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Whatcucks edition 2

Old thread: >>55202851

New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions
If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: https://www.whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd
first for based tars
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>take a nap
>wake up
>my btorrent client has shit itself (qbitorrent)
>all files? fucking reset
>most force recheck ok, but there's a still a lot that failed the force recheck
>which client allows the largest piece size when creating torrents?
rtorrent, utorrent and deluge all max out at 16MB pieces. I want to make a torrent that's >25GB. Are there any clients which allow 32MB or 64MB pieces?

I noticed when I upload 16MB piece torrents and am connected to the first and sole peer, my upload is maxed at 16MB/s (I know, they're only taking a piece at a time) vs up to 200MB/s with 3-6 peers .

I want to maximize how much upload I can get as well as increase the amount of time. If I'm sending out 64MB/s chunks as fast as peers can swallow, I figure I can maximize my percentage of the swarm's traffic. ie they're downloading as much as they can --> less need for grabbing from other peers + torrent will be done by the swarm produces a snatch/ the peers finish snatches before they can distribute initial swarm pieces.

If it's a 30 GB torrent and 3 auto snatchers. I want 80GB+ uploaded.
I don't know. I tried to login a month ago and the site was so slow I gave up and never went back.
>tfw elite on beyondhd and they only offer un/pure/ gay-torrents and waffles in their invite forums
>mfw btn hdb master race and don't care
BeyondIPT is so fucking curry. They could at least use SOME of the money from ads and pay2leech on a better host
qBit has large piece sizes iirc

>wake up one morning
>all files seeding, comfy on ratio
>check computer, 67 downloading, 190 paused
>ended up downloading 6TB
>get jailed
>kill myself
>MTV needs 6 months for an invite
that's worth downloading to create torrents. how large? also the time it takes to create torrents @ 16MB/piece is 8 times faster @ 2MB/piece
Where did the term whatcuck even come from? I constantly see it being mentioned in the ptg threads now? I also see "ratiocuck" as well. What do these mean and why do people use them?
>* than @ 2MB/piece

qBittorrent v3.1.10 can only create torrents with up to 4MB piece sizes.
So that you redit faggots stay on whatcuck and don't come in through the proper gateway trackers with ur SJW haram
I don't know, been a year or so since I used it, but I remember 32MB at least.
I don't think the speed of creation is /that/ faster
Worth it if you want to? As a user, I don't care if the .torrent file is 50kB or 5MB to be honest

It integrates the derogatory 'cuck' insult with the 'What' aspect of grinding on a tracker; What is notoriously hard to get ratio on (so they say) so people have to be a little bitch and work for a decent ratio
>>get jailed
>Parajeet's trying to shitpost in ptg when he's only on IPT
Just zap em
haha faggot
>implying I didn't stop using IPT forever ago
WCD and AB son
>Kindergarten Cop A New Day 2016 BD25 Re-Encoded 1080p Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD MA 5 1-SLHD
Wtf is this supposed to mean
i made the story up, you're a tool
They have a user class called "in jail" I thought that was zek's creation. I don't use whatcuck nor on ur shitty weeb tracker. All 3 of those are hurr durr curry tbqvhwf, at least IPT is useful for ratiokeking when newfriend
>Sri Lanka flag
That it's time to get off IPT m8 ;v)
i am a newfriend to PTs
couple of months new
Your feeling when BTN and PTP never and still have 3 months for MTV
How would you know about the flag unless you're also on there :^)
What? Can you at least TRY to form a proper sentence next time you fucking mongoloid.

Ah okay but it's honestly not that hard to get buffer on WCD as long as you permaseed shit you actually listen to and like.
i could get on BTN via invite but actually have very little interest in it because i don't consume media except for music
>The /ptg/ Leecher's guide to easy private leeching!!

>Don't feel like seeding long term? Want to just download and be done with like you did on TPB? Want quality stuff without fucking up your PTP/WCD/BTN stats? The following sites/trackers are good for downloading quality content without seeding long term, if at all.

>1) MorethanTV (MTV) - Lots of TV shows and few movies. Ratioless unless you want higher userclass. No HnR at all. Serves as a minimal BTN backup for popular and somewhat-popular content. Rare stuff has to be requested. Easy to join via most private invite forums.

