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I predict RX480 will be the best selling GPU of 2016 easily
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I predict RX480 will be the best selling GPU of 2016 easily
I predict that people will ignore it because its an AMD card and buy Nvidia anyway.

We're talking about GPUs here bud
>weeaboos watch/listen to this shit unironically

Kill yourselves
i predict that you're an idiot.

Anon this is literally the worse cancer I've listened too.
The 1070 will sell better.
why haven't you gone to reddit yet
it won't even be near the best selling card of 2016. just look at the stats for 2015, none of AMD's cards made the top 5. the 970 and 980ti outsold AMD's entire lineup.

It's gonna outsell that shit priced $600 1070

It's 2016 bud AyyMD are offering better performance for less
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>June 29
>RX480 turns out to be complete shit
>Rabid outcry of AMD shills everywhere on /g/ blaming "da jewz!!!"
>Nvidia reveals 1060 to save those who save the AMD meme
>AMD finally goes bankrupt, allowing a new competitor to enter the market that actually competes instead of being a monopoly filler

It'll be glorious
I'll probably get one.
I have a gtx 760 se now
There will be no new competitor. The only options on the desktop will be Intel and Nvidia monopolies. Enjoy your monopoly prices.
Post more teto desu

Yeah your an idiot if you want to pay a three grand for a GPU. AMD is the only thing stopping money hungry companies like Nvidia from fucking us over. I'm a console gamer too and I know this.
>There will be no new competitor.

yes there will. there's no IP bullshit stopping someone from designing their own GPU architecture like there is from stopping someone from designing a CPU architecture that implements x86.

>Yeah your an idiot if you want to pay a three grand for a GPU.

would never happen. NVIDIA's biggest revenue stream is gaming, if they give people no reason to upgrade they would lose out on 600-700mil $ of revenue per quarter and would quickly become unprofitable.
a few are 400 on newegg right now.
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Yes, yes, well done AMD, well done AMD

Sorry I can't upboat you here :^)
>yes there will. there's no IP bullshit stopping someone from designing their own GPU architecture like there is from stopping someone from designing a CPU architecture that implements x86.

Not him but in a business perspective that competitor would need to spend on R&D plus manufacturing making it harder for a new competitor to arrive, Matrox, Intel (if they build niche gpus) or Samsung (if they bought AMD) won't restore the competition . Enjoy your monopoly.
im poor and need a new video card but my monitor only has VGA input wut do?
screencapped for the future to prove you wrong
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This, I hate it but this. Prebuilts rule the desktop and all most people know is what came with it, windows and nvidia. Only way to win is to get in on that.

This will be the uninformed poorfags' card of choice this generation, since it will have a 192b bus with 6GB, while higher performing RX 470s with 256b/4GB at $150 will be automatically assumed to be worse.

AMD card vendors will probably be forced to make 8GB 470s at $180 or something just to recapture the retard dollars.
The people would have bought this card can already play LoL on their gtx 650s, whats the point?And if you already upgrade within the past year you can already run most of your games well with what you got.I think AMD missed the tain with this pc gaming is at a alltime high but PC building isn't anymore.
missed the train*
Why are all tripfags on this board Nvidia cucks? Does Nvidia just naturally attract faggots, or what?
Nah, nvidia has gotten a ton of bad PR lately so even the normies will start to take AMD seriously now.
He never said the card sucked ya dingus just that people go after the nvidia logo. But with all the dumb shit nvidia has pulled off it's starting to look like a bad purchase even for normies.

I mean this fucker is going to go for $200 a piece and have the performance of a 3.5gb 970 maybe even of a 980. Why in god's name would normies or more importantly OEMs NOT buy this card?
I predict it's 2016 and nobody plays on the PC anymore
VR will bring pc gaymen back to life. Normies will probably try to play VR games with their shitty gaymen laptops and realize what dogshit it is and either buy an OEM desktop or hopefully assemble one themselves.
The software isn't there and the price to high to bring anything to life,PC gaming cameoff life support with shit like LoL, can Vr do the samething?
>The software isn't there
It's growing.

