turn into a fan heater for a few minutes when I accidentally print out the odd couple of million samples in matlab
Lads I need a laptop ~<700 euros for college. Want a full HD screen and it needs to be lightweight (<1.5kg). A decent processor and ram would be nice, too.
What are my best options?
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