>2) Torrentshack (TSH) - Ratioless general tracker with minimal HnR and no stats are recorded except upload. Well-known as a BTN mirror thanks to their bot which grabs new episodes from BTN within minutes. Movies come from the scene, p2p, and internal encodes. Great for new stuff. Retention here is poor as with any general ratioless tracker, but they make up for it with volunteers who fill requests quickly. Easy to join via most private invite forums.

>3) Baconbits (bB) - Ratio-based, but no HnR at all. Good for downloading movies, TV seasons, books and music from other trackers. Not great for bleeding edge stuff unless it's popular. Excellent request fill rate since members are also on top trackers. Tons of freeleech, anything over 20GB is FL, and BP can be exchanged to FL the torrent of your choice. Their invite forums are as effective as WCD's as well. Used to recruit from reddit and all top trackers, but currently closed.

>4) SoItGoes (SIG) - Not a torrent tracker, but a Mega linksharing site. No seeding at all and very few dead links. Lots of internal movie encodes from HDB/AHD/PTP, tons of TV seasons, some books, and plenty of music. Not great for bleeding edge new stuff because of the relatively small userbase - better used as an archive for stuff older than a week. Use with Jdownloader or Megatools to make downloading even faster and easier. Recruits from bB, BiB, and TPS.
>How would you know about the flag unless you're also on there :^)
I came from IPT a year ago. I wondered what the fuck that meant too.

Then I learned
It means he downloaded/bought/had a BD50 stuck it in DVDFab chose to save it as as BD25 and a huge loss/compression.
Bigboyz invites are upppppppppppppppppppppp
why would I want to join reddit the tracker

I bet bernie sanders is their most popular thread right now
Being invited to Bigboyz means you can join pretty much any other top tracker through their recruitment forum. It's an easy way to get your start at private trackers.
yeah but you have to interact on reddit
has anyone here ever met someone in reallife that uses private trackers

I've met one and they used fuking IPT ghey
Only the people I've invited. I invite to IPT. Most don't use it, a couple do. I invited one to AHD and he's already been disabled for a fucking scene hit and run
i think i found the REAL fag
>why would I want to join reddit the tracker

It's based , while reddit itself is cancer and every thread is an outmeme contest to get the jew gold, their tracker is pretty great compared to /g/'s tracker that is kill.
small user base, 6k, inactive accounts are purned daily and it's a decent backup for the other big trackers, with a good request system.

>I only once invited a highschool friend to ipt back in the day, he created his account with the same username as mine appended by '1', got us both b&
Reddit is actually pretty amusing on how autistic the staff from pts are.

>someone claims 312c does shit like banning people that looked at a profile he linked as bait and then reports them at btn to try and get them banner there too
>312c replies "that never happened man"
>person posts proofs
>some faggot named thedeh_tps replies with a wall of text sucking the dick of every tracker staff he can
>both start to circlejerk on how reddit is unfair with 312c
link to bread?
Someone linked on old threads a reddit question about getting banned by just posting at /ptg/
fuck off liar. i have used qbittorent for years and it has been perfect. stop fucking jacking off into your keyboard retard
what a fag
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>power goes out
>torrents won't download faster that 8.5kb/s
It's pretty redpilled actually
my w.cd user id is 4 digits
Does BITME.org have HDB recruitment? Please confirm.
Thanks :)
>I want to make a torrent that's >25GB. Are there any clients which allow 32MB or 64MB pieces?

Post your user id for free yen.
>yeah but you have to interact on reddit

No you don't. You just have to post random shit. Nobody gives a fuck about that.
No. Never. Everybody either torrents, pays for cable or uses Netflix.
Possibly, since they share a staff member, but not confirmed..
Nope. I have a few dumb friends who got DMCA letters for public torrenting, that's about it. Everyone else just uses Spotify and Netflix.
Is bitme any good, haven't heard much about it.
cuck is short for cuckold, someone who watches their wife get fucked by another man

cuck is just a retarded word that vaguely implies you're getting fucked over, it's pretty meaningless and I only use it because it sounds funny