>and the price to high to bring anything to life,PC gaming cameoff life support with shit like LoL
Sub-$1,000 desktops capable of VR are growing and will get better with things like the Rx 480. In addition the price of VR headsets are becoming cheaper and cheaper. We may have an okay VR headset around 2017 for ~$100
Do most people actually care about AMD vs. Nvidia? I just buy whatever is the best card in my price range and there's not much room for personal preference there.
PC gay men is bigger today than at any other point in history.
> muh GTX 1060

Yes, this will truly be the cuck card of this generation.

The 6GB will probably give Nvidia control of the $150-$230 segment between RX 470 and the 8GB RX 480, even though it will likely perform worse than the $200 4GB RX 480 in pretty much everything.

The only question is whether AMD drops the 4GB 480 and introduces an 8GB 470 or not.
The only people spending $1k on PCs are people with jobs and most people that playing games aren't even employed.

It things like consoles or phones that will do it not PC.
>The only people spending $1k on PCs are people with jobs and most people that playing games aren't even employed.
True but their parents are. Most actually love their kids and have some degree of financial security.

>It things like consoles or phones that will do it not PC.
Consoles and phones can't into VR. At least not good looking VR.

The whole point is VR and how much attention it's getting.
Check the RX 470 or 460 out, you can also get a hdmi to vga dapater
>be parent of /v/tard manchild autist
>"hi I'm looking for a nintendovideo 1080? It's almost my little tookums birthday!"
>"yes I meant the Nvidia GTX 1080! Silly me!"
>"oh $800 dollars is WAY too much! What is something below $300 dollars that is good?"
>"rx 480 for $250? Sounds good I'll take it!"
>"Muuuuuuuuum, how could you?! Do you want the others on /g/ to think I'm poor?!"
If AMD had a remotely competent marketing team it would
As hard as it is to agree with a cancerous tripfag, it's just the truth. Nvidia shills are just too strong and gaming babbys too retarded to do their research
Rx 470 8gb rumoured at $179 and available on the 29th

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normies will buy Nvidia no matter what.

Most of them wont even consider AMD when building a new rig and dont recognize AMD as a competitor to nvidia
You know it'll bethe 1070, anon.

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>pathetic heatsink
>AMD lying about tdp
>dx12 hokum used as trump card to lure in gullible fanboys

Fuck off AMD
500€ in Europe. I don't know anyone who think that's worth for a entry card.
1070 has serious supply issues, 480 meanwhile has a 20x larger supply.
So GTX 970 level performance for GTX 960 price?
GTX 980 performance for GTX 960 price
Actually the 1080 is selling even better.
Even if the RX480 pulls another 4870/4850 Nvidia will still win in sales.
How can AMD sell when they dont have catchy branding?
Why buy AMD when its not the way its meant to be played?
It's not like there is a big gap between the 970 and 980. Like 10-15%, and both cards can be overclocked 25-30%. But we don't know how much the 480 overclocks. If not much, a good 970 might end up being faster
>a good 970 might end up being faster

RX480 has 980 tier performance, not 970
Most games use gameworks/PhysX
When devs start using opensource AMD then I'll switch, I know I can use PhysX through my CPU but don't want to over tax it
I can't imagine the amount of butthurt when a 970 oc'd ends up beating a 480.

I hope it will be better though, some competition is much needed

>tfw it will cost 330USD here in sweden because we are cucked by EU (25% VAT on computer parts) + we only have like 3 retailers (inet, webhallen, komplett) in sweden who sell computer parts so they jack the price up aswell
i would never buy a gameworks/physX game

that shit needs to die and not be supported
>Ayo lil nigga dont buy AMD they got BAD DRIVERS n shit
>Now what you want is the mountain dew edition gtx 1060 for $250 which runs shiet like Overwatch at 60fps and you can use dat GAMEWORKS n shit. AMDrones got nona dat LOL
>wow sounds cool, ill make sure to get it!

