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Is it worth getting an i7 over an i5, if I'm going to be
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Is it worth getting an i7 over an i5, if I'm going to be doing a lot of compiling?
Thanks, is this a good one to get? http://m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemnumber=N82E16819117369
yeah i5s are for gamers and poors
i3s are for normies

compiling software
media transcoding
emulation/virtual machines
Thanks. Are any AMD CPUs worth looking at?
get either that one or an i7 6700 (only get the K series if you are going to overclock and spend the money on a cooling system)
Wait for zen
no. AMD's single core performance has been a joke for 10+ years now and they've not hit price/performance with intel chips. there's no reason to ever use AMD processors
If i5 is for the poor, why the fuck do I have a i3?
I have an i3 and I'm compiling shit and running VMs literally all day (freelance software dev). It works fine. I would buy an i7 in a heartbeat if it would improve my productivity but I'm simply not compute bound in these tasks.

i7s are for video editors and CAD operators. 99% of coders don't need one.
Thanks all. I remember when AMD used to be as fast as Intel but half the price

got a 4790k, thermal throttled on the stock cpu cooler under load

now ive got mine overclocked to 4.6Ghz with a custom aio cooler and its a lot better. just make sure you get a custom cooler if you get one
I'm going to be using Scala for work, and its compiler is slower than Haskell's.
>i cant read
youre a normie faggot
Can't use over 3 cores with Gentoo, so it's useless for that

napkin math

as a coder, even entry level, you should value your time (meaning your personal time) at atleast $40 an hour

if you save 5 hours in the lifespan of the processor (let's say 5 years) you've made a better financial decision assuming a $200 price difference between your high and low end choice of processor

adjust the math as to your own preference but the time/value proposition always works in favor of hardware upgrades - hardware is cheap, time is precious
then why does 8 penguins show up when i boot up gentoo then faggot?
Thanks man, that's a good way of thinking about it.
Yesterday I watched a webm where a guy gave a blowjob to a dolphin, that is no normie shit
Normies have been watching that shit for years
youre clearly an edgy normie then
Amd performance has been shit after dual cores.
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