what.cd is hard to get ratio on so people call those who work for ratio "whatcucks"
My uncle, who has been on 4chan since 2004, is at the top of the pyramid.
Years ago he sent me invites to HDB and AHD, I didn't even know what a torrent ones.
He had me disable my account because was literally 12 and didn't know what that shit was.
And my computer had literally 120GB of storage while he was trying to get me to download 8~GB DVD rips..
>dial up
at least he tried
I have since gotten in on my own.
Does Emp have Delia TS on it?
Indian and Chinese dudes like torrenting so I've met a few that are into IPT and Asian trackers like Hon3yhd and for the chinks HDArea or TTG/Mteam.
>real talk
HD-Maniac or PTP elite?

I can do both, but PTP is ehh
Can you screenshot the page?
From where do they recruit?
Maximum Users: 6,000
Enabled Users: 5,995
Only 5 left now.
What even is the difference between bitme and learnbits? It's the same recruiter too.
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new thread time
kys animu fag
>using the smiley with a v nose
>using the smiley with a carat nose
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>tfw uploaders are too retarded to change the hash when uploading the same content to multiple trackers
>tfw can't cross-seed inside the same torrent client
>forced to use 2 clients just to cross-seed

I'm exactly those userclasses on both and can confirm there isn't any recruitment going on right now.
Just use both trackers in the same torrent, and set your client to contact all trackers.
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Pajeet please.
Or you could duplicate the content, you fucking autist.
Learn to use symlinks you retard.
Doesn't matter, you guys don't understand how utorrent hashes work.
It's good as e-learning trackers go, but that's not saying much.
They don't recruit. It's just that invites are ready to be given out.
this is some nice bait

>change the hash when uploading the same content to multiple trackers

I always do this.
>using utorrent
It would've done the same for any client dumbass.
How the hell does one get into BTN or PTP nowadays?

I have several years old accounts in both of them from back when they were still recruiting in most trackers, but a friend of mine recently was trying to get an account and after looking around in the trackers I'm power user in I didn't find a single recruitment thread for those two.
not if you know how to correctly cross-seed :^)
PTP recruits effectively on WCD Elite (2 months), BTN recruits on PTP PU (6 months).
>How the hell does one get into BTN or PTP nowadays?

Will you be one of the 35k on BTN, /ptg/?

Maximum Users: 35,000
Enabled Users: 34,080
Online Since: November 2nd, 2009
Born: 6 years, 7 months ago
Online Users: 182
Users active today: 8,957
Users active this week: 22,709
Users active this month: 29,428
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Bitme doesn't have any recruitment to any sites at all. Their invite section was taken away a couple of years ago and hasn't returned
>Bitme doesn't have any recruitment TO any sites at all. i.e. no invites FROM bitme TO anywhere
Deluge doesn't add trackers to the same torrent it private flag is set on them.

And in simpler terms, for a retard like you to understand, it just werks.
Bitme's recruitment thread on WCD PU just went to requiring a 6 month old account. Looks like they got flooded with requests.
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Would anyone on a porn tracker mind putting meme lover 2 on MEGA?
This is important.
i was able to get my ptp account back after years of inactivity, just try to log in, it will tell you you're disabled and give you an irc channel to visit to get re-enabled

btn however you're screwed because if you've been disabled for more than one year they won't re-enable you
shit, misread, please disregard>>55219403
Heil Hitler
if anyone's a PU on AB, could you head to the forums and post what guys are currently offering invites? trying to figure out whether it's worth going through the trouble of upping 10 torrents to make pu at the moment
PTP's down again
PTP is down again
PTP and MTV are the only ones that aren't completely worthless from what I remember. There's also lots of unofficial invite threads. Would take a screenshot but my phone is shit.
Alright, thanks senpai. Guess I'll wait it out until someone springs up with some whatcuck invites
What are you looking for?
I was asking if there were any worthwhile invite threads going on @ the AB poweruser forum. I'm mainly looking for an invite thread into w.cd
Wcd also invites there. And AHD is gone now but might return. You might as well get PU there, it's easy.
WCD is there but you have to be elite and have an account older than 6 months.
There is, but you need to upload 50 torrents for it.
>tfw acc is 5 years old
>but no torrents upped except for the 10 that were pruned
well fuck me in the ass, i'll just try my luck at a gay interview. 50 torrents takes waaaay too long to upload. (i mean, it'd be pretty easy to rip stuff off a jmusic tracker, but like i said, time consuming...)
thanks anons
better.php and whatbetter m8
Is PTP really worth the trouble of getting to WCD Elite and waiting to months?
Are there any smaller sized encodes?