Rinse and repeat
Or maybe, you know just maybe AMD keeps releasing shitty products with shit drivers and people end up going for the opposing team who does have their shit in order
>no it's muh tinfoilhat conspiracy
Why use that open source shit when Nvidia will pay me and help support me for using their tech?
GPUopen will never be relevant. Cant even think of a single game that uses it or companies thst care
Does AMD have an equivalent to nvidia shadowplay? I use shadowplay on my 980ti all the time to show my friends parts of games/levels. I also show videos to my co-worker who is looking to get out of console gaming.

I've tried FRAPS, and bandicam and both have either garbage controls, or a large fps decrease.
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>Shit drivers
Is it old meme time?
Time for Swexit.
AMD has plays.tv which is complete and utter garbage compared to Nvidia
as always
>470 8gb rumoured at $179

that seems sensible, but it also makes the $200 RX 480 4GB less viable in the market for normie consumers.

How things might shake out for the next 6-8 months:

> $100+: RX 460 4GB
> $120+: GTX 1050 4GB
> $150+: GTX 1060 6GB
> $180+: RX 470 8GB
> $230+: RX 480 8GB (with overclocked variants around $300)
> $350+: GTX 1070 (will get price dropped)
> $600-$700: GTX 1080 (mostly around $700)

AMD should dominate the entire $150-$350 segment, but the weaker GTX 1060 will probably steal sales from the RX 470 4GB model because of brand name strength and 6GB > 4GB.

On the other hand, Nvidia is being forced to squeeze its 1040/1050/1060 lineup all under $150 because of the RX 470, while they probably wanted to place the 1060 somewhere in the $200-$250 range, etc. Also, the 1040 might as well be cancelled if the 40%-60% faster 460 is being priced at only $100.
It does exactly the same thing Shadowplay does: record gameplay with zero impact on performance.

How is it utter garbage?
>> $150+: GTX 1060 6GB
Did you miss the prices on Nvidia's new 10XX series of cards? Why would you, for just one second, think that the GTX 1060 would be any cheaper than $269 at its lowest?
you must be extremely new to think that tripfag isn't an nvidia cuck
if it's gets 150% over my 660ti in linux then I'll buy one
Nvidia can only go full Jew for 1070/1080 since they're running unopposed by anything faster than a RX 480.

The 470 is a barely gimped 480 (~5 TFLOPS, 256 GB/s) for $150, and the 1060 is slated to be a substantially weaker card than that (2.8 TFLOPS, 144 GB/s).

AMD is going full kamikaze on pricing, and Nvidia can't just simply charge more for a 1060 than a 470, much less a 480.
I just feel bad for the people that bought a titan back then.
GTX1060ti incoming
Nvidia has a massive fucking hole in their lineup between the 1070 and 1060, but it would still take more than half a year to go from finished design to non-paper launch of an intermediate chip and board, even if they already had a fully validated part waiting in the wings.

The only alternative is to sell a *really* chopped down (i.e., intentionally wasted die space) GP104 at razor thin margins.

IMO they should just make the 1060 the 1050, go with a severely chopped GP104 as the 1060 for now, and get a legit intermediate chip through the pipeline ASAP.
Better to give up a little profit now than cede market share to AMD and lose the death grip of TWIMTBjewed for the entire next generation.
I have a 660ti right now

the rx480 and this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236722 monitor look so good right now

I wish there was a gsync monitor available for a similar price then I'd consider the 1070 or a future 1060/ti
Thats not how taxes work
>Intentionally gimping a card when your competitor is trying to be that tight with you on specs end and pricing
They can't afford that luxury right now.
AMD most likely has won the mid range/budget card lineup this time around and NVIDIA needs to concede defeat with dignity. Next time around they'll just have to step up their game and not let this happen to them again.
They will, and they will sell, don't underestimate brand popularity/loyalty, consumer stupidity and marketing. The 970 sold like crazy and even after the whole 3,5+0,5 shit, it was still the most popular gpu, until now, the 1070 will probably have taken it's place by 2017, the 490 will sell a lot less than the 1070, at a lower price and with better performance. I'll be getting 2 490s, and this whole thing will benefit me, as the 490 will likely cost less than $350, because the 1070 will be flying out of warehouses like fresh lemonade sold by a hot girl in a strapless bikini at a beach in Spain.
>there's no IP bullshit stopping someone from designing their own GPU architecture
Then why we don't have another competitor already, smartass?
>there's no IP bullshit stopping someone from designing their own GPU architecture like there is from stopping someone from designing a CPU architecture that implements x86.
Not him but you could not be more absolutely wrong. There is a ton of gpu tech patents, most of which are held by amd
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I love all this fucking projection.

