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hey /g/ i hve a question for you i have a cpu intel atom with
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hey /g/ i hve a question for you
i have a cpu intel atom with socket 437FCBGA8 and i want to replace it with a better. can i find another cpu with other socket that maches with my mainboard? thanks in advance
Best cpu for that socket is the intel atom 330 I think. What cpu do you have?
intel atom and its in a notebook. does it care?
go get a i7 6700k
i dont think.i want something cheap and better
intel atom N270
If you have an atom 330 already then you have the best cpu for that socket that's why I asked. You might be better off getting a newer notebook.
The atom n270 is 1 core, 2 threads at 1.6ghz. The atom 330 is 2 core, 4 threads at 1.6ghz and has twice the cache.
i dont want buy a nes notebook i m just thinking to upgrade it. so i decided to put a new ram 2gb (i have now 1 gb) and a new cpu ( i was thinking something like intel celeron ).if i cant replace my cpu do you believe that with installing windows xp and the ram woud help me? because i have now windows 7
I'm fairly certain that atom chips can't be replaced as their soldered onto the motherboard
is that a good thinking of me to change ram and replace windows 7 with xp?
Atoms are typically too slow to browse the modern web without making you want to kill yourself.
paliomalaka fyge apo edo
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