I'll be honest with you, I'm Italy fag with a shitty home connection (20/1), I purchased a seedbox mainly for building a bit of ratio on WCD and EMP, but I don't think 20 Mbps is enough for streaming massive high quality rips.

I've been watching yify or general encoder stuff for years now and only when I joined tc I realized decent 720p are 4+ GB, which is a bit too much..
No. Enjoy your 4.37s
PTP down again?
>better.php and whatbetter
God is real
I got in through ab just recently. Much easier too.
one option is 576p rips, ptp has some but not many (mainly for mainstream films) but i think x264.me specializes in them, good ratio of bitrate/resolution for your connection

i don't know how you're streaming them, but 20 down is probably enough to stream a movie encoded at 15mbps (assuming you buffer a bit and download at exactly that rate consistently), which is roughly the bitrate of a 2 hour 1080p movie with low amounts of action/grain. look at the mediainfo for the bitrate and try it out
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>Baby's first trackers
Here you go pleb
meganz /#!AMQwBIKY!zIulbgEE05Swlfn7wIPgPQwOFAeRIiBTo9j2yyhtPbo

I'm not interest in anime at all. What would I have to do from joining to getting a PTP invite?
Just pu (10 uploads) and 6 months
And living in fear if they'll recruit when you reach 6 months

Well then wcd elite would still be faster I think. I need 34 torrents and 40 gb (easily filled with requests).
Yeah man
Italy fag here too, PTP has 576p(size range from 2-4gigs) 480p(size ranging from 1.5-3gigs)
Which are miles ahead of yify garbage

Also if ptp thread closes get into x264.me it was my first movie tracker and it has plenty of 576p encodes all freeleech
Is internet in Italy so shit?
Poland here, 5-6 MB/s and doing fine getting stuff from seedbox
>With an average speed of 8.5Mbit/s in download and 2.0Mbit/s in upload, the DSL in Italy is among the slowest in the Eurozone
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Thank you, anon.
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How do i get into u2.dmhy?
AB elite + TM preferably
>Not joining the ripoff EMP
How to get onto soitgoes though?
Bib, bp and tps
You join their irc and ask for an invite.
You don't change hash, nigga
Fuck off with this PDF bullshit.

>using proprietary format for /g/ info
nigga u dumb
>PDF was a proprietary format controlled by Adobe, until it was officially released as an open standard on July 1, 2008, and published by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 32000-1:2008,[5][6] at which time control of the specification passed to an ISO Committee of volunteer industry experts.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Not sure what bp is but I know Bib/tps.
Mainly for curiosity would I want to check out soitgoes and I got AHD/Tehc/PTP most recently so probably I'm fine.

Thanks for the info, anon.
Nigga I am dumb. Thank you for taking the time to enlighten me.
Not him but I got invited through IRC even though I could get in from BiB/tps. You need time and luck, and they will likely ask you ratio proofs from respectable trackers.

I highly recommend soitgoes, it is perfect for normalfags who don't want to seed or want commitment.
Trying to uncuck my WCD ratio with a seedbox
If you have to ask...
If I invite anyone it's to IPT. Except on guy at work that is a huge movie buff that I invited to PTP. Still uses it to this day.

