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>Unironically naming your company Apple >A fuckin APPLE >Wew
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>Unironically naming your company Apple
>A fuckin APPLE
Macintosh is a type of apple
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>Not immediately seeing the metaphor for the Apple of Knowledge.
He was a fag what do you expect
>>Not immediately seeing the metaphor for the downfall of Eden
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apple records.jpg
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How original.
Not special for a skinned worm...
No, McIntosh is. McIntosh was already a tech brand though so Apple went with Macintosh.
>makes 3 times what googles makes a year

Not bad for a fruit
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>posting a non-GPU related thread
>unironically buying products of a company that asks little chink children to make their tech

Aka the rise of civilization.

>more than twice as old as google
>Immediately being cucked by religion

The apple, with the bite taken out of it, is a glyph for the apple laced with cyanide that the father of computation, Allen Turing, ate to commit suicide for a homosexuality charge in Great Britain circa the mid 20th century.
>On 8 June 1954, Turing's housekeeper found him dead. He had died the previous day. A post-mortem examination established that the cause of death was cyanide poisoning. When his body was discovered, an apple lay half-eaten beside his bed, and although the apple was not tested for cyanide,[118] it was speculated that this was the means by which a fatal dose was consumed. An inquest determined that he had committed suicide, and he was cremated at Woking Crematorium on 12 June 1954.[119] Turing's ashes were scattered there, just as his father's had been.

Turing had weird mannerisms, was introverted, apologetic and timid in many aspects of his life, except for hard science, like mathematics, and the field which he almost single handedly founded - computation - there he was bold and assertive
You mean the fall of paradise.
Konrad Zuse and Alonzo Church are the true fathers of computing. Turing's just famous because he killed himself.
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>Being cucked by the Devil
didn't they have a deal that ended with lawsuit after itunes was created?
really makes you think

If by "fall of paradise," you mean "trying not to die by 30," then yes.
>Not naming it Watermelon, the greatest of all fruits!
Why would that matter in the tech industry of all places?
It's a pretty great name. Friendly, common, simple.

If you want retarded names look at Yahoo.
Fuckin does
>because he was a homo and he cracked the enigma
Oh, is that why they made a big fuss over FINALLY getting the Beatles tracks on iTunes?
Well if he believes in paradise then he believes in the eternal life that said paradise granted Adam and Eve.

According to Steve Jobs, who most would consider a definitive authority on the issue, the bite out of the apple was a whimsical design change to make it more distinguishable as an apple. He said this after being confronted with the various theories about the bite. Its in (((Isaacson's))) biography. Read moar, faggots.
Why would anyone want to read Steve Jobs' biography?
tru dat

>I've never heard of audiobooks
>I'd rather listen to the same "music" over and over all day
How do you own any technology then you dumb cunt
Why would anyone listen to an audiobook for Steve Jobs' biography?
Because they don't feel like reading

I was hesitant to listen to it because of his stance on open sores development, but his accomplishments in marketing, electronics, and animation are undeniable. I would never purchase an apple product, but the principles that drove its success are certainly worth learning.

I just don't have the time. Audiobooks allow me to listen to 2-3 books a week while commuting and running errands. I learn better through auditory stimulation anyway.

It does lead to some weird associations though. Nixon's first presidential election is linked to ceiling fans because I was listening to that section of the book while repairing my ceiling fan.
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