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Searx vs. Startpage GO!
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Searx vs. Startpage

File: 1466694724700.jpg (43 KB, 530x464) Image search: [Google]
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Bu-But muh botnet! Muh privacy!
>Using a self admitted botnet
SearX is pure shit by modern standards... it's like Google circa 1999. Why is /g/ pushing it?!
>not disabling cookies on Google
>having a Google account
Botnet helps to improve search. Botnet is a good thing.
Startpage's whole idea of anonymizing Google's results is great, but is executed poorly, missing a lot of results that a regular Google search turns up.

>because they don't log by IP address
>not having a VPN

The only pleb here is you

>paying to route all of your traffic through a service that pinkie promises not to log
>not implementing your own search engine
>not running on your own server
>not connecting to your own separate internet with your own infrastructure

What are you an amateur?!

Maybe you privacy shills should just stop looking at cp.
>reinventing the wheel

Oh boy, what a moron

>not designing your own open source hardware
>not writing your own firmware
>not writing open source SATA protocols
File: 7687687.png (164 KB, 1813x928) Image search: [Google]
164 KB, 1813x928
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