If someone wants movies and tv shows I just invite them to my 16TB Softlayer server with Sonarr and Couchpotato. Works out pretty well.
Ah, alright. I have good ratio on my trackers but I don't think I'm on a tracker that has invites for it unless it's on Elite for what. Thanks for more info on it.
Did you follow any guide for that setup.
I've thought about setting up something like that for my friends/senpai.
Is BTN ever gonna get off their asses and fix it so the bonus points actually accrue at the rate their supposed to?
>HDB internals
>don't mux the .srt subtitles in the .mkv
>the subtitles are on a seperate file
>subtitles are often vobsub/other shitty picture format
>100mb samples
>nfo files
>bluray encode releases that don't even include any subtitles even though the bluray had some

Frankly I'm not impressed. I would argue that HDB is more curry than PTP just based on those points I mentioned.
(not that guy) Nice info, didn't know that, that's extremely useful
Okay i got a question, recently i noticed music is getting harder and harder to find on piratebay. And im not talking obscure college bands, but even kinda famous ones with singles and shit.

So, does what.cd have a vastly bigger collection of music or is it the same or maybe even worse? Does it pay off to go through this whole process of joining?
>tfw would trade hdb for btn if i could
wtf I can't believe they're doing that shit on HDB
You forgot
>literal 1s and 0s tracker
>dumb seedbox rules
>shitty old web design
Still me, also i'd like to note that im in a top tier country where noone cares if you torrent so the privacy part does nothing for me, just the collection of torrents.
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I've been looking for a torrent of Sgt. Frog funimatuon dub. All the ones on public trackers are dead. Is there any on private?
yes you baka
If you are concerned about quality (FLAC with 100% log, or even non-transcoded mp3s) or you have a somewhat obscure music taste, then yes, What.CD is worth it. What.CD is the most complete collection of western music there is. It's also extremely organized with group pages for every artist consisting of all releases and several editions.

If you're not really into music and you just want to move up to better private trackers, you should also consider starting at AnimeBytes or Baconbits. Unfortunately you'll need a reddit account with some credit karma to join the latter.
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is PTP down for anyone else? what the fuckkk
Where is comfy doge anon D:<
Only the people I've invited. It's been hit or miss. Some get disabled before downloading anything, some download shit and permaseed, and some have become active uploaders.
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A friend of mine is offering me an invite to join the scene.

Should I do it or stay in lowly leeching land with my WCD, PTP, & BTN?
Take a look at rutracker first. How obscure is the music you generally listen to?
Hi /ptg/. I normally don't post here, but does anyone know a good site for manga torrents? Doesn't have to be a private tracker, but just a site with good quality torrents.
fuk off
Get in the scene m8 it glorious
Help me out and I will.
annie may bytes, bakabt, nyaa
>tfw no intermission page
wtf 312c
The best is madokami m8
Madokami is the best
why the fuck is PTP always down?

it's been down more than it has been up since I got in.
is there anything more pathetic than a /pol/tard weeb? the AB community is a joke lmao
Yeah it's DDOS after DOSS ever since i got in too
Why the fuck is HDB so curry?
dunno pal
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>I've been looking for a torrent of Sgt. Frog funimatuon dub.
>why the fuck is PTP always down?

Probably cus of all the enemies they have made?
Is it Laser that curry nigger
MTV is closing recruitment soon.

Buy an invite while you can
He's a ponyfag not a curry learn your slurs anon
But he is...lasereyess is also his @ on twitter
Look at him...
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lmao he changed it
Its the eye paint/black that fucking gets me every time I see this
I wanna use this as my avatar on some pt's. You think I'll get banned?
post it in one of those show your face threads on the forums
probably because the staff are assholes and disable users out of spite and then can't even be arsed to login to cloudflare's enterprise account and resolve the ddos attack.
Newfag here. Is it honestly hard to achieve a good ratio on What.CD even if I have alright 100/100 fiber internet? Or is it pointless without that thing called seedbox?
No it's not hard.
you'll be fine. get in the /pyramid/, leave your pc seeding 24/7 and enjoy your buffer.
depends..if you upload stuff that's not on the site it'll be easy..
So what you're saying is that I can't seed the albums that I want to download and listen to?
But no one downloads what I seed. So you won't build buffer.
None of these 3 posts say that
He saying you can't get buffer because there isn't anything that isn't on the site already for you to upload.
sure you can, but it'll be a loooooooooong way until you'll get some decent buffer..the fast way is to autodl current year stuff and seed it immediately..
Dont listen to the what cucks. If you download something even slightly rare then you could seed it for a year and not have one person download it. If you seed something popular then you may get the odd MB here or there uploaded but generally the autist SSD seedboxes will get the upload. WCD IS a losing battle from the get go. Every single last drop of upload available is leeched from the system by drooling autists and their autistically configured seedboxes. Even if you download stuff you want and seed it there is almost no garentee you will ever make the upload back. This is the reality. The only way to get anywhere is to either pay to fill requests (lol) or get a seedbox for freeleech picks and hope you jump on them early. If you are doing it just for the invite forums then you really are jumping through hoops (hence the term whatcuck)

