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I bet you're a dumb makiposter too
well linus did and he is a pretty smart guy, I trust him to make all tech decisions for me
No. Buy her art instead.
Linus shitted on them though.

Isn't Linus the guy that gets fucked by his co-host's fat cock?
fuck you DO NOT talk about our guy linus like that
I'm going to spit in the face of the first person i see wearing this
>amd fag detected
>makiposter false flagging other makiposters
No, Linus developed Linux
ask linus
my gf has them...
but she's an asian teenager so she gets a pass.
Don't be a fucking idiot
are you pretty buy it
if not donĀ“t do it
I have them. The build quality is bad.
Are you an anime girl, japanese or trap?
Anything else?

I've worn panties and socks and fooled 4chan I was a girl so I'm going to buy a pair.
just kill yourself homo...
Not even homo. Did it for sport.
I'd do it to pick up chicks.
Follow your memes. Don't let the memes be dreams.
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611 KB, 641x534
Post pics
They look cute, but they're absolute shit.

Retrofit them wirh proper innards? I might just slap a pair of cat ears on my k553s instead.
Get them. ^_^
That would be so random lol xD
Yeah it would complement your obesity senpai
Thread replies: 31
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