I'm hopeful for AMD, but the day is quickly approaching and the fact there's no previews out on the card has me pessimistic. A bad preview would tarnish the release and they don't want reviews out until after the card is out. Could be money, could be because it's not all its hyped up to be. Time will tell.
But AMD doesn't have anything above the 480 either, and won't until next year. Anyone who needs something more powerful will be forced to buy Nvidia's overpriced memecards. Dual cards are not an option because some games don't support them at all.
The high-end segment is another issue altogether, but the topic of this thread is (nominally at least) best selling GPUs, which generally implies cards under $400.

The 1070 and even 1080 are arguably worth their prices in the short term due to being equal or somewhat better than the 980 Ti and having no outside competition, but in the mid-term, spending $450-$800 on cards that will be outperformed by likely 50% in 6-9 months from now is a less universally sound prospect.

Their other issue is that they are almost, but not really quite, good enough for solid 60+ fps at 4k resolution, which was the next performance plateau that people expected with this generation's halo products.
Because most normies have crappy 1080p 60 Hz monitors.
>Yeah but my League runs at 259 fps!
Higher frame rate than your refresh rate is still beneficial in certain games whose engines do things by frame. CSGO is huge in that aspect.
The 480 will sell to people who haven't upgraded in a while. Everyone else who has a 970-980 (aka everyone) won't upgrade.
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>tfw can't decide on whether to upgrade my 780 to a 480 or just save up for some more time and get a +350/400€ card
If you have to save up at all, just get the 480. Odds are, you can't afford to upgrade your monitor or cpu also, amiright?

480 is worth it even if its the same as the 970 cuz the driver support, 8gb of memory, better resale value and a new warranty
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How do I switch drivers over from Nvidia to AMD?

STOP with these threads! Just stop, please.
Is it better to just get the 480 or is it fine to get a 380 / 970 if they somehow drop super cheap after its release? Tryna upgrade but poor
>If you have to save up at all, just get the 480
I mean save up as in "waiting for more cards" and as in "to make sure the 480 is an actually noticeable jump from my 780".
>you can't afford to upgrade your monitor
I don't need a new monitor, I have 2 and the one I use to play is a 2560x1080, which absolutely rapes my 780 on D44M.
>and cpu
I'm on a 3570, upgrading would mean going for a new mobo, since I got the short end of the stick and am stuck in 1155, I'd rather get a performance-price killer now, or a slightly bottlenecked card for some time before going for the new generation of CPUs, I'm not going to go for current gen AMD or Intel because I don't want to get fucked in the ass once again.
If the difference in price is HUGE, maybe.

I fell for the bad drivers/ Nvidia is more expensive because it's higher quality shit last time around. AMD cards actually provide brighter colors too so I'm going with them this time around.
nvidia already dropped the price of the gtx 970 about a week ago. it's *still* more expensive than the rx 480 and has worse performance. the r9 380 will also perform worse and any price drop that could make it remotely attractive on a price/performance scale will likely be completely neutralized by your power bill.
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I hope the 480 doesn't turn out to be shit.

I plan on staying @ 1080p for the foreseeable future and the rumors make it seem like the perfect card for that.

Don't let me down, Mr Poo.
Thanks, guys
shall i trade my 290x in for a 480?

This unless Nvidia gets real and drops the 970 price down to around $200 it's not worth to look at.
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if you can sell the 290x high then yes
>Everyone else who has a 970-980 (aka everyone)

haha, my ancient 670 laughs at your ignorance
> and cries at my poverty
> paying $200 for a GPU that doesn't even have 4GB in [[CURRENT_YEAR]]


Kinda hyped for the RX 280
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