Good luck!
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>he can't keep up on what.cd
wew :^)
>not masturbating to obscure space frogs when the power is out
Such a roundabout way of doing things. Wish I could pay $50 or something for unlimited downloading for 1 year.
Congratulations you have autism
>PAYING to download
lel..just buy shit off of itunes then you faggot
then get spotify you retard
Usenet is what you want my friend
>mad that he can't keep up on what.cd
Thanks. I guess I'll give up the dream of What.CD and just continue buying CDs like I always have.

Itunes have awful quality and it doesn't even work properly on Windows.

I'll look into it.
Truth hit you hard? What you paying for that seedbox cuck?
what shitty seedbox has only 20mbit/s up? That's my home cable connection you weak b8er :^)
dude that picture is like a year old
>implying i'd update with my actual buffer
wew :^)
>february 20 2016
>one year old
looks like you're an idiot
>get on hdb
>its a 1s and 0s
>thinking your location + isp + approximate stats aren't enough to find you
HDbits.com is the wrong one :^)
.org m8 its a curry
Scientology Orientation Film
>it's a curry
the only curry here are you :^)

so then why did screenwatchers tree get banned again?
just to piss people like you off :^)
>I highly recommend soitgoes, it is perfect for normalfags who don't want to seed or want commitment.

To be fair, it's not enough on it's own. You need other trackers that let you leech stuff like TSH and MTV.
>why the fuck is PTP always down?

I dunno but I have HDB and other backups so I don't really care.
What's the BTN user count at? Has it gone up much since recruitment started?
Because they were all people who didnt fit that criteria.
They constantly get attacked because they don't have the sense to keep their mouths shut and avoid pissing people off needlessly.
How do you guys build buffer on HDB without a seedbox or insane harddrive space?

Also, why are some trackers so ugly?

Reasonably attractive trackers:


etc. Anyone got any additions?
>How do you guys build buffer on HDB
downloading internals and seeding them forever
>How do you guys build buffer on HDB without a seedbox or insane harddrive space?

I build buffer seeding ~500GB of stuff. What's the problem?
Is SCC any good/worth it?
Scene-only trackers are shit you dumb pleb.
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Cool. Now my night is fucking ruined because PTP is down and I don't have anything else saved to watch.
>he's not on AHD or HDB
Just asking you retarded nerd, you probably are in there anyway.
No I dont use scene trackers like SCC. I'm not a dumb nigger like you who thinks scene shit is good.
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Cool. Now my night is fucking ruined because PTP disabled me and I don't have anything else saved to watch
>he doesnt have a PTP backup like HDB.
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142 KB, 306x405
Is this a meme in the making?
more like ptp is the backup to hdb
I grew out of watching plebshit so most of the films I want are either on PTP or KG
>I grew out of watching pleb shit
hahahahaahahaha, good one
Everybody knows usenet is shit for music
Use RUtracker OP
He's right though, also, you are the one watchin g capeshit so
yourself, this isn't a deadpool thread
>ptp is the backup to hdb

Uh no, retard. Backups have less than the main source.
Am I the only one who is in HDB who thinks HDB is more curry then PTP?
No, that is an established fact, it's just the fact that HDB has great internals which makes it great.
Congratulations, you have been auto-promoted to Veteran User
How's ratio on AHD? And is it worth it over waiting for Elite on WCD to get PTP?
Not a replacement by any means, but it is the best "I can't get into PTP tracker"
How do i meet someone who has an invite so im not a stranger
is 'sex games vegas' on emp?
what does -0 day mean?
Did you join 3 days ago or something?
Is KG worth it? And, do they recruit anywhere?
Depends, BTN.
Thread replies: 255
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