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How do we go from this...
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File: pny_xlr81600_7-260x173.jpg (17 KB, 550x367) Image search: [Google]
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How do we go from this...
File: Anarchy-X-DDR3-Red-fr.png (203 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
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Too much jacking off to anime, I suppose
This is gaming ram
Marketing (for underaged faggots)
Nvidiots like buying that shit.
Is this a comb for edgy children
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>not buying pure black and green components
Anyone has chart
you know you can just buy non-gamer shit right?
>non-gamer shit
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To this
kill yourself, use black paint and cover it up if you're that autistic.

Besides the OP picture has XLR8 dribbled in cum on the side and that isn't gaymer shit?

>has XLR8 dribbled in cum on the side

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>Not going with these
Why tho
kek, this looks terrible
fucking lel

Can somebody please shop this RAM with the JUST hair?
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Sorry but AMD is shit
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>not getting the best xtreme gayming ram
>guaranteed 100% no-scope headshot rate over poorfag value ram

What are you, a n00b?
>Using heatsinks on RAM that will be near the processor that generates more heat then those heatsinks can dissipate passively

I just buy ram and delid them if they get any cheaper then heatsink-less ones
Vengeance is their budget line now. Dominators are their xXx_pr0_gaym3r-grade stuff, complete with RAM cooling fans to let everybody know that you're the biggest retard in town.
how is AMD involved with this in any way?
ive always wanted to own one of each and have them in a big AMERICA build
Who cares what your fucking ram looks like? Do you nerds have a fucking wibdow in your case or something stupid?
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I care when the ram is needlessly tall and interferes with a heatsink.
Then remove the heat sinks or buy RAM without a heatsink.
I started using KLEVV for my Ram. They look nice and simple. Newegg carries them. Also of the 8 to 12 that I bought I had no problem.
Just bought these. Good to know I didn't fall for a meme
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pny has sexy SSDs
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Even their LED Ram as Rice Gamer as leds are...they are sexi as fuck.
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>tfw i had the SLi edition
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>Even their LED Ram as Rice Gamer as leds
That's the company. I knew I heard about them from a Linus video a while ago but haven't been able to remember their name or find the video.

If I wanted high profile ram for some reason that's what I would go with.

Until then no heatsink best heatsink.
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this is my ram.
Your shitty build always triggers me, if I found myself in your house for whatever reason I can almost promise i'd find a way to destroy that garbage just to force you to change it.
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What a shitpile.
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power crystal space magic edition
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This, it's cheap and works great.
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>not watercooling your ram
Is this the best looking RAM ever made?

that is some extreme shit right there
nothing personal, kid
Screw you guys, I think the edgy look is cool.

Heap of trouble.
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>not having a fan for your G4YM1ING ULTR4 PR0 N00BZ RAM
Why isn't this company dead yet? Are people still buying their USBs?
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I can confirm that this image is genuine.
white master race
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RAM (2).jpg
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I love my RAM.
do they still use shit tier controllers is the question
>buying budget RAM
It's like you hate your data
Their USB whats?
do these actually exist or is this just someone's one off project for the hell of it?
top kek
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all i can think of when i see HYPER XXXXXXX memory.
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Because fuck you OP
The fact that they have the word sport written on them makes me disgusted. Also the DDR4 version is pretty nasty looking.
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This is what all of it looks like for the most part anyway why not make your own beautiful heatsink.
I bought Corsair vengeance gayming ram because it was cheap.
desu I got some corsair vengeance as well back in early 2012 because it was so fucking cheap (compared to everything else) for what they offered. Got some 4x2gb 1600mhz sticks (more sticks = better right?) for 80€, an upgrade from my 2gb of 1333 ram , to use with my aging but still capable q6600.

i just checked the store i bought it from using wayback machine. 32gb of ddr3 1866 cost roughly 550€ in early 2012. Now the same kit costs ~150€.

Got the white one.
I heard it is recommended to buy say a 4*4GB set instead two 2*4GB sets.

If you want to ensure compatibility you advised to buy a complete set.
>implying nvidia itself uses puke green colors
They would've changed their logo already if it wasn't ingrained in gaymer's brains. They're not gonna risk that brand recognition.
that's because multi-channel. Theoretically improves memory speed. Doesn't matter for shit in actual benchmarks
File: You like boots don't you Anon.jpg (69 KB, 489x600) Image search: [Google]
You like boots don't you Anon.jpg
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Hoe lee fuck
I chuckled
Their buses, you know.
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This is great. Which came first, this or the fan LED color chart one?
nerds love this shit
nice bait
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Thread images: 28

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