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What is it like to be a sysadmin? Is it just glorified IT?
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What is it like to be a sysadmin? Is it just glorified IT? Do you need high level credentials?
this explains everything
worked for ISP for 2 years
Now linux/win sysadmin for a big VPS company
Idk what I watched but know I know everything there is to know about being a sysadmin.
This is a much more accurate representation desu senpai.
what is it like? do you just get to chill most of the time and hope nothing crashes?

is it as comfy a job as these vocaloid videos make it seem?
I thought of that, but I couldn't think where the bunny suit came in.

The first Project DIVA opening pretty much nails it, though.
>more cores
>more ram
>more storage
>more cores
I'm an SRE which is like a mix of devops and sysadmin. Not too bad. When it's busy it's really busy
unless ur front line its chill mostly.
i don't mind if stuff crashes, its on a daily basis anyway:
a vm crashed/no internet for an entire company/no emails or bad dns records..
comfy, yes, too much tho, i need to find another job desu, got bored + no progress.
there are different lines of sysadmins? I thought there'd be one per company
theres this company called kaiima that has its own sysadmins, but all they does is open tickets and i fix their shit mistakes/dns/exchange 2013/AD/backups/routers/etc.

so yeah, it can vary from place to place.
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