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Is this accurate?
Not really, Opera is literally a chromium reskin
Yep, chromes open a new instance every tab you have, even if you close one tab it can still left that instance running consuming memory in case you open another tab to load it faster. The reason Chrome is so fast is because it uses much more resources of your PC.
From my experience Firefox, Opera (Chromium reskin) and Chromium all consume similar amounts of RAM. Chrome probably eats more because botnet.
picutures like this are made by morons who think that they are very smart because they know how to open the task manager but yet can't grasp how freeing up RAM is actually expensive. and there is literally no point in doing such if have much left like most people over 4 gig have.
that is not an excuse for tons of shitty memory leaks
Isn't that a good thing?

I mean, I have all these resources like 8GB of RAM, a quad core CPU, a discrete GPU.

I'd want at least my web browsing to be smooth.
t. chromedev

shouldn't you be deprecating and removing some functionality of your botnet spyware or adding more telemetry and user-tracking features for your corporate overlords?
It was accurate a couple of years ago, these days Firefox consumes just as much memory as Chrome
It's bad if you're running several resource-intensive applications at once. So optimally you'd have Chrome for fast browsing and a second, less resource-intensive browser for multitasking, like a riced-out Firefox for specific tasks.
The other upside is that your second browser can be used for bypassing Chrome's "helpful" Google data aggregation, so everything from shopping to porn where search speed isn't as important as general web browsing can be delegated to the second browser.
to be honest they should all be drinking from barrels. Modern web browsers all seem to use hundreds of megabytes of RAM, sometimes even just with one Google tab open, it's crazy.
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