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so rumors are true, >1080 got btfo
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File: UqFW5BV.jpg (1 MB, 3120x4160) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3120x4160
so rumors are true,
>1080 got btfo
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Except it didn't? You still need crossfire to beat it, which is unreliable, and then you have the driver overhead to deal with, because unlike reviewers you won't be using an i7 for your budget AMD card.
You've been spamming this picture from a two year old video all day. Have a (You) for effort my good man! You've earned both it and your $2.
instead of buying a 1080 and an i5, I can get me an i7 and 2x480 for more fps and less/same money
>seems good
And then you'll have to deal with crossfire issues.

Just not worth it, a single stronger card is better than 2 weaker ones.

Nice counterargument pal, haha here's a (you)
almost all AAA games or any widely known programs have good crossfire/sli support

and for everything else a single 480 is more than enough
woooowww it took two of you to beat me
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I am Polish and let me tell you, this article is written for 12-year-olds. The reviewer writes, quite literally, "THE VEGA WILL ROCK". This whole magazine, CD-action, is written for 12-year-olds.
Stay delusional MADfag
>posting from a phone
Look at this poorfag pajeet and laugh.
$0.02 have been deposited into your SHILLworks account, my friend! Have a most superb and hope-filled day.
>posting from a smartphone makes someone poor
Holy shit you AMDrones are delusional.
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Meanwhile at nvidias forums.
>goes to support forums
>finds people looking for support
No shit.
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>he posted to it twice
didn't they give you guidelines for this website, pajeet?
well uve got a point, single card is almost always better than sli/crossfire
but I get more performance for freaking 200$ less! we are not talking about 30$ or 50$, its 200$! Ofcourse it will not be the best product for less money, but I will have 200$ more in my pocket and the majority of the time the same "fun" with it
new leaks, PR slides

>support forum
>resolution to problem
Your point is?
this is intriguing
Not really, I hope it's improved now, but my crossfire r7 260x was trash.

Upgraded to a gtx960 and it's been smooth sailing since.

Cpu is an i5 [email protected].
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