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What's the best free site to learn coding? Not using Code
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What's the best free site to learn coding? Not using Code Academy because you can't do much without pro, so yea.
>pic not related
use your fucking brain you retard
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thanks, i'd rather not
What language and what field?
hey if you're not going to help, I guess I will.

OP, welcome to the dark side >:) lol I'm just kidding :) coding is a lot of fun and can be a source of good in the world :D

The first thing you'll want to do is learn about the contributor covenant - it's a really great first step toward understanding and interacting with other programmers from different backgrounds than yourself. You can read one version of it here: http://contributor-covenant.org/

but you should look for the corresponding codes of conduct for projects that don't use the contributor covenant, and advocate that existing projects adopt one if they don't have one yet - it's usually a simple oversight, and fixing this will encourage people from marginalized communities (like the lgbtqqip2saa) to participate where they might have felt disenfranchised before :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! We're all here to help.
Scientologists get off my board
Was leaning towards Javascript, and I'm not sure what you mean by field, but I'm completely new to this stuff
Thank you so much. I'll check it out.
For really basic stuff, Khan Academy has some good JavaScript as well as general CS stuff
why can't you just read a fucking book on the subject? surely they have practice exercises and a fuckton of useful information
Thanks for the help
>I really appreciate it
>What's the best free site to learn coding
Came here to post this.

LISP isn't a great language, but that's an amazing book.
Always the best starting point.
Have you tried youtube? Once you get start you won't really need it anymore.
low level?
k&r c

high level?

web shit?
free code camp

your welcome
Read HtDP. It's the best self-learner programming book. There's a course based around it on coursera or something I think too, but just the book is fine.
Tutorials Point
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>Code Academy
Fucking illiterate white people. Show me where is the A in Academy.
>niggers doing tech
>OP is a representative for the entire white race

Raise your IQ above a single digit then come back.
k&r isn't for beginners, especially for someone that has no idea of programming.
it's best you don't learn if you make threads like this here
*computer algorithm artisan
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