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How pretentious is it to have a personal website dedicated to
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How pretentious is it to have a personal website dedicated to your career/projects as an undergrad student?
Please respond
I have a personal site since 14 so whatever m8
On a scale from 0 to 13, it's 0 pretentious.
It's fine, don't expect it to impress anyone though

It places you well above most other potential hire candidates. I've tried to beat into junior devs that their resume is just to get past HR drones (and provide a narrative of things to dig into in a real interview). Having even little toy apps available on github/bitbucket/whatever will distinguish you from the other faceless nobodies, prove you have a passion for development, and provide some credibility to you actually being able to code.

Try to show adherence to best practices. Ensure your repos are prominent in your resume and cover letter should you bother with one.
Reading this makes me kinda happy that I've only been applying to universities and pleb jobs. "Two hands, kinda willing to work."

I don't understand your response.
He's saying that actually getting past the hiring process at larger companies is so ridiculous he's happy that he's only had to deal with the shallow end of the pool.

Eh, I've had small companies ask me to do absurdly large take home assignments (I don't) with a multitude of interviews and large companies almost hand me a job with nothing more than a single interview.

Not everything is "valley jobs." Every company culture is different.
a portfolio?
This exactly.

With pleb jobs I mean physical labour kinda stuff. The sort of jobs your only qualification is that you're physically capable in doing them and willing to work for low wages. Having anything other than your name and date of birth in your CV is basically bragging as far as they're concerned.

Well, you tailor your resume to the job. If you're starting out and targeting anything you can get, you have a technical resume and a dumb resume. Don't put burger flipping on your junior dev resume (underscore your scrubhood) and don't put comp sci courses on your grunt job (flags you as a flight risk, you're out the moment you find something better).
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